2023-09-10 17:31:25 +03:00
.. refactor: fetch modules from bling 2023-09-10 17:31:25 +03:00

Making modules

If you want to extend Startingpoint with custom functionality that requires configuration, you should create a module. Modules are scripts in the subdirectories of this directory. The type: key in the recipe.yml should be used as both the name of the folder and script, with the script having an additional .sh suffix. Creating a custom module with the same name as a default module will override it.

Each module intended for public usage should include a file inside it's directory with a short description of the module and documentation for each configuration option.

Modules get only the configuration options given to them in the recipe.yml, not the configuration of other modules or any top-level keys. The configuration is given as the first argument as a single-line json string. You can check out the default modules for examples on how to parse such string using yq or jq.

Additionally, each module has access to four environment variables, CONFIG_DIRECTORY pointing to the Startingpoint directory in /usr/share/ublue-os/, IMAGE_NAME being the name of the image as declared in the recipe, BASE_IMAGE being the URL of the container image used as the base (FROM) in the image, and OS_VERSION being the VERSION_ID from /usr/lib/os-release.

A helper bash function called get_yaml_array is exported from the main build script.

# "$1" is the first cli argument, being the module configuration.
# If you need to read from some other JSON string, just replace "$1" with "$VARNAME".
get_yaml_array OUTPUT_VAR_NAME '[]' "$1"
for THING in "${OUTPUT_VAR_NAME[@]}"; do
    echo "$THING"

All bash-based modules should start with the following lines to ensure the image builds fail on errors, and that the correct shell is used to run them.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -oue pipefail