const config = require('./config.json') import { WebSocket, WebSocketServer } from 'ws'; const wss = new WebSocketServer({ port: config.port }); type Client = { ws: WebSocket; nick: string; } const clients: Client[] = []; wss.on('connection', (ws) => { const client: Client = { ws, nick: config.defaultUsername }; clients.push(client); function sendMessage(timestamp: string, message: string, nickname: string, isPublic: boolean = true) { if (!isPublic) { ws.send (JSON.stringify({ timestamp, nick: nickname, message: message })) } else { // message: msg.replace(//g, '>') // uncomment this and change the argument passed to sendMessage() to disable HTML injection clients.forEach((c) => { if ( === WebSocket.OPEN) (JSON.stringify({ timestamp, nick: nickname, message: message })) }); } } const loginTimestamp = new Date().toLocaleTimeString() sendMessage(loginTimestamp, config.loginMessage, config.serverNickname, false) ws.on('message', (message) => { const msg = message.toString(); const timestamp = new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); if (msg.startsWith('/nick ')) { const newNick = msg.split(' ')[1]; if (newNick) { client.nick = newNick; sendMessage(timestamp, `Nick set to ${newNick}`, config.serverNickname, false) } return } if (!client.nick) { sendMessage(timestamp, `You must set a nick first`, config.serverNickname, false) return; } sendMessage(timestamp, msg, client.nick) }); // Removes client when connection is closed ws.on('close', () => { const index = clients.indexOf(client); if (index !== -1) clients.splice(index, 1); }); }); console.log(`Chatto WebSocket server is running on ws://localhost:${config.port}`);