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2019-05-12 19:09:56 +02:00
import { createCanvas, registerFont } from 'canvas';
const width = 1024 + 256;
const height = 512 + 256;
const margin = 128;
const chartAreaX = margin;
const chartAreaY = margin;
const chartAreaWidth = width - (margin * 2);
const chartAreaHeight = height - (margin * 2);
const lineWidth = 16;
const yAxisThickness = 2;
const colors = {
bg: '#434343',
text: '#e0e4cc',
yAxis: '#5a5a5a',
dataset: [
const yAxisTicks = 4;
type Chart = {
title?: string;
datasets: {
title?: string;
data: number[];
export function renderChart(chart: Chart) {
registerFont('./font.ttf', { family: 'CustomFont' });
const canvas = createCanvas(width, height);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.antialias = 'default';
ctx.fillStyle = colors.bg;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
const xAxisCount = chart.datasets[0].data.length;
const serieses = chart.datasets.length;
let lowerBound = Infinity;
let upperBound = -Infinity;
for (let xAxis = 0; xAxis < xAxisCount; xAxis++) {
let v = 0;
for (let series = 0; series < serieses; series++) {
v += chart.datasets[series].data[xAxis];
if (v > upperBound) upperBound = v;
if (v < lowerBound) lowerBound = v;
// Calculate Y axis scale
const yAxisSteps = niceScale(lowerBound, upperBound, yAxisTicks);
const yAxisStepsMin = yAxisSteps[0];
const yAxisStepsMax = yAxisSteps[yAxisSteps.length - 1];
const yAxisRange = yAxisStepsMax - yAxisStepsMin;
// Draw Y axis
ctx.lineWidth = yAxisThickness;
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.strokeStyle = colors.yAxis;
for (let i = 0; i < yAxisSteps.length; i++) {
const step = yAxisSteps[yAxisSteps.length - i - 1];
const y = i * (chartAreaHeight / (yAxisSteps.length - 1));
ctx.lineTo(chartAreaX, chartAreaY + y);
ctx.lineTo(chartAreaX + chartAreaWidth, chartAreaY + y);
ctx.font = '20px CustomFont';
ctx.fillStyle = colors.text;
ctx.fillText(step.toString(), chartAreaX, chartAreaY + y - 8);
const newDatasets = [];
for (let series = 0; series < serieses; series++) {
data: []
for (let xAxis = 0; xAxis < xAxisCount; xAxis++) {
for (let series = 0; series < serieses; series++) {
newDatasets[series].data.push(chart.datasets[series].data[xAxis] / yAxisRange);
const perXAxisWidth = chartAreaWidth / xAxisCount;
let newUpperBound = -Infinity;
for (let xAxis = 0; xAxis < xAxisCount; xAxis++) {
let v = 0;
for (let series = 0; series < serieses; series++) {
v += newDatasets[series].data[xAxis];
if (v > newUpperBound) newUpperBound = v;
// Draw X axis
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
for (let xAxis = 0; xAxis < xAxisCount; xAxis++) {
const xAxisPerTypeHeights = [];
for (let series = 0; series < serieses; series++) {
const v = newDatasets[series].data[xAxis];
const vHeight = (v / newUpperBound) * (chartAreaHeight - ((yAxisStepsMax - upperBound) / yAxisStepsMax * chartAreaHeight));
for (let series = serieses - 1; series >= 0; series--) {
ctx.strokeStyle = colors.dataset[series % colors.dataset.length];
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < series; i++) {
total += xAxisPerTypeHeights[i];
const height = xAxisPerTypeHeights[series];
const x = chartAreaX + (perXAxisWidth * ((xAxisCount - 1) - xAxis)) + (perXAxisWidth / 2);
const yTop = (chartAreaY + chartAreaHeight) - (total + height);
const yBottom = (chartAreaY + chartAreaHeight) - (total);
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - (xAxis / xAxisCount);
ctx.lineTo(x, yTop);
ctx.lineTo(x, yBottom);
return canvas.toBuffer();
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/326679/choosing-an-attractive-linear-scale-for-a-graphs-y-axis
// https://github.com/apexcharts/apexcharts.js/blob/master/src/modules/Scales.js
// This routine creates the Y axis values for a graph.
function niceScale(lowerBound: number, upperBound: number, ticks: number): number[] {
// Calculate Min amd Max graphical labels and graph
// increments. The number of ticks defaults to
// 10 which is the SUGGESTED value. Any tick value
// entered is used as a suggested value which is
// adjusted to be a 'pretty' value.
// Output will be an array of the Y axis values that
// encompass the Y values.
const steps = [];
// Determine Range
const range = upperBound - lowerBound;
let tiks = ticks + 1;
// Adjust ticks if needed
if (tiks < 2) {
tiks = 2;
} else if (tiks > 2) {
tiks -= 2;
// Get raw step value
const tempStep = range / tiks;
// Calculate pretty step value
const mag = Math.floor(Math.log10(tempStep));
const magPow = Math.pow(10, mag);
const magMsd = (parseInt as any)(tempStep / magPow);
const stepSize = magMsd * magPow;
// build Y label array.
// Lower and upper bounds calculations
const lb = stepSize * Math.floor(lowerBound / stepSize);
const ub = stepSize * Math.ceil(upperBound / stepSize);
// Build array
let val = lb;
while (1) {
val += stepSize;
if (val > ub) {
return steps;