
55 lines
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pragma SPARK_Mode;
with VSSL.Integers.Decimal_Chunks;
with VSSL.Integers.Generic_Digit_Arrays;
package VSSL.Integers.Big_Decimal is
type Big_Decimal_Natural (<>) is private;
function Make_With_Places (
Places : Positive;
Initial : Natural := 0)
return Big_Decimal_Natural;
-- Allocate bit natural capable of storing Places-digit value
-- and initializes it with Initial
-- Raises an exception if allocated spaces is not capable of storing Initial value
function To_Big (
X : Natural;
Places : Positive := 1)
return Big_Decimal_Natural;
-- Same as Make_With Places (Places, X),
-- except it allocates more space if needed to store X
function "=" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Boolean;
function "<" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Boolean;
function ">" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Boolean is (Y < X);
function "<=" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Boolean is (not (X > Y));
function ">=" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Boolean is (not (X < Y));
procedure Set (
X : out Big_Decimal_Natural;
Y : in Big_Decimal_Natural);
procedure Set (
X : out Big_Decimal_Natural;
Y : in Natural);
--function "+" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Big_Decimal_Natural;
--function "*" (X, Y : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Big_Decimal_Natural;
function ILog10 (X : Big_Decimal_Natural) return Integer;
function Digit (X : Big_Decimal_Natural; N : Natural) return Natural;
type Decimal_Digit is mod 10 with Default_Value => 0;
subtype Index is Natural;
type Big_Decimal_Natural is array (Index range <>) of Decimal_Digit;
package Digit_Arrays is new VSSL.Integers.Generic_Digit_Arrays (
Digit_Type => Decimal_Digit,
Index => Index,
Digit_Array => Big_Decimal_Natural);
end VSSL.Integers.Big_Decimal;