
28 lines
755 B

with System;
with STM32.Address_Map;
package STM32.GPIO.Units is
pragma Preelaborate;
package Address_Map renames STM32.Address_Map;
GPIOA : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOA);
GPIOC : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOC);
GPIOD : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOD);
GPIOE : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOE);
GPIOF : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOF);
GPIOG : GPIO_Registers
with Volatile, Import, Address => System'To_Address(Address_Map.GPIOG);
end STM32.GPIO.Units;