DELETE FROM "ir_translation" WHERE "type" = 'error'; ALTER TABLE "ir_translation" DROP CONSTRAINT "ir_translation_translation_md5_uniq"; ALTER TABLE "ir_translation" DROP COLUMN "src_md5"; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_chorus' AND module = 'account_fr_chorus'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_post_clearing_moves' AND module = 'account_payment_clearing'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_stripe' AND module = 'account_payment_stripe'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_marketing_automation' AND module = 'marketing_automation'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_generate_line_consumption' AND module = 'sale_subscription'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_generate_line_consumption' AND module = 'sale_subscription'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_generate_invoice' AND module = 'sale_subscription'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_role' AND module = 'user_role'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE model = 'res.user' AND "fs_id" = 'user_trigger' AND module = 'res'; UPDATE project_work SET status = db_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module = 'project' AND fs_id = 'work_open_status' AND state = 'opened'; UPDATE project_work SET status = db_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE module = 'project' and fs_id = 'work_done_status' AND state = 'done'; ALTER TABLE sale_amendment_line DROP CONSTRAINT sale_amendment_line_shipment_party_fkey; ALTER TABLE ir_model_field ADD COLUMN "access" BOOLEAN default false; ALTER TABLE ir_model_access ADD COLUMN "active" BOOLEAN default true; ALTER TABLE res_group ADD COLUMN "active" BOOLEAN default true; UPDATE account_invoice_line SET currency = (SELECT currency FROM account_invoice WHERE id = account_invoice_line.invoice); UPDATE account_invoice_line SET invoice_type = (SELECT type FROM account_invoice WHERE id = account_invoice_line.invoice) WHERE invoice_type IS NOT NULL; UPDATE account_invoice_line SET party = (SELECT party FROM account_invoice WHERE id = account_invoice_line.invoice) WHERE party IS NOT NULL; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'staff_payroll_access'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'electronic_mail_template'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'electronic_mail'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'smtp'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'ims'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'party_reward_points'; UPDATE res_user SET language=(SELECT id FROM ir_lang WHERE name='Spanish (Spain)'); UPDATE ir_lang set translatable=false where code in ('es_419', 'es_CO'); DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE lang='es_419'; DELETE FROM ir_translation WHERE lang='es_CO'; UPDATE ir_lang set translatable=false where code in ('es_419', 'es_CO'); UPDATE staff_contract set salary=0 WHERE salary is NULL; UPDATE ir_configuration set language='es'; DELETE FROM ir_translation where name ilike '%lang%' and res_id=9; CORRER NOTA: ELIMINAR DESPUES UPDATE product_product set description=regexp_replace(description, E'[\\n\\r]+', ' ', 'g' ); ALTER table stock_move DROP COLUMN out_anglo_saxon_quantity; ALTER table stock_move DROP COLUMN in_anglo_saxon_quantity; ALTER table ir_sequence_type DROP COLUMN code; UPDATE account_account_type SET statement='balance' WHERE sequence<30000 and sequence>1; UPDATE account_account_type SET statement='income' WHERE sequence<80000 and sequence>30000; UPDATE account_account_type SET revenue='true' WHERE sequence in (44100, 44700, 30100, 45700, 45100); UPDATE account_account_type SET expense='true' WHERE sequence in (44200, 44300, 44400, 44500, 44600, 30200); UPDATE account_account_type SET stock='true' WHERE sequence in (11070, 11080, 11090, 11100, 12080, 12090, 12100, 12110, 12120, 12130, 12160 ); UPDATE account_account_type SET payable='true' WHERE sequence in (22101, 22102, 22103, 22104, 22105, 22106, 22107, 22108, 22109, 22110, 22111, 22112, 22113, 22114, 22115, 22201, 22202, 22203, 22204, 22205, 22206, 22207, 22208, 22209, 22210, 22211 ); UPDATE account_account_type SET receivable='true', payable='false' WHERE sequence in ( 11030, 11040, 11050, 11060, 11110, 11120, 12030, 12040, 12140); UPDATE account_account SET party_required=true WHERE code >'37' and type is not null; UPDATE product_template pt SET code=pp.code FROM product_product pp WHERE; DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE module='staff_payroll_access'; ALTER TABLE staff_wage_type DROP COLUMN synchronize_access; Hola esta es la nueva version de Tryton ERP 6.0 a partir de hoy, deben descaragarla e instalarla pip3 install tryton==6.0.3 DESPUES DE DESINTALAR STOCK ANGLO Y CONTIN DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'account_stock_anglo_saxon'; DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'account_stock_continental'; DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE module='electronic_mail'; ALTER TABLE stock_move DROP COLUMN in_anglo_saxon_quantity; ALTER TABLE stock_move DROP COLUMN out_anglo_saxon_quantity; Migration stock_duration to stock_co DELETE FROM "ir_module" WHERE "name"= 'stock_duration'; DELETE FROM "ir_model" WHERE "module"= 'stock_duration'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_data" WHERE "module"= 'stock_duration'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_field" WHERE "name"= 'stock_duration'; DELETE FROM "ir_model_field" WHERE "module"= 'stock_duration'; DELETE FROM "ir_module_dependency" WHERE "name"= 'stock_duration'; Corregir codigos de productos duplicados update product_product SET code=suffix_code where suffix_code != code and suffix_code is not null and suffix_code != ''; update product_product set suffix_code=null where suffix_code is not null;