2023-11-05 16:31:44 -06:00

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My NixOS Configuraton File

This is my NixOS setup to manage multiple computers with a home-manager config structure using nix flakes.

Current Desktop Screenshot

Gnome Gnome


  • Multiple NixOS configurations: desktop, laptop, and hopefully a test server and eventually a full transition over from my Ubuntu server.

How to

Source: South Park

  1. NixOS Installation
    1. Install NixOS on a computer using the default Gnome installer from https://nixos.org/download.html.
    2. Clone this repository zonsopkomst in the `/home// directory.
    3. Update the subdirectories in hosts and users.
      1. Copy the configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix files from the /etc/nixos directory and move them to hosts/PLACE(local OR remote)/NEW_PC_NAME.
      2. Rename configuration.nix to default.nix and, update flake.nix located in the top directory, link the appropriate modules to be used.
      3. Segment out items from new default.nix to appropriate .nix files.
      4. Make sure the correct version of NixOS is listed in the appropriate files.
    4. flake.nix is where .nix files are imported with further instructions on declared packages and modules.
      1. Declare packages either globally under /hosts/<location>/hostname/packages.nix or /users/<username>/home-manager.nix.
    5. Rebuild NixOS ( must be include the first time rebuilding, after the first rebuild, .# can be used and the system will know which hostname is to be used)
      1. nix-channel --update May no longer be neccessary due to using a flake - need to look into further
      2. nix flake --update && nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>
    6. Push the updated git files to the repository so that they can be pulled, and the system rebuilt during the next update.


  1. See /config/.bashrc for alias: flkup using sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname> commands and other useful items



  • The following may not be neccessary per Discord Conversation
    • Added as unstable channel
      • sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager
  • sudo nix-channel --update


Directory What is it for?
common Shared configurations and modules
config Config files that are managed by NixOS
desktop Shared desktop configs
display Login Display managers
hosts The PCs deployed
reference Package list, git assets, notes, etc.
users Individual User configs
flake.nix & flake.lock Declared configuration using the above directories & configs


Hostname Model Type RAM Processor Main Use
weda Dell Inspiron 15 Laptop 16GB AMD Ryzen 5 (Cezanne) Business
frija Acer Aspire 3 Laptop 4GB AMD A9 Testing
tyr Intel i5 Desktop 16GB Intel i5 Media
tii Dell Lattitude 5511 Laptop 16GB Intel i5 Quad (i5-10400H) Remote
tuisto AMD Ryzen 5 Desktop 16GB AMD Ryzen 5 (Renoir) Remote
sintanne Intel i5 Desktop 16GB Intel i5-11320H Remote
TODO AMD Ryzen 5 Server ??GB AMD 2200G Test Server
TODO AMD Ryzen 5 Server ??GB AMD 2200G Main Server