[General] version=4.1.0 allow_multiple_instances=-1 width=782 always_on_top=0 units_width=1000 units_height=700 units_hpanel_position=350 units_vpanel_position=119 keep_function_dialog_open=0 error_info_shown=1 save_mode_on_exit=1 save_definitions_on_exit=1 clear_history_on_exit=0 history_expression_type=2 ignore_locale=0 load_global_definitions=1 auto_update_exchange_rates=1 local_currency_conversion=1 use_binary_prefixes=0 check_version=0 show_keypad=0 show_history=0 history_height=318 minimal_width=500 show_stack=1 show_convert=1 persistent_keypad=0 minimal_mode=0 show_bases_keypad=1 continuous_conversion=1 set_missing_prefixes=0 rpn_keys=1 display_expression_status=1 enable_completion=1 enable_completion2=1 completion_min=1 completion_min2=1 completion_delay=0 calculate_as_you_type_history_delay=2000 use_unicode_signs=1 lower_case_numbers=0 lower_case_e=0 e_notation=0 imaginary_j=0 base_display=1 twos_complement=1 hexadecimal_twos_complement=0 twos_complement_input=0 hexadecimal_twos_complement_input=0 programming_outbase=10 programming_inbase=10 spell_out_logical_operators=1 caret_as_xor=0 digit_grouping=1 copy_ascii=0 decimal_comma=-1 dot_as_separator=-1 comma_as_separator=0 vertical_button_padding=-1 horizontal_button_padding=-1 use_custom_result_font=0 use_custom_expression_font=0 use_custom_status_font=0 use_custom_keypad_font=0 use_custom_history_font=0 use_custom_application_font=0 multiplication_sign=2 division_sign=1 expression_history=$ EGP expression_history=update expression_history=$ x EGP expression_history=uptime expression_history=$ expression_history=pi expression_history=e expression_history=q_A expression_history=0.7 × 60 expression_history=(6 / 100)×45 expression_history=6 / 100 expression_history=(639 −408)/24 expression_history=(639 −408)/48 expression_history=639 −408 expression_history=0.1504 × 24 + 0.0832 × 24 expression_history=60.86 + 54.95 expression_history=36 + 84 expression_history=0.019 × 24 × 31 ×2 expression_history=0.019 × 24 × 31 expression_history=0.014 × 24 ×31 expression_history=25 + 15 + 7 expression_history=25 + 11 + 7 expression_history=21 + 11 + 7 expression_history=21 + 11 +7 expression_history=21 + 7 +7 expression_history=0.01 × 24 ×31 expression_history=2×0.01 × 24 ×31 expression_history=2×0.019 × 24 ×31 expression_history=1×0.019 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.019 × 24 ×31 expression_history=24.552 × 2 expression_history=364 + (0.033 × 24 ×31 × 36) expression_history=0.080 × 24 ×31 × 36 expression_history=0.080 × 24 ×31 × 3 expression_history=0.080 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.033 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.010 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.024 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.009 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.021 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.048 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.0216 × 24 ×31 expression_history=0.0432 × 24 ×31 expression_history=40 + (0.076 × 24 × 31) + (0.080 × 24 × 31) + 5 expression_history=(13.91 ×2 )+7.74 expression_history=13.91 ×2 expression_history=0.0187 × 24 ×31 expression_history=(4.46 + 32.14)+((5.52/3)×2) expression_history=4.46 + 32.14 expression_history=39.57 + 8.43 + 23.7 expression_history=39.57 + 8.43 expression_history=4.03 + 29.03 expression_history=69.84 − 21.34 expression_history=39.71 − 8.56 expression_history=195.94 − 156.23 expression_history=36.02 + 7.59 expression_history=20+47 expression_history=(0.019 × 24)×31 expression_history=0.019 × 24 expression_history=12 × 10 expression_history=12 × 15 expression_history=12 × 24 expression_history=12 × 4 expression_history=10 × 4 expression_history=true expression_history=precision expression_history=2850.000 000 − 110.028 800 0 expression_history=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − ((7USD