2023-04-01 02:45:26 +02:00
import { inflateRaw, deflateRaw } from "./pako.js";
import { domLoaded, isPlainObject } from "./common.js";
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-04-29 00:23:07 +02:00
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
const timeUnits = [
"s", // sec
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
const bytebeat = Object.seal({
audioCtx: null,
audioWorklet: null,
audioGain: null,
nextErrType: null,
nextErr: null,
nextErrPriority: undefined,
errorPriority: -Infinity,
canvasCtx: null,
drawSettings: { mode: null, scale: null },
drawBuffer: [],
drawImageData: null,
byteSample: 0,
isPlaying: false,
songData: { sampleRate: null, mode: null },
playSpeed: 1,
volume: null,
timeUnit: null,
animationFrameId: null,
canvasElem: null,
codeEditor: null,
errorElem: null,
timeCursorElem: null,
contentElem: null,
controlTimeUnit: null,
controlTimeUnitLabel: null,
controlTimeValue: null,
controlScaleUp: null,
controlScaleDown: null,
controlDrawMode: null,
controlPlaybackMode: null,
controlSampleRate: null,
controlVolume: null,
canvasTogglePlay: null,
async init() {
await this.initAudioContext();
await domLoaded;
this.contentElem = document.getElementById("content");
await this.initTextarea(document.getElementById("code-editor"));
2023-12-23 05:31:49 +01:00
import("./codemirror.js").then(o => this.initCodemirror(o.default));
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (globalThis.loadLibrary !== false)
2023-04-01 04:23:27 +02:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
document.defaultView.addEventListener("resize", () => this.handleWindowResize(false));
const songData = this.getUrlData();
this.setSong(songData, false);
async initAudioContext() {
let audioContextSampleRate = Number(searchParams.get("audioContextSampleRate"));
if (!(audioContextSampleRate > 0)) // also grabs NaN
audioContextSampleRate = 48000; // forced samplerate is a hack for 48000 bytebeats since supersampling won't be ready for a while
// this also makes audio quality consistant on different soundsystems, but not always the best it could be
this.audioCtx = new AudioContext({
latencyHint: searchParams.get("audioContextLatencyHint") ?? "balanced",
sampleRate: audioContextSampleRate,
this.audioGain = new GainNode(this.audioCtx);
2023-12-25 18:51:35 +01:00
await this.audioCtx.audioWorklet.addModule("/audio-worklet.js");
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
this.audioWorklet = new AudioWorkletNode(this.audioCtx, "bytebeatProcessor", { outputChannelCount: [2] });
2022-05-13 19:17:17 +02:00
this.audioWorklet.port.addEventListener("message", e => this.handleMessage(e));
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
console.info(`started audio with latency ${this.audioCtx.baseLatency * this.audioCtx.sampleRate} at ${this.audioCtx.sampleRate}Hz`);
handleMessage(e) {
if (isPlainObject(e.data)) {
const data = e.data;
if (data.clearCanvas)
else if (data.clearDrawBuffer)
if (typeof data.byteSample === "number")
this.setByteSample(data.byteSample, false);
if (Array.isArray(data.drawBuffer)) {
this.drawBuffer = this.drawBuffer.concat(data.drawBuffer);
// prevent buffer accumulation when tab inactive
const maxDrawBufferSize = this.getTimeFromXpos(this.canvasElem.width) - 1;
if (this.byteSample - this.drawBuffer[this.drawBuffer.length >> 1].t > maxDrawBufferSize) // reasonable lazy cap
this.drawBuffer = this.drawBuffer.slice(this.drawBuffer.length >> 1);
else if (this.drawBuffer.length > maxDrawBufferSize) // emergency cap
this.drawBuffer = this.drawBuffer.slice(-maxDrawBufferSize);
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (data.updateUrl)
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (data.errorMessage !== undefined) {
if (isPlainObject(data.errorMessage)) {
if (
typeof data.errorMessage.type === "string" &&
typeof data.errorMessage.err === "string" &&
typeof (data.errorMessage.priority ?? 0) === "number"
) {
if (this.isPlaying) {
this.nextErrType = data.errorMessage.type;
this.nextErr = data.errorMessage.err;
this.nextErrPriority = data.errorMessage.priority;
} else
this.showErrorMessage(data.errorMessage.type, data.errorMessage.err, data.errorMessage.priority);
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
} else
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
saveData: null,
initTextarea(textarea) {
textarea.addEventListener("input", () => this.refreshCode());
let keyTrap = true;
textarea.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) {
if (e.key === "Escape") {
if (keyTrap) {
2022-05-10 20:51:09 +02:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
