secure and fully featured bytebeat editor and player, with easily sharable urls
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SArpnt 26ae64b723
fix proxy detection bug in audioworklet
was a minor typo, not sure why typescript didn't catch it
2024-08-04 19:13:00 -04:00
assets eleventy and esbuild 2023-12-22 21:46:48 -05:00
external licenses fiddle with cache busting 2024-01-01 15:15:37 -05:00
src fix proxy detection bug in audioworklet 2024-08-04 19:13:00 -04:00
.gitignore .gitignore 2024-06-20 14:27:03 -04:00
.prettierignore improve prettier and ts config, format files 2024-04-17 01:37:51 -04:00
.prettierrc.json5 finish easy formats 2023-12-25 17:00:15 -05:00
eleventy.config.js improve prettier and ts config, format files 2024-04-17 01:37:51 -04:00 improve readme build instructions 2024-04-17 02:57:39 -04:00
jest.config.mjs testing framework 2024-03-12 11:50:49 -04:00
LICENSE change license back to mit, update url info in readme 2024-01-01 17:35:49 -05:00
package.json5 update dependencies 2024-08-01 21:42:06 -04:00
pnpm-lock.yaml update dependencies 2024-08-01 21:42:06 -04:00 remove incorrect statements in readme 2024-08-04 17:12:35 -04:00 improve prettier and ts config, format files 2024-04-17 01:37:51 -04:00
tsconfig.json improve typing 2024-04-23 17:16:19 -04:00


modern bytebeat player with a library of many formulas from around the internet.

originally forked from StephanShi's website to fix bugs and add features, now maintained independently.

afaik this was the first bytebeat program that didn't have any major playback bugs (the two common ones are being unable to access functions like escape, and editing strings like "sin"). this program also works well with storing persistent variables, in this example b is used to store persistent variables:

this.b??={a:0,b:0}, // this, window, and globalThis are all the same in this context

all iterable variables are deleted when the bytebeat is input, so variables between bytebeats don't conflict.

Longline Theory and Information Theory are played correctly since a signed bytebeat mode has been added.

syntax highlighting has been added, with a good amount of useful settings but nothing intrusive.

stereo is supported by returning an array.


this website runs arbitrary code!

i've taken many security measures, but i can't guarantee what i've done is foolproof. as far as i can tell, this website should be secure, but this doesn't prevent:

  • taking advantage of browser security vulnerabilities
  • locking up the audio thread, making controls not work (volume still works, and the page can be refreshed)
  • anything else an AudioWorklet could do that i don't know about (i really don't know that much about security)

on a secure browser the website should be safe, but i can't guarantee anything. If i've messed up anywhere then results could be much worse.

to judge yourself, these are the security measures i've taken:

  • input code is ran in an audio worklet (the code has access to the global scope)
  • most iterable global variables are deleted
  • objects on the global scope and their prototypes are frozen
  • objects on the global scope are made unwritable and unconfigurable
  • proxies output by the bytebeat code are detected and never used for any operations
  • data output by the bytebeat code is carefully converted to numbers with error handling
  • data output from the audio worklet is treated as untrusted and parsed carefully

embedding is an embeddable version of the page, designed to be used in other projects. it doesn't have the library, doesn't save settings, and can recieve commands via postMessage.

command format:

	show: { // show / hide webpage elements
		codeEditor: boolean,
		timeControls: boolean, // also prevents clicking the canvas to start/stop song
		playbackControls: boolean,
		viewControls: boolean,
		songControls: boolean,
		error: boolean,
		scope: boolean,
	forceScopeWidth: number?, // force the scope width, non-numbers set back to auto
	getSong: boolean, // song will be sent to parent page in the format
	setSong: {
		code: string,
		sampleRate: number, // default 8000
		mode: string, // default "Bytebeat"
		// changes will be made later so that any settings that don't exist here won't be changed
	// commands to control playback aren't implemented yet

any messages recieved will be in this format:

	song: { // sent on getSong
		code: string,
		sampleRate: number,
		mode: string,

if any previously working links stop working, LET ME KNOW. link compatibility is supposed to stay permenantly. if i'm unavalible or you're in a hurry, you can decode the links manually:

  • links prefixed with #v3b64 are the oldest, to decode:
    1. remove the prefix
    2. convert from base 64 with atob
    3. inflate to string with deflate (you can use a tool like fflate or pako)
    4. parse with JSON
  • links prefixed with #v4 have essentially the same process. the only differences are the prefix and the absence of base64 padding.

newer formats are complicated, so i'll only provide commit hashes and the code locations.

  • #5: commit 8acb6ab, grep for "location.hash"
  • #6 commit a36406d, src/url/mod.ts. this version was reverted because the urls broke markdown
  • #5 after commit a36406d, src/url/mod.ts


  • install pnpm
  • pnpm i --prod; pnpm run build

output is in _site, you can start a webserver there.

for actual development work see the web template

please make some changes before uploading anywhere, and avoid github if you can. microsoft has been scraping repositories to use for their github copilot crap, and i'd rather not have my code used in that. i would also like to hear about any projects you make with my code!