# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of # this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. from decimal import Decimal from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime from trytond.model import ModelView, Workflow, ModelSQL, fields from trytond.pyson import Eval, Bool from trytond.pool import Pool from trytond.report import Report from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateAction, Button, StateTransition from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.model.exceptions import AccessError from trytond.i18n import gettext STATES_OP = { 'readonly': Eval('state').in_(['check_out', 'done', 'cancelled']) } STATES_MNT = { 'readonly': Eval('state') != 'draft', } COLOR_BOOKING = { 'draft': '#9b9f9f', 'check_in': '#e6bd0f', 'check_out': '#09a4cd', 'done': '#315274', } COLOR_MNT = { 'draft': '#e87a7a', 'confirmed': '#d45757', 'done': '#d45757', } INVOICE_STATES = [ ('', ''), ('pending', 'Pending'), ('in_process', 'In Process'), ('invoiced', 'Invoiced'), ('paid', 'Paid') ] COMPLEMENTARY = [ ('', ''), ('in_house', 'In House'), ('courtesy', 'Courtesy') ] _ZERO = Decimal('0') # class Operation(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView): # 'Operation' # __name__ = 'hotel.operation' # _rec_name = 'reference' # reference = fields.Char('Reference', select=True, readonly=True) # kind = fields.Selection([ # ('occupancy', 'Occupancy'), # ('maintenance', 'Maintenance'), # ('statement', 'Statement'), # ], 'Kind') # party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', select=True, # states=STATES_OP, required=True) # main_guest = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Main Guest', select=True, # states=STATES_OP, required=True) # room = fields.Many2One('hotel.room', 'Room', select=True, required=False, # states=STATES_OP) # accommodation = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Accommodation Product', # domain=[('kind', '=', 'accommodation')], states=STATES_OP) # start_date = fields.Date('Arrival Date', states=STATES_OP) # end_date = fields.Date('Departure Date', states=STATES_OP) # description = fields.Char('Description', states=STATES_OP) # state = fields.Selection(OPERATION_STATES, 'State', readonly=True) # state_string = state.translated('state') # invoice_state = fields.Selection(INVOICE_STATES, 'Invoice State', # readonly=True) # lines = fields.One2Many('hotel.folio.charge', 'operation', 'Lines', # states=STATES_OP) # origin = fields.Reference('Origin', selection='get_origin', select=True, # states={'readonly': True}) # guests = fields.One2Many('hotel.operation.guest', 'operation', # 'Guests', add_remove=[], states=STATES_OP) # price_list = fields.Many2One('product.price_list', 'Price List', # states=STATES_OP, depends=['state', 'lines']) # currency = fields.Many2One('currency.currency', 'Currency', # required=True, depends=['state']) # nights_quantity = fields.Function(fields.Integer('Nights'), # 'get_nights_quantity') # unit_price = fields.Numeric('Unit Price', digits=(16, 4), states=STATES_OP) # unit_price_w_tax = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Unit Price With Tax'), # 'get_unit_price_w_tax') # taxes_exception = fields.Boolean('Taxes Exception', states=STATES_OP) # breakfast_included = fields.Boolean('Breakfast Included', states=STATES_OP) # add_default_charges = fields.Boolean('Add Default Charges', states=STATES_OP) # # sale = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('sale.sale', 'Sale'), 'get_sale') # sale_line = fields.Many2One('sale.line', 'Sale Line', select=True) # company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', states=STATES_OP) # total_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Total Amount', # digits=(16, 2)), 'get_total_amount') # total_amount_today = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Total Amount Today', # digits=(16, 2)), 'get_total_amount') # room_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Room Amount', # digits=(16, 2)), 'get_room_amount') # room_amount_today = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Room Amount Today', # digits=(16, 2)), 'get_room_amount') # pending_payment = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Pending Payment', # digits=(16, 2)), 'get_pending_payment') # notes = fields.Text('Notes', select=True, states=STATES_OP) # complementary = fields.Boolean('Complementary', states=STATES_OP) # type_complementary = fields.Selection(COMPLEMENTARY, 'Type Complementary', states={ # 'invisible': ~Bool(Eval('complementary')), # 'required': Bool(Eval('complementary')), # }) # operation_target = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation Target') # transfered_operations = fields.One2Many('hotel.operation', # 'operation_target', 'Transfered Operations', states=STATES_OP) # vouchers = fields.Many2Many('hotel.operation-account.voucher', 'operation', # 'voucher', 'Vouchers', states=STATES_OP, domain=[], depends=['party']) # agent = fields.Many2One('commission.agent', 'Agent') # # stock_moves = fields.Many2Many('hotel.operation-stock.move', 'operation', # # 'move', 'Stock Moves', states={'readonly': True}) # # @classmethod # def __setup__(cls): # super(Operation, cls).__setup__() # cls._transitions |= set(( # ('draft', 'open'), # ('draft', 'cancelled'), # ('open', 'draft'), # ('open', 'closed'), # ('closed', 'open'), # )) # cls._buttons.update({ # 'draft': { # 'invisible': True, # }, # 'open': { # 'invisible': Eval('state') != 'draft', # }, # 'close': { # 'invisible': Eval('state') == 'closed', # }, # 'cancel': { # 'invisible': Eval('state') != 'draft', # }, # 'bill': { # 'invisible': Eval('invoice_state') == 'invoiced', # }, # 'pay_advance': { # 'invisible': Eval('state') == 'closed', # }, # }) # # @classmethod # def validate(cls, records): # super(Operation, cls).validate(records) # for r in records: # operations = cls.search([ # ('room', '=', r.room.id), # ('id', '!