keyTrap = false;
} else if (e.key === "Tab" && keyTrap) {
const el = e.target;
const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = el;
if (e.shiftKey) {
// remove indentation on all selected lines
let lines = el.value.split("\n");
let getLine = char => {
let line = 0;
for (let c = 0; ; line++) {
c += lines[line].length;
if (c > char) 1;
return line;
startLine = getLine(selectionStart),
endLine = getLine(selectionEnd),
newSelectionStart = selectionStart,
newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd;
for (let i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) {
if (lines[i][0] === "\t") {
lines[i] = lines[i].slice(1);
if (i === startLine)
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2022-01-14 17:57:49 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
el.value = lines.join("\n");
el.setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd);
} else {
// add tab character
el.value = `${el.value.slice(0, selectionStart)}\t${el.value.slice(selectionEnd)}`;
el.setSelectionRange(selectionStart + 1, selectionStart + 1);
} else
keyTrap = false;
this.codeEditor = textarea;
initCodemirror(createCodemirrorEditor) {
const codemirror = createCodemirrorEditor(() => this.refreshCode());
let selection = null;
if (this.codeEditor) {
codemirror.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, insert: this.codeEditor.value } });
if (document.activeElement === this.codeEditor)
selection = { anchor: this.codeEditor.selectionStart, head: this.codeEditor.selectionEnd };
(this.codeEditor ?? document.getElementById("code-editor")).replaceWith(codemirror.dom);
if (selection) {
codemirror.dispatch({ selection });
this.codeEditor = codemirror;
get codeEditorText() {
if (this.codeEditor instanceof Element)
return this.codeEditor.value;
return this.codeEditor.state.doc.toString();
set codeEditorText(value) {
if (this.codeEditor instanceof Element)
this.codeEditor.value = value;
this.codeEditor.dispatch({ changes: { from: 0, to: this.codeEditor.state.doc.length, insert: value } });
getUrlData() {
if (window.location.hash && globalThis.useUrlData !== false) {
const hash = window.location.hash;
const version =
hash.startsWith("#v4") ? 4 :
hash.startsWith("#v3b64") ? 3 :
if (version === 4 || version === 3) {
let dataString;
try {
dataString = atob(hash.substring(version === 4 ? 3 : 6));
} catch (err) {
console.error("Couldn't load data from url:", err);
return null;
2022-01-09 15:18:05 +01:00
2022-01-08 19:25:01 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
const dataBuffer = new Uint8Array(dataString.length);
for (const i in dataString)
dataBuffer[i] = dataString.charCodeAt(i);
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
let songData;
try {
const songDataString = inflateRaw(dataBuffer, { to: "string" });
songData = JSON.parse(songDataString);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Couldn't load data from url:", err);
return null;
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
return songData;
} else
console.error("Unrecognized url data");
return null;
setUrlData() {
if (globalThis.useUrlData !== false) {
const dataBuffer = deflateRaw(JSON.stringify(this.getSong()));
const dataString = String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined, dataBuffer);
window.location.hash = `#v4${btoa(dataString).replaceAll("=", "")}`;
initControls() {
this.controlTimeUnit = document.getElementById("control-time-unit");
this.controlTimeUnitLabel = document.getElementById("control-time-unit-label");
this.controlTimeValue = document.getElementById("control-time-value");
this.controlScaleDown = document.getElementById("control-scaledown");
this.controlScaleUp = document.getElementById("control-scaleup");
this.controlDrawMode = document.getElementById("control-draw-mode");
this.controlPlaybackMode = document.getElementById("control-song-mode");
this.controlSampleRate = document.getElementById("control-samplerate");
this.controlVolume = document.getElementById("control-volume");
this.errorElem = document.getElementById("error");
this.canvasTogglePlay = document.getElementById("canvas-toggleplay");
this.timeCursorElem = document.getElementById("canvas-timecursor");
this.canvasElem = document.getElementById("canvas-main");
this.canvasCtx = this.canvasElem.getContext("2d", { alpha: false });
refreshCode() {
if (this.audioWorklet)
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ code: this.codeEditorText.trim() });
handleWindowResize(force) {
autoSizeCanvas(force) {
if (!this.canvasElem.dataset.forcedWidth) {
const innerWidth = window.innerWidth;
if (innerWidth >= 772) { // 768 is halfway between 512 and 1024, 3 added for outline
