# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of # this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. from decimal import Decimal from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool from trytond.report import Report from trytond.model import fields, ModelView from datetime import date from trytond.transaction import Transaction from trytond.wizard import ( Wizard, StateView, StateReport, Button ) class PriceListLine(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = 'product.price_list.line' price_computed = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Price Computed', digits=(16, 2), depends=['formula']), 'get_price_computed') price_w_tax_computed = fields.Function(fields.Numeric('Price W Tax Computed', digits=(16, 2), depends=['formula']), 'get_price_w_tax_computed') profit = fields.Function(fields.Float('Profit', digits=(16, 2)), 'get_profit') def get_profit(self, name=None): if self.product.cost_price and self.price_computed and self.product.cost_price != 0: # res = float((self.list_price / self.cost_price) - 1) * 100 Oscar res = float(1-(self.product.cost_price/self.price_computed)) * 100 # villa return round(res, 2) @classmethod def search_rec_name(cls, name, clause): if clause[1].startswith('!') or clause[1].startswith('not '): bool_op = 'AND' else: bool_op = 'OR' return [ bool_op, ('product',) + tuple(clause[1:]), ] def get_price_computed(self, name): value = 0 if self.product: context = self.price_list.get_context_formula( None, self.product, self.product.list_price, 0, None) value = self.get_unit_price(**context) return value def get_price_w_tax_computed(self, name=None): res = self.price_computed taxes = self.product.template.account_category.customer_taxes_used for tax in taxes: if tax.type == 'fixed': res += tax.amount elif tax.rate > 0: res += self.price_computed * tax.rate return Decimal(str(round(res + (self.product.extra_tax or 0)))) # class ProductPriceList(Report): # __name__ = 'product.price_list.report' # data=None # @classmethod # def get_context(cls, records, header, data): # report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) # report_context['records'] = records # report_context['sysdate'] = date.today() # return report_context class PriceListBySupplierStart(ModelView): 'Price List By Supplier Start' __name__ = 'sale_shop.price_list_by_supplier.start' company = fields.Many2One('company.company', 'Company', required=True) price_list = fields.Many2One('product.price_list', 'Price List') suppliers = fields.Many2Many('party.party',None, None, 'Supplier') @staticmethod def default_company(): return Transaction().context.get('company') class PriceListBySupplier(Wizard): 'Price List By Supplier' __name__ = 'sale_shop.price_list_by_supplier' start = StateView('sale_shop.price_list_by_supplier.start', 'sale_shop.print_price_list_start_view_form', [ Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'), Button('Print', 'print_', 'tryton-print', default=True), ]) print_ = StateReport('sale_shop.price_list_by_supplier_report') def do_print_(self, action): supplier_ids = None if self.start.suppliers: supplier_ids = [s.id for s in self.start.suppliers] data = { 'company': self.start.company.id, 'suppliers': supplier_ids, } if self.start.price_list: data['price_list'] = self.start.price_list.id return action, data def transition_print_(self): return 'end' class PriceListBySupplierReport(Report): 'Sale By Supplier Report' __name__ = 'sale_shop.price_list_by_supplier_report' @classmethod def get_context(cls, records, header, data): report_context = super().get_context(records, header, data) pool = Pool() Company = pool.get('company.company') ProductSupplier = pool.get('purchase.product_supplier') PriceListLine = pool.get('product.price_list.line') company = Company(data['company']) dom_supplier = [ ('template.active', '=', True), ] if data['suppliers']: dom_supplier.append( ('party.id', 'in', data['suppliers']), ) products_suppliers = ProductSupplier.search(dom_supplier, order=[('party.name', 'ASC'), ('template.name', 'ASC')]) suppliers_dict = {} for ps in products_suppliers: # products_ids = [p.id for p in ps.product.products if p.active] lines=[] for p in ps.template.products: dom_price_list = [('product.id', '=', p.id)] if data.get('price_list'): dom_price_list.append( ('price_list', '=', data.get('price_list')) ) price_list_lines = PriceListLine.search(dom_price_list) price_w_extratax = Decimal(str(round( p.template.sale_price_w_tax + (p.extra_tax or 0)))) if price_list_lines: for pl in price_list_lines: lines.append({ 'code': p.code, 'name': p.name, 'price_w_tax': price_w_extratax, 'profit': p.profit, 'price_w_tax_computed': pl.price_w_tax_computed, 'profit_computed': pl.profit, 'quantity': pl.quantity }) else: lines.append({ 'code': p.code, 'name': p.name, 'price_w_tax': price_w_extratax, 'profit': p.profit, 'price_w_tax_computed': 0, 'profit_computed': 0, 'quantity': None }) try: suppliers_dict[ps.party.id]['products'].extend(lines) except: suppliers_dict[ps.party.id] = { 'party': ps.party, 'products': lines } report_context['records'] = suppliers_dict.values() report_context['today'] = date.today() report_context['company'] = company.party.name report_context['nit'] = company.party.id_number return report_context