=', r.id), # ('state', '!=', 'cancelled'), # ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), # ['AND', ['OR', # [ # ('start_date', '>=', r.start_date), # ('end_date', '<', r.start_date), # ], [ # ('start_date', '>=', r.end_date), # ('end_date', '<=', r.end_date), # ] # ]]]) # if operations: # raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_occupied_room', s=r.room.name)) # # @classmethod # def occupancy_rate(cls, start, end): # pool = Pool() # today_ = pool.get('ir.date').today() # after_days = today_ + timedelta(days=3) # before_days = today_ - timedelta(days=3) # operations = cls.search([ # ('state', 'not in', ['closed', 'cancelled']), # ('start_date', '>=', before_days), # ('end_date', '<=', after_days), # ]) # Room = pool.get('hotel.room') # Housekeeping = pool.get('hotel.housekeeping') # housekeepings = Housekeeping.search([ # ('state', '=', 'maintenance') # ]) # room_ids = [] # for hk in housekeepings: # room_ids.append(hk.room.id) # rooms = Room.search([ # ('id', 'not in', room_ids) # ]) # qty_booking = len(operations) # qty_rooms = len(rooms) # return qty_booking / qty_rooms # # def get_unit_price_w_tax(self, name=None): # Tax = Pool().get('account.tax') # res = self.unit_price # if self.unit_price and self.accommodation and not self.taxes_exception: # values = Tax.compute( # self.accommodation.template.customer_taxes_used, # self.unit_price or _ZERO, 1 # ) # if len(values) > 0: # value = values[0] # res = value['base'] + value['amount'] # return round(res, Operation.total_amount.digits[1]) # # def get_pending_payment(self, name=None): # res = _ZERO # if self.total_amount: # amount_paid = sum([v.amount_to_pay for v in self.vouchers]) # res = self.total_amount - amount_paid # res = round(res, Operation.total_amount.digits[1]) # return res # # def get_total_amount(self, name=None): # res = [] # if name == 'total_amount': # if self.unit_price_w_tax and self.nights_quantity: # res.append(self.room_amount) # else: # if self.unit_price_w_tax and self.nights_quantity: # res.append(self.room_amount_today) # # res.extend([l.amount for l in self.lines if l.amount]) # if res: # return round(sum(res), Operation.total_amount.digits[1]) # return _ZERO # # def get_room_amount(self, name=None): # res = 0 # Date = Pool().get('ir.date') # if self.unit_price_w_tax and self.nights_quantity: # if name == 'room_amount': # res = self.unit_price_w_tax * self.nights_quantity # else: # delta = (Date.today() - self.start_date).days # res = self.unit_price_w_tax * delta # return round(res, Operation.total_amount.digits[1]) # # @staticmethod # def default_invoice_state(): # return 'pending' # # @staticmethod # def default_company(): # return Transaction().context.get('company') # # @staticmethod # def default_currency(): # Company = Pool().get('company.company') # company = Company(Transaction().context.get('company')) # return company.currency.id # # @staticmethod # def default_state(): # return 'draft' # # @staticmethod # def default_kind(): # return 'occupancy' # # @classmethod # def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause): # _, operator, value = clause # if operator.startswith('!') or operator.startswith('not '): # bool_op = 'AND' # else: # bool_op = 'OR' # domain = [ # bool_op, # ('main_guest', operator, value), # ('reference', operator, value), # ('room.name', operator, value), # ('party.name', operator, value), # ] # return domain # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button # @Workflow.transition('open') # def open(cls, records): # for rec in records: # rec.update_housekeeping('check_in') # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button # @Workflow.transition('closed') # def close(cls, records): # pass # # for rec in records: # # rec.update_housekeeping('check_out') # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button # def bill(cls, records): # for rec in records: # if rec.complementary: # return # cls.create_sales([rec]) # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button # @Workflow.transition('draft') # def draft(cls, records): # pass # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button # @Workflow.transition('cancelled') # def cancel(cls, records): # pass # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button_action('hotel.wizard_operation_check_out') # def check_out_wizard(cls, records): # pass # # @classmethod # @ModelView.button_action('hotel.wizard_operation_advance_voucher') # def pay_advance(cls, records): # pass # # @classmethod # def validate_check_out_date(cls, records): # Date = Pool().get('ir.date') # today = Date.today() # for rec in records: # if rec.end_date != today: # return False # # def update_housekeeping(self, state): # pool = Pool() # Housekeeping = pool.get('hotel.housekeeping') # Configuration = pool.get('hotel.configuration') # config = Configuration.get_configuration() # if not config.cleaning_check_in or not config.cleaning_check_out \ # or not config.cleaning_occupied: # raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_missing_cleaning_configuration')) # if state == 'check_in': # values = { # 'availability': 'occupied', # 'cleaning_type': config.cleaning_occupied.id # } # elif state == 'check_out': # values = { # 'availability': 'available', # 'state': 'dirty', # 'cleaning_type': config.cleaning_check_out.id # } # # housekeepings = Housekeeping.search([ # ('room', '=', self.room.id) # ]) # if not housekeepings: # raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_missing_configuration_housekeeping_rooms')) # Housekeeping.write(housekeepings, values) # # @classmethod # def _get_origin(cls): # return ['hotel.operation.maintenance', 'hotel.folio'] # # @classmethod # def copy(cls, operations, default=None): # if default is None: # default = {} # else: # default = default.copy() # default.setdefault('state', 'draft') # default.setdefault('invoice_state', '') # return super(Operation, cls).copy(operations, default=default) # # @classmethod # def get_origin(cls): # Model = Pool().get('ir.model') # models = cls._get_origin() # models = Model.search([ # ('model', 'in', models), # ]) # return [(None, '')] + [(m.model, m.name) for m in models] # # @classmethod # def get_calendar(cls, args={}): # Room = Pool().get('hotel.room') # rooms = Room.search_read([], fields_names=['name', 'code'], # order=[('code', 'ASC')] # ) # resources = [{'id': str(r['id']), 'name': r['name']} for r in rooms] # # _date = args.get('date') # if _date: # _date = datetime.strptime(_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') # else: # _date = date.today() # # start_date = _date - timedelta(days=15) # end_date = _date + timedelta(days=45) # operations = cls.search_read([ # ('start_date', '>=', start_date), # ('start_date', '<=', end_date), # ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), # ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'check_in', 'check_out', 'finished']), # ], fields_names=['reference', 'kind', 'party.name', 'start_date', # 'end_date', 'room', 'room.name', 'accommodation.rec_name', # 'state', 'origin', 'main_guest.name'] # ) # # events = [] # for o in operations: # _state = o['state'] # if o['kind'] == 'occupancy': # bg_color = COLOR_BOOKING[_state] # else: # bg_color = COLOR_MNT[_state] # events.append({ # 'id': o['id'], # 'resourceId': str(o['room']), # 'title': o['party.name'] or ' ', # 'reference': o['reference'], # 'room': o['room.name'], # 'accommodation': o['accommodation.rec_name'], # 'start': str(o['start_date']), # 'end': str(o['end_date']), # 'resizable': False, # 'bgColor': bg_color # }) # return [resources, events] # # # @classmethod # # def validate(cls, operations): # # for op in operations: # # op.check_dates( # # op.start_date, # # op.end_date, # # op.room, # # op, # # ) # # super(Operation, cls).validate(operations) # # @classmethod # def get_available_rooms(cls, start_date, end_date, rooms_ids=[], oper=None): # """ # Look for available rooms. # # given the date interval, return a list of room ids. # # a room is available if it has no operation that overlaps # with the given date interval. # # the optional 'rooms' list is a list of room instance, is an # additional filter, specifying the ids of the desirable rooms. # # the optional 'oper' is an operation object that has to be # filtered out of the test. it is useful for validating an already # existing operation. # """ # # if start_date >= end_date: # raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_invalid_date_range')) # # # define the domain of the operations that find a # # room to be available # dom = ['AND', ['OR', # [ # ('start_date', '>=', start_date), # ('start_date', '<', end_date), # ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), # ], [ # ('end_date', '<=', end_date), # ('end_date', '>', start_date), # ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), # ], [ # ('start_date', '<=', start_date), # ('end_date', '>=', end_date), # ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), # ], # ]] # ## If oper was specified, do not compare the operations with it # if oper is not None: # dom.append(('id', '!=', oper.id)) # # if rooms_ids: # dom.append(('room', 'in', rooms_ids)) # # operations = cls.search(dom) # rooms_not_available_ids = [operation.room.id for operation in operations] # rooms_available_ids = set(rooms_ids) - set(rooms_not_available_ids) # return list(rooms_available_ids) # # @classmethod # def check_dates(cls, start_date, end_date, room, operation=None): # rooms_ids = [room.id] # available_rooms = cls.get_available_rooms( # start_date, end_date, rooms_ids, operation # ) # if room.id not in available_rooms: # raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.overlap_operation_line', s=room.name)) # # def get_nights_quantity(self, name=None): # """ # Compute nights between start and end # return a integer the mean days of occupancy. # """ # nights = 0 # if self.start_date and self.end_date: # nights = (self.end_date - self.start_date).days # return nights # # @classmethod # def get_room_info(cls, op): # description = ' \n'.join([ # op.accommodation.rec_name, # 'Huesped Principal: ' + op.main_guest.name, # 'Habitacion: ' + op.room.name, # 'Llegada: ' + str(op.start_date), # 'Salida: ' + str(op.end_date), # ]) # return description # # @classmethod # def get_grouped_sales(cls, operations): # res = {} # transfered = [] # for op in operations: # for top in op.transfered_operations: # top.party = op.party # transfered.append(top) # # operations.extend(transfered) # filtered_ops = [op for op in operations if op.invoice_state == 'pending'] # for op in filtered_ops: # if op.party.id not in res.keys(): # # Add room product to sale # res[op.party.id] = { # 'party': op.party.id, # 'currency': op.currency.id, # 'payment_term': None, # 'guests_qty': len(op.guests) + 