The party with document "%s" not exists! The department with name "%s" not exists! The project with name "%s" not exists The category with name "%s" not exists! The analytic account with name "%s" not exists! The employee does not have salary! The date end can not smaller than date start Sequence liquidation is missing! The employee has payrolls does not posted! The dates for employee is wrong "%s"! The liquidation Nro "%s" have move! The type concept "(%s)" no exists The period selected without contract for the employee "%(employee)s"! Error "(%s)"! Missing template selection in the configuration Missing contract in this liquidation Move "%(s)"created. \n Missing party in mandatory wage "%(wage)s" for employee "%(employee)s" Liquidation "%(liquidation)s" must be cancelled before deletion. Liquidation "%(liquidation)s" has a move, must be deleted before deletion. You can't duplicate this record. You have a liquidation with id "%(liquidation)s" in state "%(state)s". No mail sent, check employee email for "%(employee)s" in parties/parties/ Don`t get employees for create payrolls