# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of # this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms. from trytond.model import fields from trytond.pool import PoolMeta from trytond.pyson import Id, Eval class Configuration(metaclass=PoolMeta): __name__ = "staff.configuration" allow_zero_quantities = fields.Boolean('Allow Zero Quantities', help='If this checked the lines in payroll in zero do not delete') staff_liquidation_sequence = fields.Many2One('ir.sequence', 'Liquidation Sequence', required=True, domain=[ ('sequence_type', '=', Id('staff_payroll', 'sequence_type_payroll'))] ) extras_limit = fields.Float('Extras Limit', help='In hours') uvt_value = fields.Numeric('UVT Value') liquidation_account = fields.Many2One('account.account', 'Liquidation Account', domain=[ ('type.payable', '=', True), ], required=True) payment_partial_sunday = fields.Boolean('Payment Partial Sunday') template_email_confirm = fields.Many2One('email.template', 'Template Email of Confirmation') limit_shift_month = fields.Integer('Limit Shift Month') wage_shift_fixed = fields.Many2One('staff.wage_type', 'Wage Shift Fixed') tax_withholding = fields.Many2One('account.tax', 'Tax Withholding', domain=[('company', '=', Eval('company', -1))], depends=['company'])