1, # 'reference': op.reference, # 'agent': op.agent or None, # 'rooms': op.room.name, # 'company': op.company.id, # 'add_default_charges': op.add_default_charges, # 'vouchers': op.vouchers, # 'lines': [{ # 'operations': [op], # 'description': cls.get_room_info(op), # 'quantity': op.nights_quantity, # 'product': op.accommodation, # 'unit_price': op.unit_price, # 'taxes_exception': op.taxes_exception, # }] # } # else: # res[op.party.id]['rooms'] += ' ' + op.room.name # res[op.party.id]['lines'].append({ # 'operations': [op], # 'description': cls.get_room_info(op), # 'quantity': op.nights_quantity, # 'product': op.accommodation, # 'unit_price': op.unit_price, # 'taxes_exception': op.taxes_exception, # }) # for line in op.lines: # if line.sale_line: # continue # invoice_party_id = line.invoice_to.id # unit_price = op.currency.round(line.unit_price) # if invoice_party_id != op.party.id: # if invoice_party_id not in res.keys(): # res[invoice_party_id] = { # 'party': line.invoice_to.id, # 'currency': op.currency.id, # 'payment_term': None, # 'lines': [], # } # res[invoice_party_id]['lines'].append({ # 'description': ' | '.join([ # str(line.date_service), # line.order or '', # line.description or '' # ]), # 'quantity': line.quantity, # 'product': line.product, # 'operation_line': line, # 'unit_price': unit_price, # 'operation_line': line, # 'taxes_exception': op.taxes_exception, # }) # return res # # @classmethod # def create_sales(cls, records): # pool = Pool() # Date = pool.get('ir.date') # SaleLine = pool.get('sale.line') # FolioCharge = pool.get('hotel.folio.charge') # Configuration = pool.get('hotel.configuration') # SaleVoucher = pool.get('sale.sale-account.voucher') # configuration = Configuration.get_configuration() # date_ = Date.today() # ctx = {} # sales_to_create = cls.get_grouped_sales(records) # for rec in sales_to_create.values(): # if rec.get('price_list'): # ctx['price_list'] = rec.get('price_list') # ctx['sale_date'] = date_ # ctx['currency'] = rec['currency'] # ctx['customer'] = rec.party.id # # sale = cls._get_new_sale(rec) # sale.save() # if rec.get('vouchers'): # for v in rec['vouchers']: # SaleVoucher.create([{ # 'voucher': v.id, # 'sale': sale.id # }]) # # # Add and create default charges lines if exists # if rec.get('guests_qty') and rec.get('add_default_charges'): # for product in configuration.default_charges: # if rec.party: # taxes_ids = cls.get_taxes(sale, product) # new_line = { # 'sale': sale.id, # 'type': 'line', # 'unit': product.template.default_uom.id, # 'quantity': rec['guests_qty'], # 'unit_price': product.template.list_price, # 'product': product.id, # 'description': product.rec_name, # } # if taxes_ids: # new_line.update({'taxes': [('add', taxes_ids)]}) # if new_line: # SaleLine.create([new_line]) # # for _line in rec['lines']: # line, = SaleLine.create([cls._get_sale_line(sale, _line)]) # if _line.get('operations'): # cls.write(_line.get('operations'), { # 'sale_line': line.id, # 'invoice_state': 'in_process' # }) # else: # FolioCharge.write([_line.get('operation_line')], { # 'sale_line': line.id, # 'state': 'invoiced', # }) # # @classmethod # def get_context_price(cls, sale, product): # context = {} # # context['currency'] = sale.currency.id # context['customer'] = sale.party.id # context['price_list'] = sale.price_list.id if sale.price_list else None # context['uom'] = product.template.default_uom.id # # # Set taxes before unit_price to have taxes in context of sale price # taxes = [] # pattern = {} # for tax in product.customer_taxes_used: # if sale.party and sale.party.customer_tax_rule: # tax_ids = sale.party.customer_tax_rule.apply(tax, pattern) # if tax_ids: # taxes.extend(tax_ids) # continue # taxes.append(tax.id) # if sale.party and sale.party.customer_tax_rule: # tax_ids = sale.party.customer_tax_rule.apply(None, pattern) # if tax_ids: # taxes.extend(tax_ids) # # context['taxes'] = taxes # return context # # @classmethod # def get_taxes(cls, sale, product): # ctx = cls.get_context_price(sale, product) # return ctx['taxes'] # # @classmethod # def _get_sale_line(cls, sale, line): # new_line = { # 'sale': sale.id, # 'type': 'line', # 'unit': line['product'].template.default_uom.id, # 'quantity': line['quantity'], # 'unit_price': line['unit_price'], # 'product': line['product'].id, # 'description': line['description'], # } # if not line['taxes_exception']: # taxes_ids = cls.get_taxes(sale, line['product']) # if taxes_ids: # new_line.update({'taxes': [('add', taxes_ids)]}) # return new_line # # # class OperationGuest(ModelSQL, ModelView): # 'Operation Guest' # __name__ = 'hotel.operation.guest' # _rec_name = 'party' # operation = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation', # required=True, ondelete='CASCADE') # party = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Party', required=True) # # def get_rec_name(self, name): # if self.party: # return self.party.name class OperationMaintenance(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Operation Maintenance' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.maintenance' operation = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation', states=STATES_MNT) room = fields.Many2One('hotel.room', 'Room', states=STATES_MNT, select=True, required=True) kind = fields.Selection([ ('maintenance', 'Maintenance'), ], 'Kind', readonly=True, select=True) start_date = fields.Date('Start Date', states=STATES_MNT, required=True, select=True) end_date = fields.Date('End Date', states=STATES_MNT, required=True, select=True) description = fields.Text('Description', states=STATES_MNT, select=True) state = fields.Selection([ ('draft', 'Draft'), ('confirmed', 'Confirmed'), ('finished', 'Finished'), ('cancelled', 'Canceled'), ], 'State', readonly=True, select=True) @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(OperationMaintenance, cls).