let width = 1024;
while (innerWidth - 516 >= width * 2) // 516px = 4px (outline) + 512px (library)
width *= 2;
this.setCanvasWidth(width, innerWidth >= 1540, force); // see media queries in css
} else
this.setCanvasWidth(512, false, force);
setCanvasWidth(width, horiz, force = false) {
if (this.canvasElem) {
if (width !== this.canvasElem.width || force) {
this.canvasElem.width = width;
// TODO: see if it's possible to get rid of this
this.contentElem.style.maxWidth = `${width + 4}px`;
2022-01-09 03:25:45 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
animationFrame() {
if (this.nextErr)
this.showErrorMessage(this.nextErrType, this.nextErr, this.nextErrPriority);
if (this.isPlaying)
this.animationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animationFrame());
this.animationFrameId = null;
getSong(includeDefault = false) {
let songData = { code: this.codeEditorText };
if (includeDefault || this.songData.sampleRate !== 8000)
songData.sampleRate = this.songData.sampleRate;
if (includeDefault || this.songData.mode !== "Bytebeat")
songData.mode = this.songData.mode;
return songData;
setSong(songData, play = true) {
let code, sampleRate, mode;
if (songData !== null) {
({ code, sampleRate, mode } = songData);
this.codeEditorText = code;
this.applySampleRate(sampleRate ?? 8000);
this.applyPlaybackMode(mode ?? "Bytebeat");
if (play) {
applySampleRate(rate) {
this.controlSampleRate.value = rate;
applyPlaybackMode(playbackMode) {
this.controlPlaybackMode.value = playbackMode;
changeScale(amount) {
if (amount) {
this.drawSettings.scale = Math.max(this.drawSettings.scale + amount, 0);
if (this.drawSettings.scale <= 0)
this.controlScaleDown.setAttribute("disabled", true);
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
updateDrawMode() {
this.controlDrawMode.value = this.drawSettings.mode;
setDrawMode(drawMode = this.controlDrawMode.value, save = true) {
this.drawSettings.mode = drawMode;
if (save)
setVolume(save = true, volume) {
if (volume !== undefined) {
this.volume = volume;
this.controlVolume.value = volume;
} else
this.volume = this.controlVolume.valueAsNumber;
if (this.audioGain !== null)
this.audioGain.gain.value = this.volume * this.volume;
if (save)
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
clearCanvas(clearDrawBuffer = true) {
if (this.canvasCtx) {
this.canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvasElem.width, this.canvasElem.height);
if (clearDrawBuffer)
clearDrawBuffer() {
this.drawBuffer = [];
this.drawImageData = null;
fmod(a, b) { return ((a % b) + b) % b; },
getXpos(t) { return t / (1 << this.drawSettings.scale); },
getTimeFromXpos(x) { return x * (1 << this.drawSettings.scale); },
drawGraphics() {
const { width, height } = this.canvasElem;
const bufferLen = this.drawBuffer.length;
if (!bufferLen)
const isWaveform = this.drawSettings.mode === "Waveform";
const playingForward = this.playSpeed > 0;
startTime = this.drawBuffer[0].t + (this.drawBuffer.carry ? 1 : 0),
endTime = this.byteSample,
lenTime = endTime - startTime,
startXPos = this.fmod(this.getXpos(startTime), width),
endXPos = startXPos + this.getXpos(lenTime);
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
drawStartX = Math.floor(startXPos),
drawEndX = Math.floor(endXPos),
drawLenX = Math.abs(drawEndX - drawStartX) + 1,
drawOverflow = false;
// clip draw area if too large
if (drawLenX > width) { // TODO: put this into a better section so the variables don't all have to be set again
startTime = this.getTimeFromXpos(this.getXpos(endTime) - width);
let sliceIndex = 0;
for (let i in this.drawBuffer) { // TODO: replace this with binary search
if ((this.drawBuffer[i + 1]?.t ?? endTime) <= startTime - 1)
sliceIndex += 1;
else {
this.drawBuffer[i].t = startTime - 1;
this.drawBuffer[i].carry = true;
this.drawBuffer = this.drawBuffer.slice(sliceIndex);
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
lenTime = endTime - startTime;
startXPos = this.fmod(this.getXpos(startTime), width);
endXPos = startXPos + this.getXpos(lenTime);
drawStartX = Math.ceil(startXPos); // this is a bit of a hack, since this doesn't relate to the other variables properly
// i can only get away with this because the other vars like startTime and such aren't used
// the proper solution would be to somehow round up startTime by a pixel
drawEndX = Math.floor(endXPos);
drawLenX = Math.abs(drawEndX - drawStartX) + 1;
drawOverflow = true;
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
const imagePos = Math.min(drawStartX, drawEndX);
// create imageData
let imageData = this.canvasCtx.createImageData(drawLenX, height);
