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# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime, date
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.modules.product import round_price
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
from trytond.model import fields, ModelSQL, ModelView
class BOM(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'production.bom'
direct_costs = fields.One2Many('production.bom.direct_cost',
'bom', 'Direct Costs')
def calc_cost_ldm(cls):
ProductLdm = Pool().get('production.bom')
ProductLdmOut = Pool().get('production.bom.output')
Product = Pool().get('product.product')
Uom = Pool().get('product.uom')
current_date = datetime.combine(date.today(), datetime.min.time())
products_ldm = [p['product'] for p in ProductLdmOut.search_read([], fields_names=['id', 'product'])]
products = Product.search([
('active', '=', True),
('template.producible', '=', True),
('write_date', '<', current_date),
('id', 'in', products_ldm)
], limit=30)
prd_ids = [p.id for p in products]
products_ldm = ProductLdm.search([
('active', '=', True),
('output_products', 'in', prd_ids)
uom_compute_qty = Uom.compute_qty
for ldm in products_ldm:
output = ldm.outputs[0]
if not ldm.outputs or not ldm.inputs:
cost = cls.get_cost_ldm(ldm, uom_compute_qty)
if cost > 0:
cost = round(cost / Decimal(output.quantity), 4)
Product.write([output.product], {'cost_price': cost})
def get_cost_ldm(cls, ldm, uom_compute_qty):
cost = Decimal(0)
for input_ in ldm.inputs:
quantity = uom_compute_qty(input_.uom, input_.quantity,
cost_price = input_.product.cost_price
cost += (Decimal(str(quantity)) * cost_price)
return round_price(cost)
class BOMDirectCost(ModelSQL, ModelView):
__name__ = "production.bom.direct_cost"
bom = fields.Many2One('production.bom', 'BOM', required=True,
product = fields.Many2One('product.product', 'Product', required=True,
domain=[('type', '!=', 'active')])
uom = fields.Many2One('product.uom', 'UoM')
quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', required=True, digits=(16,2))
notes = fields.Char('Notes')
kind = fields.Selection([
('labour', 'Labour'),
('imc', 'IMC'),
('', ''),
], 'Kind')
def default_kind():
return 'labour'
@fields.depends('product', 'uom')
def on_change_with_uom(self, name=None):
if self.product:
return self.product.default_uom.id