## This Vagrant setup is still Work in Progress and not ready to use as is. # Disroot Website Development Environment using Vagrant ## requirements 1. vagrant 2.2.1 for install on Debian run commands: ``` wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.1/vagrant_2.2.1_x86_64.deb ``` ``` sudo dpkg -i vagrant_2.2.1_x86_64.deb ``` ``` sudo apt install -f ``` 2. virtuabox for install on Debian run command: ``` sudo apt install virtualbox-6.0 ``` 3. vagrant plugins vagrant-vbguest: for install on Debian run commands: ``` vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest ``` ``` vagrant vbguest ``` 4. git ``` sudo apt install git ``` ## Installation 1. Clone disroot-website repo to disroot-website project folder ``` git clone https://git.fosscommunity.in/disroot/disroot-website.git ~/disroot-website ``` 2. Add the local domain name for the hub to your host machine's `/etc/hosts` file. ``` echo " disroot.lan" >> /etc/hosts ``` 3. Launch Vagrant to build the virtual machine (VM). This will take several minutes. ``` cd ~/disroot-website/vagrant vagrant up disroot_lan ``` Congratulations, you should now have a fully functioning apache+GRAV server running locally in a Virtualbox-hosted VM managed by Vagrant. Next time you want to run vagrant simply run command ``` cd ~/disroot-website/vagrant vagrant up disroot_lan ``` ### Enable SSH access To make your development workflow more efficient, you may wish to use an SSH connection to rapidly synchronize the files you are developing in your local (host machine) development environment. 1. On your host machine, copy your public key. ``` user@host:~$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.public ssh-rsa eLX1UQbJHUCHf2V3K7YlMP0YmIT+50rlEsWre1eobApKb0Ac/WbvssX/Gh/ user@host ``` 1. Use `vagrant ssh disroot_lan` to log in to the virtual machine. ``` user@host:~$ cd ~/disroot-website/vagrant user@host:hubzilla-vagrant$ vagrant ssh disroot_lan ``` 1. Switch to root and add your host user public key. ``` vagrant@stretch:~$ sudo -i root@jessie:~# ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/root/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: b4:e3:00:40:4f:c5:af:27:05:09:d4:70:29:ac:f8:51 root@jessie The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]----+ | .oo=*oo | | +E.* | | . oo. o. | |. o . .o. | | . . .oS | | . oo.. | | o. | | | | | +-----------------+ root@stretch:~# echo "ssh-rsa eLX1UQbJHUCHf2V3K7YlMP0YmIT+50rlEsWre1eobApKb0Ac/WbvssX/Gh/ user@host" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` 1. From your host machine, you may now SSH into the virtual machine using ``` ssh root@disroot.lan ```