// create / add drawimageData
if (this.drawSettings.scale) { // full zoom can't have multiple samples on one pixel
if (this.drawImageData) {
if (!drawOverflow) {
// fill in starting area of image data with previously drawn samples
let x = playingForward ? 0 : drawLenX - 1;
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
imageData.data[(drawLenX * y + x) << 2] = this.drawImageData.data[y << 2];
imageData.data[((drawLenX * y + x) << 2) + 1] = this.drawImageData.data[(y << 2) + 1];
imageData.data[((drawLenX * y + x) << 2) + 2] = this.drawImageData.data[(y << 2) + 2];
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
} else
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
this.drawImageData = this.canvasCtx.createImageData(1, height);
} else
this.drawImageData = null;
// set alpha
for (let x = 0; x < drawLenX; x++)
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++)
imageData.data[((drawLenX * y + x) << 2) + 3] = 255;
// draw
const iterateOverHorizontalLine = (bufferElem, nextBufferElemTime, callback, initCallback) => {
const startX = this.fmod(Math.floor(this.getXpos(playingForward ? bufferElem.t : nextBufferElemTime + 1)) - imagePos, width);
const endX = this.fmod(Math.ceil(this.getXpos(playingForward ? nextBufferElemTime : bufferElem.t + 1)) - imagePos, width);
if (initCallback)
for (let xPos = startX; xPos !== endX; xPos = this.fmod(xPos + 1, width))
callback(xPos, false);
for (let i = this.drawBuffer[0].t < startTime ? 1 : 0; i < bufferLen; i++) {
let lastBufferElem = this.drawBuffer[i - 1] ?? null;
let bufferElem = this.drawBuffer[i];
let nextBufferElemTime = this.drawBuffer[i + 1]?.t ?? endTime;
if (isNaN(bufferElem.value[0]) || isNaN(bufferElem.value[1]))
iterateOverHorizontalLine(bufferElem, nextBufferElemTime, xPos => {
for (let h = 0; h < 256; h++) {
const pos = (drawLenX * h + xPos) << 2;
imageData.data[pos] = 96;
for (let c = 0; c < 2; c++)
if (bufferElem.value[c] >= 0 && bufferElem.value[c] < 256) { // NaN check is implicit here
xPos => {
const pos = (drawLenX * (255 - bufferElem.value[c]) + xPos) << 2;
if (c)
imageData.data[pos] = imageData.data[pos + 2] = 255;
else {
imageData.data[pos] = 0; // clear out NaN red
imageData.data[pos + 1] = 255;
// Waveform draw mode connectors
isWaveform && lastBufferElem && !isNaN(lastBufferElem.value[c]) &&
(xPos => {
const dir = lastBufferElem.value[c] < bufferElem.value[c] ? -1 : 1;
for (let h = 255 - lastBufferElem.value[c]; h !== 255 - bufferElem.value[c]; h += dir) {
const pos = (drawLenX * h + xPos) << 2;
if (imageData.data[pos] === 0) { // don't overwrite filled cells
if (c)
imageData.data[pos] = imageData.data[pos + 2] = 150;
else {
imageData.data[pos] = 0; // clear out NaN red
imageData.data[pos + 1] = 150;
2022-04-29 20:23:12 +02:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
// put imageData
this.canvasCtx.putImageData(imageData, imagePos, 0);
if (endXPos >= width)
this.canvasCtx.putImageData(imageData, imagePos - width, 0);
else if (endXPos < 0)
this.canvasCtx.putImageData(imageData, imagePos + width, 0);
// write to drawImageData
if (this.drawSettings.scale) { // full zoom can't have multiple samples on one pixel
const x = playingForward ? drawLenX - 1 : 0;
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) {
this.drawImageData.data[y << 2] = imageData.data[(drawLenX * y + x) << 2];
this.drawImageData.data[(y << 2) + 1] = imageData.data[((drawLenX * y + x) << 2) + 1];
this.drawImageData.data[(y << 2) + 2] = imageData.data[((drawLenX * y + x) << 2) + 2];
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
// cursor
// clear buffer except last sample
this.drawBuffer = [{ t: endTime, value: this.drawBuffer[bufferLen - 1].value, carry: true }];
moveTimeCursor(time = this.byteSample) {
if (this.timeCursorElem && this.timeCursorVisible()) {
const width = this.canvasElem.width;
if (this.playSpeed > 0) {
this.timeCursorElem.style.left = `${this.fmod(Math.ceil(this.getXpos(time)), width) / width * 100}%`;
} else {
this.timeCursorElem.style.right = `${(1 - (this.fmod(Math.ceil(this.getXpos(time)), width) + 1) / width) * 100}%`;
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
hideErrorMessage() {
if (this.errorElem) {
this.errorElem.innerText = "";
this.nextErr = null;
this.nextErrType = null;
this.nextErrPriority = undefined;
this.errorPriority = -Infinity;
showErrorMessage(errType, err, priority = 0) {
if (this.errorElem && (this.errorPriority < 2 || priority > 0)) {
this.errorElem.dataset.errType = errType;
this.errorElem.innerText = err.toString();
this.nextErr = null;
this.nextErrType = null;
this.nextErrPriority = undefined;