__setup__() cls._transitions |= set(( ('draft', 'confirmed'), ('draft', 'cancelled'), ('confirmed', 'finished'), ('confirmed', 'cancelled'), )) cls._buttons.update({ 'cancel': { 'invisible': ~Eval('state').in_(['draft', 'confirmed']), }, 'draft': { 'invisible': Eval('state') != 'confirmed', }, 'confirm': { 'invisible': Eval('state') != 'draft', }, 'finish': { 'invisible': Eval('state') != 'confirmed', }, }) @classmethod def trigger_create(cls, records): for mant in records: mant.create_operation() @staticmethod def default_kind(): return 'maintenance' @staticmethod def default_state(): return 'draft' @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('draft') def draft(cls, records): pass @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('cancelled') def cancel(cls, records): for mant in records: mant.delete_operation() @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('confirmed') def confirm(cls, records): for mant in records: mant.update_operation({'state': 'confirmed'}) @classmethod @ModelView.button @Workflow.transition('finished') def finish(cls, records): for mant in records: mant.update_operation({'state': 'finished'}) def delete_operation(self): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') Operation.delete([self.operation]) def create_operation(self): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') values = { 'kind': 'maintenance', 'room': self.room, 'start_date': self.start_date, 'end_date': self.end_date, 'state': self.state, 'origin': str(self) } operation, = Operation.create([values]) self.write([self], {'operation': operation.id}) def update_operation(self, values): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') Operation.write([self.operation], values) @classmethod def write(cls, records, values): Room = Pool().get('hotel.room') for rec in records: if values.get('start_date') or values.get('end_date') or values.get('room'): start_date = values.get('start_date') or rec.start_date end_date = values.get('end_date') or rec.end_date room = Room(values.get('room') or rec.room) Operation().check_dates(start_date, end_date, room, rec.operation) rec.update_operation({ 'start_date': start_date, 'end_date': end_date, 'room': room.id, }) super(OperationMaintenance, cls).write(records, values) def check_method(self): """ Check the methods. """ Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') Operation().check_dates(self.start_date, self.end_date, self.room, self.operation) class FolioCharge(Workflow, ModelSQL, ModelView): 'Folio Charge' __name__ = 'hotel.folio.charge' folio = fields.Many2One('hotel.folio', 'Folio', required=True) date_service = fields.Date('Date Service', select=True, required=True) product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product', domain=[('salable', '=', True)], required=True) quantity = fields.Integer('Quantity', required=True) invoice_to = fields.Many2One('party.party', 'Invoice To', required=True) unit_price = fields.Numeric('Unit Price', required=True) unit_price_w_tax = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Unit Price'), 'get_unit_price_w_tax') order = fields.Char('Order', select=True) description = fields.Char('Description', select=True) state = fields.Selection(INVOICE_STATES, 'State', readonly=True) state_string = state.translated('state') invoice_line = fields.Many2One('account.invoice.line', 'Invoice Line', readonly=True) # sale = fields.Function(fields.Many2One('sale.sale', 'Sale'), 'get_sale') amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Amount', digits=(16, 2)), 'get_amount') taxed_amount = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Amount with Tax', digits=(16, 2)), 'get_taxed_amount') @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(FolioCharge, cls).__setup__() cls._buttons.update({ 'transfer': { 'invisible': True, }, 'bill': { 'invisible': Eval('invoice_state') is not None, }, }) @staticmethod def default_quantity(): return 1 @staticmethod def default_date_service(): today = Pool().get('ir.date').today() return today def get_amount(self, name=None): if self.quantity and self.unit_price: return self.quantity * self.unit_price_w_tax return 0 def get_unit_price_w_tax(self, name=None): Tax = Pool().get('account.tax') res = self.unit_price or 0 if self.unit_price: values = Tax.compute(self.product.template.customer_taxes_used, self.unit_price, 1) if values: value = values[0] res = value['base'] + value['amount'] return res def get_taxed_amount(self, name=None): if self.quantity and self.unit_price: return self.quantity * self.unit_price # def get_sale(self, name=None): # if self.sale_line: # return self.sale_line.sale.id # def compute_amount_with_tax(line): # tax_amount = _ZERO # amount = _ZERO # if line.taxes: # tax_list = Tax.compute(line.taxes, line.unit_price or _ZERO, # line.quantity or 0.0) # # tax_amount = sum([t['amount'] for t in tax_list], _ZERO) # # if line.unit_price: # amount = line.unit_price * Decimal(line.quantity) # return amount + tax_amount @classmethod @ModelView.button def bill(cls, records): cls.create_sales(records) @classmethod @ModelView.button_action('hotel.wizard_operation_line_transfer') def transfer(cls, records): pass @fields.depends('unit_price', 'product') def on_change_product(self): if self.product: