howtos/Linux/kernels Oracle.txt

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Check available kernels
sudo rpm -qa kernel*
Listing the kernels in the /boot directory.
sudo ls -l /boot/vmlinuz*
Using the grubby command on specific kernels or using the ALL option.
sudo grubby --info /boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0*
sudo grubby --info=ALL
Check the current default kernel
sudo grubby --default-kernel
To check which kernel is currently running on a system, run:
sudo uname -r
Change the default kernel
grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-5.2.14-1937.el8uek.x86_64
Change kernel command line boot parameters
Use the --update-kernel option to update a kenel entry in combination with --args to add new arguments or --remove-arguments to remove existing arguments. Multiple arguments can be specified for each option in a quoted space-separated list. You can add and remove arguments in the same operation.
To update a specific kernel, provide the --update-kernel option with the full path to the kernel that you wish to update. To update all kernel entries to use a specific kernel boot argument, you can set --update-kernel=ALL.
You can update all kernel entries to change the loglevel and LANG arguments:
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args "loglevel=3,LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"
Use the grubby info=ALL command to check that the change is implemented across kernels:
grubby --info=ALL