this.errorPriority = priority;
2022-01-09 03:25:45 +01:00
if (this.audioWorklet)
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ displayedError: true });
resetTime() {
this.setByteSample(0, true, true);
if (!this.isPlaying)
setByteSample(value, send = true, clear = false) {
if (this.audioWorklet && isFinite(value)) {
this.byteSample = value;
if (send)
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ setByteSample: [value, clear] });
setPlaybackMode(playbackMode) {
if (this.audioWorklet) {
this.songData.mode = playbackMode;
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ songData: this.songData });
setSampleRate(sampleRate) {
if (this.audioWorklet) {
this.songData.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ songData: this.songData, updateSampleRatio: true });
setSampleRateDivisor(sampleRateDivisor) {
if (this.audioWorklet)
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ sampleRateDivisor, updateSampleRatio: true });
setPlaySpeed(playSpeed) {
if (this.audioWorklet && this.playSpeed !== playSpeed) {
this.playSpeed = playSpeed;
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ playSpeed, updateSampleRatio: true });
toggleTimeCursor() {
if (this.timeCursorElem)
this.timeCursorElem.classList.toggle("disabled", !this.timeCursorVisible());
timeCursorVisible() {
return this.songData.sampleRate >> this.drawSettings.scale < 3950;
togglePlay(isPlaying) {
if (this.audioWorklet && isPlaying !== this.isPlaying) {
this.canvasTogglePlay.classList.toggle("canvas-toggleplay-pause", isPlaying);
if (isPlaying) {
// Play
if (this.audioCtx?.resume)
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this.animationFrameId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.animationFrame());
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
} else {
if (this.isRecording) {
this.isRecording = false;
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
this.animationFrameId = null;
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
this.isPlaying = isPlaying;
this.audioWorklet.port.postMessage({ isPlaying });
updateCounterValue() {
this.controlTimeValue.placeholder = this.convertToUnit(this.byteSample);
convertFromUnit(value, unit = this.timeUnit) {
switch (unit) {
case "t": return value;
case "s": return value * this.songData.sampleRate;
// IMPORTANT: this function is ONLY used for text formatting, does not work for many conversions, and is inaccurate.
convertToUnit(value, unit = this.timeUnit) {
switch (unit) {
case "t": return value;
case "s": return (value / this.songData.sampleRate).toFixed(3);
setTimeUnit(value, updateCounter = true) {
if (value !== undefined) {
if (typeof value === "number")
value = timeUnits[value];
this.timeUnit = value;
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
this.controlTimeUnitLabel.innerText = this.timeUnit;
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
} else
this.timeUnit = this.controlTimeUnitLabel.innerText;
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (updateCounter)
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2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
changeTimeUnit() {
this.timeUnit = timeUnits[(timeUnits.indexOf(this.timeUnit) + 1) % timeUnits.length];
this.controlTimeUnitLabel.innerText = this.timeUnit;
saveSettings() {
if (globalThis.useLocalStorage !== false)
localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify({ drawSettings: this.drawSettings, volume: this.volume, timeUnit: this.timeUnit });
loadSettings() {
if (localStorage.settings && globalThis.useLocalStorage !== false) {
let settings;
try {
settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Couldn't load settings!", localStorage.settings);
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(settings, "drawSettings")) {
this.drawSettings = settings.drawSettings;
} else {
this.setDrawMode(undefined, false);
this.drawSettings.scale = 5;
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(settings, "volume"))
this.setVolume(false, settings.volume);
2022-01-10 14:06:18 +01:00
2022-05-11 18:04:06 +02:00
if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(settings, "timeUnit"))
this.setTimeUnit(settings.timeUnit, false);
this.setTimeUnit(undefined, false);
} else
loadDefaultSettings() {
this.setDrawMode(undefined, false);
this.drawSettings.scale = 5;
this.setTimeUnit(undefined, false);
2021-11-18 14:36:00 +01:00
2023-12-25 21:56:34 +01:00
// used in html
2022-05-13 19:17:17 +02:00
Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "bytebeat", { value: bytebeat });
2023-12-23 05:31:49 +01:00
2023-04-01 02:45:26 +02:00
export default bytebeat;