2023-10-03 08:40:49 -05:00

79 lines
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# This file is part of Tryton. The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.model import ModelView, ModelSQL, fields
from trytond.pool import Pool
28: 10,
33: 69,
35: 162,
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39: 770
class UvtWithholding(ModelSQL, ModelView):
"UVT Withholding"
__name__ = 'staff.payroll.uvt_withholding'
start_range = fields.Numeric('Start Range', digits=(16, 0), required=True)
end_range = fields.Numeric('End Range', digits=(16, 0))
rate = fields.Float('Rate', digits=(2, 0), required=True)
def __setup__(cls):
super(UvtWithholding, cls).__setup__()
# @classmethod
# def __register__(cls, module_name):
# table = cls.__table_handler__(module_name)
# cursor = Transaction().connection.cursor()
# # Migration: Remove old column
# uvt_salary_exist = table.column_exist('uvt_salary')
# if not uvt_salary_exist:
# return
# cursor.execute('ALTER TABLE staff_payroll_uvt_withholding DROP COLUMN uvt_salary')
def compute_withholding(cls, payment):
Compute unit price for application of withholdings tax to employee
res = Decimal('0.0')
Configuration = Pool().get('staff.configuration')
configuration = Configuration(1)
if not configuration.uvt_value:
return res
uvt_config = Decimal(configuration.uvt_value)
# percent_exent = Decimal('0.75')
# payment2uvt = Decimal(payment * percent_exent) / uvt_config
payment2uvt = Decimal(payment) / uvt_config
# print('depurada', Decimal(payment * percent_exent))
uvt_withholdings =[
['AND', ['OR', [
('start_range', '<', payment2uvt),
('end_range', '>=', payment2uvt)
], [
('start_range', '<', payment2uvt),
('end_range', '=', None)
print('base uvt----->', payment2uvt)
if uvt_withholdings:
uvt_wh = uvt_withholdings[0]
rate = uvt_wh.rate
print('rate---->', rate)
add_sum = UVT_SUM_FORMULA[rate] if UVT_SUM_FORMULA.get(rate) else 0
print('uvt_wh.start_range---->', uvt_wh.start_range)
print('add_sum---->', add_sum)
value = (payment2uvt - uvt_wh.start_range) * Decimal(rate / 100) + add_sum
print('value uvt----->', value)
# res = round(value, 1) * uvt_config
res = value * uvt_config
print('respuesta >', res)
res = Decimal(round(res, -3))
return res