self.unit_price = self.product.template.list_price self.description = self.product.description class OpenMigrationStart(ModelView): 'Open Migration Start' __name__ = 'hotel.open_migration.start' start_date = fields.Date('Start Date', required=True) end_date = fields.Date('End Date', required=True) company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True) @staticmethod def default_company(): return Transaction().context.get('company') class OpenMigration(Wizard): 'Open Migration' __name__ = 'hotel.open_migration' start = StateView('hotel.open_migration.start', 'hotel.open_migration_start_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Open', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True), ]) print_ = StateAction('hotel.report_migration') def do_print_(self, action): data = { 'start_date': self.start.start_date, 'end_date': self.start.end_date, 'company': self.start.company.id, } return action, data def transition_print_(self): return 'end' class Migration(Report): 'Hotel Migration' __name__ = 'hotel.migration' @classmethod def get_context(cls, records, header, data): report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) Line = Pool().get('hotel.folio') start = data['start_date'] end = data['end_date'] report_context['records'] = Line.search([ ('arrival_date', '>=', start), ('arrival_date', '<=', end), ]) return report_context class OperationReport(Report): __name__ = 'hotel.operation' @classmethod def get_context(cls, records, header, data): report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) user = Pool().get('res.user')(Transaction().user) report_context['company'] = user.company return report_context class CheckOutOperationFailed(ModelView): 'Check Out Operation Failed' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.check_out.failed' class CheckOutOperation(Wizard): 'Check Out Operation' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.check_out' start = StateTransition() failed = StateView('hotel.operation.check_out.failed', 'hotel.operation_check_out_failed_view_form', [ Button('Force Check Out', 'force', 'tryton-forward'), Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel', True), ]) force = StateTransition() def transition_start(self): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') active_id = Transaction().context['active_id'] operations = Operation.browse([active_id]) if Operation.validate_check_out_date(operations): return 'end' else: return 'failed' def transition_force(self): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') active_id = Transaction().context['active_id'] operations = Operation.browse([active_id]) Operation.check_out(operations) return 'end' class ChangeRoomStart(ModelView): 'Change Room' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.change_room.ask' from_date = fields.Date('From Date', required=True) room = fields.Many2One('hotel.room', 'Room', required=True, domain=[ # ('id', 'in', Eval('targets')), ]) accommodation = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Accommodation', domain=[ ('template.kind', '=', 'accommodation'), ], required=True) targets = fields.Function(fields.Many2Many('hotel.room', None, None, 'Targets'), 'on_change_with_targets') tranfer_charges = fields.Boolean('Transfer Charges') @staticmethod def default_from_date(): today = Pool().get('ir.date').today() return today @fields.depends('from_date', 'accommodation') def on_change_with_targets(self, name=None): pool = Pool() Operation = pool.get('hotel.operation') RoomTemplate = pool.get('hotel.room-product.template') operation = Operation(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) res = [] if not self.accommodation or not self.from_date: return res room_templates = RoomTemplate.search([ ('template.accommodation_capacity', '>=', self.accommodation.accommodation_capacity) ]) rooms_ids = [t.room.id for t in room_templates] rooms_available_ids = Operation.get_available_rooms( self.from_date, operation.end_date, rooms_ids=rooms_ids ) return rooms_available_ids class ChangeRoom(Wizard): 'Change Room' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.change_room' """ this is the wizard that allows the front desk employee to transfer original room, and create a new operation occupany. """ start = StateView('hotel.operation.change_room.ask', 'hotel.operation_change_room_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Change', 'change', 'tryton-ok'), ] ) change = StateTransition() def transition_change(self): pool = Pool() Operation = pool.get('hotel.operation') FolioCharge = pool.get('hotel.folio.charge') operation = Operation(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) new_operation = { 'reference': operation.reference, 'room': self.start.room.id, 'start_date': self.start.from_date, 'end_date': operation.end_date, 'party': operation.party.id, 'currency': operation.currency.id, 'company': operation.company.id, 'kind': operation.kind, 'main_guest': operation.main_guest.id, 'accommodation': self.start.accommodation.id, 'origin': str(operation.origin), 'state': 'open', 'unit_price': operation.unit_price, 'lines': [] } lines_to_transfer = [] _operation, = Operation.create([new_operation]) if self.start.tranfer_charges: for line in operation.lines: if line.state is None: lines_to_transfer.append(line) if lines_to_transfer: FolioCharge.write([lines_to_transfer], {'operation': _operation.id}) operation.end_date = self.start.from_date operation.state = 'closed' operation.target = _operation.id operation.save() return 'end' class TransferOperationStart(ModelView): 'Transfer