
27 lines
897 B

with STM32.RCC; use STM32.RCC;
with STM32.GPIO; use STM32.GPIO;
with STM32.USART; use STM32.USART;
with Chip.Units; use Chip.Units;
package Board is
pragma Preelaborate;
LED_Port : GPIO_Registers renames GPIOG;
LED_Bit : constant Port_Bit_Number := 13;
LED_On : constant Boolean := True;
LED_RCC_EN : Boolean renames RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOG);
UART_Port : GPIO_Registers renames GPIOA;
UART_TX_Bit : constant Port_Bit_Number := 9;
UART_RX_Bit : constant Port_Bit_Number := 10;
UART_Port_RCC_EN : Boolean renames RCC.AHB1ENR(Index.GPIOA);
UART_Port_RCC_RST : Boolean renames RCC.AHB1RSTR(Index.GPIOA);
UART_AF : Alternate_Function renames Alternate_Functions.USART1;
UART_Module : USART_Registers renames USART1;
UART_RCC_EN : Boolean renames RCC.APB2ENR(Index.USART1);
UART_RCC_RST : Boolean renames RCC.APB2RSTR(Index.USART1);
end Board;