with STM32.F429Z; use STM32.F429Z; use STM32.F429Z.Modules.GPIO; use STM32.F429Z.Modules.USART; with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; procedure UART_429Disco is UART_Port: GPIO_Registers renames GPIOA; UART_TX_Bit: constant Port_Bit_Number := 9; UART_RX_Bit: constant Port_Bit_Number := 10; UART_Module: USART_Registers renames USART1; procedure UART_Transmit(Data : String) is begin for I of Data loop while not UART_Module.SR.TXE loop null; end loop; UART_Module.DR := Character'Pos(I); end loop; end; APB2_Frequency : constant := 90_000_000; -- Set by board support Baud : constant := 115_200; --Ratio : constant := (APB2_Frequency + Baud_Rate / 2) / Baud_Rate; Period: constant Time_Span := Milliseconds(100); Now: Time := Clock; begin RCC.AHB1ENR.GPIOA := True; RCC.APB2ENR.USART1 := True; RCC.APB2RSTR.USART1 := True; RCC.APB2RSTR.USART1 := False; UART_Port.AFR(UART_TX_Bit) := Alternate_Functions.USART1; UART_Port.MODER(UART_TX_Bit) := Alternate_Mode; UART_Port.OSPEEDR(UART_TX_Bit) := Low_Speed; UART_Port.OTYPER(UART_TX_Bit) := Push_Pull_Type; UART_Port.PUPDR(UART_TX_Bit) := Pull_Down; UART_Port.AFR(UART_RX_Bit) := Alternate_Functions.USART1; UART_Port.MODER(UART_RX_Bit) := Alternate_Mode; UART_Port.OSPEEDR(UART_RX_Bit) := Low_Speed; UART_Port.OTYPER(UART_RX_Bit) := Push_Pull_Type; UART_Port.PUPDR(UART_RX_Bit) := Pull_Down; declare R : Control_Register_1 := UART_Module.CR1; begin R.UE := False; UART_Module.CR1 := R; end; declare R : Control_Register_1 := UART_Module.CR1; begin R.M := Word_8_Bits; R.PCE := False; R.PS := Even_Parity; R.TE := True; R.RE := True; R.OVER8 := False; UART_Module.CR1 := R; end; declare R : Control_Register_2 := UART_Module.CR2; begin R.STOP := Stop_1_Bit; R.LINEN := False; R.CLKEN := False; UART_Module.CR2 := R; end; declare R : Control_Register_3 := UART_Module.CR3; begin R.SCEN := False; R.HDSEL := False; R.IREN := False; R.RTSE := False; R.CTSE := False; UART_Module.CR3 := R; end; --UART_Module.BRR := (DIV_Mantissa => Ratio / 16, DIV_Fraction => Ratio mod 16, others => 0); UART_Module.BRR := Baud_Rate (Speed => Baud, OVER8 => False, Bus_Frequency => APB2_Frequency); declare R : Control_Register_1 := UART_Module.CR1; begin R.UE := True; UART_Module.CR1 := R; end; loop UART_Transmit("Hello World! ... "); Now := Now + Period; delay until Now; end loop; end UART_429Disco;