Operation' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.transfer_operation.ask' operation = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation', required=True, domain=[ ('state', 'in', ['draft', 'open']), ]) tranfer_charges = fields.Boolean('Transfer Charges') @staticmethod def default_tranfer_charges(): return True class TransferOperation(Wizard): 'Transfer Operation' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.transfer_operation' """ this is the wizard that allows the front desk employee to transfer original room, and create a new operation occupany. """ start = StateView('hotel.operation.transfer_operation.ask', 'hotel.operation_transfer_operation_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Transfer', 'transfer', 'tryton-ok'), ] ) transfer = StateTransition() @classmethod def __setup__(cls): super(TransferOperation, cls).__setup__() def transition_transfer(self): pool = Pool() Operation = pool.get('hotel.operation') FolioCharge = pool.get('hotel.folio.charge') current_op = Operation(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) target_op = self.start.operation if target_op.id == current_op.id: raise AccessError(gettext('hotel.msg_operation_current')) lines_to_transfer = [] if self.start.tranfer_charges: for line in current_op.lines: if line.state is None: lines_to_transfer.append(line) if lines_to_transfer: FolioCharge.write(lines_to_transfer, { 'operation': target_op.id }) current_op.state = 'transfered' current_op.operation_target = target_op.id current_op.save() target_op.save() return 'end' class TransferChargeStart(ModelView): 'Transfer Charge' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.transfer_charge.ask' operation = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation', required=True, domain=[('state', '=', 'check_in')]) class TransferCharge(Wizard): 'Transfer Operation' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.transfer_charge' start = StateView('hotel.operation.transfer_charge.ask', 'hotel.operation_transfer_charge_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Transfer', 'transfer', 'tryton-ok'), ] ) transfer = StateTransition() def transition_transfer(self): pool = Pool() FolioCharge = pool.get('hotel.folio.charge') current_line = FolioCharge(Transaction().context.get('active_id')) target_op = self.start.operation current_operation = current_line.operation current_line.operation = target_op.id current_line.save() current_operation.save() return 'end' class OperationByConsumerReport(Report): __name__ = 'hotel.folio.charge' @classmethod def get_context(cls, records, header, data): report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) pool = Pool() Operation = pool.get('hotel.operation') user = pool.get('res.user')(Transaction().user) consumer_lines = [] total_amount = 0 if records: line = records[0] operation = Operation(line.operation.id) total_amount = operation.room_amount for l in operation.lines: if l.invoice_to.id == line.invoice_to.id: consumer_lines.append(l) total_amount += l.amount setattr(operation, 'lines', consumer_lines) setattr(operation, 'total_amount', total_amount) report_context['records'] = [operation] report_context['company'] = user.company return report_context class OperationBill(Wizard): 'Operation Bill' __name__ = 'hotel.operation.bill' start_state = 'create_bill' create_bill = StateTransition() def transition_create_bill(self): Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') ids = Transaction().context['active_ids'] operations = Operation.browse(ids) Operation.bill(operations) return 'end' class OperationVoucher(ModelSQL): 'Operation - Voucher' __name__ = 'hotel.operation-account.voucher' _table = 'operation_vouchers_rel' operation = fields.Many2One('hotel.operation', 'Operation', ondelete='CASCADE', select=True, required=True) voucher = fields.Many2One('account.voucher', 'Voucher', select=True, domain=[('voucher_type', '=', 'receipt')], ondelete='RESTRICT', required=True) @classmethod def set_voucher_origin(cls, voucher_id, operation_id): cls.create([{ 'voucher': voucher_id, 'operation': operation_id, }]) class StatisticsByMonthStart(ModelView): 'Statistics By Month Start' __name__ = 'hotel.statistics_by_month.start' period = fields.Many2One('account.period', 'Period', required=True) company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True) @staticmethod def default_company(): return Transaction().context.get('company') class StatisticsByMonth(Wizard): 'Statistics By Month' __name__ = 'hotel.statistics_by_month' start = StateView('hotel.statistics_by_month.start', 'hotel.print_hotel_statistics_by_month_start_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Open', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True), ]) print_ = StateAction('hotel.statistics_by_month_report') def do_print_(self, action): data = { 'period': self.start.period.id, 'company': self.start.company.id, } return action, data def transition_print_(self): return 'end' class StatisticsByMonthReport(Report): 'Hotel Statistics By Month' __name__ = 'hotel.statistics_by_month.report' @classmethod def get_context(cls, records, header, data): report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) Operation = Pool().get('hotel.operation') Period = Pool().get('account.period') Company = Pool().get('company.company') Rooms = Pool().get('hotel.room') period = Period(data['period']) company = Company(data['company']) month_days = (period.end_date - period.start_date).days + 1 rooms_available = [] rooms_sold = [] beds_available = [] beds_sold = [] local_guests = [] foreign_guests = [] room1_sold = [] room2_sold = [] room_suite_sold = [] room_other_sold = [] guests_one_ng = [] guests_two_ng = [] guests_three_ng = [] guests_four_ng = [] guests_five_ng = [] guests_six_ng = [] guests_seven_ng = [] guests_eight_ng = [] guests_permanent_ng = [] reason_bussiness = [] reason_bussiness_foreign = [] reason_leisure = [] reason_leisure_foreign = [] reason_convention = [] reason_convention_foreign = [] reason_health = [] reason_health_foreign = [] reason_transport = [] reason_transport_foreign = [] reason_other = [] reason_other_foreign = [] total_guests = [] operations = Operation.search(['OR', [ ('start_date', '>=', period.start_date), ('start_date', '<=', period.end_date), ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), ], [ ('end_date', '>=', period.start_date), ('end_date', '<=', period.end_date), ('kind', '=', 'occupancy'), ] ]) rooms = Rooms.search([]) rooms_available = [len(rooms) * month_days] for r in rooms: beds_available.append( r.main_accommodation.accommodation_capacity * month_days ) def _get_ctx_dates(op): start_date = op.start_date end_date = op.end_date if op.start_date < period.start_date: start_date = period.start_date if op.end_date > period.end_date: end_date = period.end_date sub_dates = [ str(start_date + timedelta(n)) for n in range((end_date - start_date).days) ] return sub_dates for op in operations: room_capacity = op.room.main_accommodation.accommodation_capacity ctx_dates = _get_ctx_dates(op) len_ctx_dates = len(ctx_dates) rooms_sold.append(len_ctx_dates) beds_sold.append(len_ctx_dates * room_capacity) qty_guests = len(op.guests) if not qty_guests: qty_guests = 1 total_guests.append(qty_guests) is_local = True if op.main_guest.type_document == '41': is_local = False foreign_guests.append(qty_guests) else: local_guests.append(qty_guests) if room_capacity == 1: room1_sold.append(qty_guests) elif room_capacity == 2: room2_sold.append(qty_guests) elif room_capacity > 2: room_suite_sold.append(qty_guests) if len_ctx_dates == 1: guests_one_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 2: guests_two_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 3: guests_three_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 4: guests_four_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 5: guests_five_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 6: guests_six_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates == 7: guests_seven_ng.append(qty_guests) elif len_ctx_dates >= 8: guests_eight_ng.append(qty_guests) segment = 'bussiness' if op.origin: if hasattr(op.origin, 'booking'): segment = op.origin.booking.segment if segment == 'bussiness': if is_local: reason_bussiness.append(qty_guests) else: reason_bussiness_foreign.append(qty_guests) elif segment == 'convention': if is_local: reason_convention.append(qty_guests) else: reason_convention_foreign.append(qty_guests) elif segment == 'health': if is_local: reason_health.append(qty_guests) else: reason_health_foreign.append(qty_guests) else: if is_local: reason_leisure.append(qty_guests) else: reason_leisure_foreign.append(qty_guests) def _get_rate(val): res = 0 if sum_total_guests > 0: res = round(float(sum(val)) / sum_total_guests, 4) return res sum_total_guests = sum(total_guests) rate_guests_one_ng = _get_rate(guests_one_ng) rate_guests_two_ng = _get_rate(guests_two_ng) rate_guests_three_ng = _get_rate(guests_three_ng) rate_guests_four_ng = _get_rate(guests_four_ng) rate_guests_five_ng = _get_rate(guests_five_ng) rate_guests_six_ng = _get_rate(guests_six_ng) rate_guests_seven_ng = _get_rate(guests_seven_ng) rate_guests_eight_ng = _get_rate(guests_eight_ng) report_context['period'] = period.name report_context['company'] = company.party.name report_context['rooms_available'] = sum(rooms_available) report_context['rooms_sold'] = sum(rooms_sold) report_context['beds_available'] = sum(beds_available) report_context['beds_sold'] = sum(beds_sold) report_context['local_guests'] = sum(local_guests) report_context['foreign_guests'] = sum(foreign_guests) report_context['room1_sold'] = sum(room1_sold) report_context['room2_sold'] = sum(room2_sold) report_context['room_suite_sold'] = sum(room_suite_sold) report_context['room_other_sold'] = sum(room_other_sold) report_context['guests_one_ng'] = rate_guests_one_ng report_context['guests_two_ng'] = rate_guests_two_ng report_context['guests_three_ng'] = rate_guests_three_ng report_context['guests_four_ng'] = rate_guests_four_ng report_context['guests_five_ng'] = rate_guests_five_ng report_context['guests_six_ng'] = rate_guests_six_ng report_context['guests_seven_ng'] = rate_guests_seven_ng report_context['guests_eight_ng'] = rate_guests_eight_ng report_context['guests_permanent_ng'] = sum(guests_permanent_ng) report_context['reason_bussiness'] = sum(reason_bussiness) report_context['reason_bussiness_foreign'] = sum(reason_bussiness_foreign) report_context['reason_leisure'] = sum(reason_leisure) report_context['reason_leisure_foreign'] = sum(reason_leisure_foreign) report_context['reason_convention'] = sum(reason_convention) report_context['reason_convention_foreign'] = sum(reason_convention_foreign) report_context['reason_health'] = sum(reason_health) report_context['reason_health_foreign'] = sum(reason_health_foreign) report_context['reason_transport'] = sum(reason_transport) report_context['reason_transport_foreign'] = sum(reason_transport_foreign) report_context['reason_other_foreign'] = sum(reason_other_foreign) report_context['reason_other'] = sum(reason_other) return report_context