Makefile-based build of examples. Finally, share common body file.

This commit is contained in:
Vovanium 2021-08-03 16:23:16 +03:00
parent a587b7a512
commit 68fe374be0
7 changed files with 28 additions and 44 deletions

View file

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
with STM32.RCC; use STM32.RCC;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with Chip.Units; use Chip.Units;
package Board is
pragma Preelaborate;
LED_Port: GPIO_Registers renames GPIOD;
LED_Bit: constant Port_Bit_Number := 3;
LED_On: constant Boolean := False;
LED_Port : GPIO_Registers renames GPIOD;
LED_Bit : constant Port_Bit_Number := 3;
LED_On : constant Boolean := False;
LED_RCC_EN : Boolean renames RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOD);
end Board;

View file

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
with STM32.RCC; use STM32.RCC;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.USART; use STM32.USART;
with Chip.Units; use Chip.Units;
package Board is
pragma Preelaborate;
LED_Port: GPIO_Registers renames GPIOG;
LED_Bit: constant Port_Bit_Number := 13;
LED_On: constant Boolean := True;
LED_Port : GPIO_Registers renames GPIOG;
LED_Bit : constant Port_Bit_Number := 13;
LED_On : constant Boolean := True;
LED_RCC_EN : Boolean renames RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOG);
UART_Port: GPIO_Registers renames GPIOA;
UART_TX_Bit: constant Port_Bit_Number := 9;

View file

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
PROJECTS = led_flasher led_flasher_429disco
BOARDS = 407z_piswords 429disco
echo $(BOARDS:%=flash_led_flasher_%)
st-flash --reset write $< 0x8000000
gprbuild $<.gpr
arm-eabi-objcopy -O binary $< $@
.PHONY: $(PROJECTS:%=flash_%)
.PHONY: $(BOARDS:%=flash_led_flasher_%)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
with Board; use Board;
with STM32.RCC; use STM32.RCC;
with STM32.F429.Units; use STM32.F429.Units;
with Chip.Units; use Chip.Units;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.GPIO.Ports; use STM32.GPIO.Ports;
with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ procedure LED_Flasher is
Now: Time := Clock;
package LED is new GPIO_Port_Boolean(LED_Port, LED_Bit);
RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOD) := True;
LED_RCC_EN := True;
LED_Port.MODER(LED_Bit) := Output_Mode;
LED_Port.OTYPER(LED_Bit) := Push_Pull_Type;
LED_Port.OSPEEDR(LED_Bit) := Very_High_Speed;

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ with "../../stm32f4_library.gpr";
project LED_Flasher is
for Languages use("Ada");
for Main use("led_flasher.adb");
for Object_Dir use "objects";
for Object_Dir use "objects/407z_piswords";
for Target use "arm-eabi";
for Runtime("Ada") use "ravenscar-sfp-stm32f4";
for Source_Dirs use(".", "../common/407z-piswords");

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
with Board; use Board;
with STM32.RCC; use STM32.RCC;
with Chip.Units; use Chip.Units;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.GPIO.Ports; use STM32.GPIO.Ports;
with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
procedure LED_Flasher_429disco is
Period: constant Time_Span := Milliseconds(250);
On_Time: constant Time_Span := Milliseconds(10);
Now: Time := Clock;
package LED is new GPIO_Port_Boolean(LED_Port, LED_Bit);
RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOG) := True;
LED_Port.MODER(LED_Bit) := Output_Mode;
LED_Port.OTYPER(LED_Bit) := Push_Pull_Type;
LED_Port.OSPEEDR(LED_Bit) := Very_High_Speed;
LED_Port.PUPDR(LED_Bit) := No_Pull;
delay until Now + On_Time;
LED.Set(not LED_On);
Now := Now + Period;
delay until Now;
end loop;
end Led_Flasher_429disco;

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ with "../../stm32f4_library.gpr";
project LED_Flasher_429disco is
for Languages use("Ada");
for Main use("led_flasher_429disco.adb");
for Object_Dir use "objects";
for Main use("led_flasher.adb");
for Object_Dir use "objects/429disco";
for Target use "arm-eabi";
for Runtime("Ada") use "ravenscar-sfp-stm32f429disco";
for Source_Dirs use(".", "../common/429disco");