2023-09-10 17:31:25 +03:00

47 lines
1.9 KiB

# This is the Containerfile for your custom image.
# Instead of adding RUN statements here, you should consider creating a script
# in `config/scripts/`. Read more in `modules/script/`
# This Containerfile takes in the recipe, version, and base image as arguments,
# all of which are provided by build.yml when doing builds
# in the cloud. The ARGs have default values, but changing those
# does nothing if the image is built in the cloud.
# !! Warning: changing these might not do anything for you. Read comment above.
# The default recipe is set to the recipe's default filename
# so that `podman build` should just work for most people.
ARG RECIPE=recipe.yml
# The default image registry to write to policy.json and cosign.yaml
COPY /usr/share/ublue-os/
# Copy the bling from ublue-os/bling into tmp, to be installed later by the bling module
# Feel free to remove these lines if you want to speed up image builds and don't want any bling
COPY /rpms /tmp/bling/rpms
COPY /files /tmp/bling/files
# Copy build scripts & configuration
COPY /tmp/
COPY config /tmp/config/
# Copy modules
# The default modules are inside ublue-os/bling
COPY /modules /tmp/modules/
# Custom modules overwrite defaults
COPY modules /tmp/modules/
# `yq` is used for parsing the yaml configuration
# It is copied from the official container image since it's not available as an RPM.
COPY /usr/bin/yq /usr/bin/yq
# Run the build script, then clean up temp files and finalize container build.
RUN chmod +x /tmp/ && /tmp/ && \
rm -rf /tmp/* /var/* && ostree container commit