to EGP)) expression_history=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − (7USD to EGP) expression_history=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 expression_history=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP expression_history=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 expression_history=((7000−1000)−3000) expression_history=(7000−1000)−3000 expression_history=7000−1000 expression_history=0.0104 × 24 × 31 expression_history=28 + 8 + 61.14 + 56 + 5 expression_history=0.0104 × 24 ×31 expression_history=(0.024 × 24 )×31 expression_history=0.024 × 24 expression_history=28+18+61.14+56+5 expression_history=(0.103×20)+(0.06×20) expression_history=(0.103×20) expression_history=(0.103×20)×31 expression_history=0.103×20 expression_history=1 expression_history=25 expression_history=2 expression_history=28 + 18 + 61.14 + 56 history_expression=$ EGP history_parse=USD × EGP to EGP history_result_approximate=18.541 800 00 EGP2 history_expression=update history_parse=atomic_mass_unit × picodecare × tonne × e to EGP history_result_approximate=4.513 813 17 da·fg2 history_expression=$ EGP history_parse=USD × EGP to EGP history_result_approximate=15.718 400 00 EGP2 history_expression=$ x EGP history_parse=USD × x × EGP to EGP history_result_approximate=15.718 400 00x EGP2 history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime to EGP history_result=376.836 89 ks history_expression=$ EGP history_parse=USD × EGP to EGP history_result_approximate=15.718 400 00 EGP2 history_expression=$ EGP history_parse=USD × EGP history_warning=It has been 26 days since the exchange rates last were updated. history_result_approximate=0.049 437 810 43 €2 history_result_approximate=0.063 619 706 84 $2 history_result_approximate=15 864.045 54 AOA2 history_result_approximate=0.034 438 736 52 £2 history_result_approximate=0.063 619 706 84 $2 history_warning=Error(s) in unitexpression. history_result_approximate=0.049 437 810 43 €2 history_warning=Error(s) in unitexpression. history_result_approximate=0.049 437 810 43 €2 history_warning=Error(s) in unitexpression. history_result_approximate=0.049 437 810 43 €2 history_result_approximate=0.063 619 706 84 $2 history_result_approximate=15.718 400 00 EGP2 history_result_approximate=0.063 619 706 84 $2 history_result_approximate=608.512 316 8 CVE2 history_result_approximate=15.718 400 00 EGP2 history_expression=$ history_parse=USD history_warning=It has been 26 days since the exchange rates last were updated. history_result_approximate=€0.881 523 272 2 history_expression=pi history_parse=pi history_result_approximate=3.141 592 654 history_expression=e history_parse=e history_result_approximate=2.718 281 828 history_expression=q_A history_parse=eunit history_result=160.217 663 4 zC history_expression=0.7 × 60 history_parse=0.7 × 60 history_result=42 history_expression=(6 / 100)×45 history_parse=(6 ∕ 100) × 45 history_result=2.7 history_expression=6 / 100 history_parse=6 ∕ 100 history_result=0.06 history_expression=(639 −408)/24 history_parse=(639 − 408) ∕ 24 history_result=9.625 history_expression=(639 −408)/48 history_parse=(639 − 408) ∕ 48 history_result=4.8125 history_expression=639 −408 history_parse=639 − 408 history_result=231 history_expression=0.1504 × 24 + 0.0832 × 24 history_parse=(0.1504 × 24) + (0.0832 × 24) history_result=5.6064 history_expression=60.86 + 54.95 history_parse=60.86 + 54.95 history_result=115.81 history_expression=36 + 84 history_parse=36 + 84 history_result=120 history_expression=0.019 × 24 × 31 ×2 history_parse=0.019 × 24 × 31 × 2 history_result=28.272 history_expression=0.019 × 24 × 31 history_parse=0.019 × 24 × 31 history_result=14.136 history_expression=0.014 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.014 × 24 × 31 history_result=10.416 history_expression=25 + 15 + 7 history_parse=25 + 15 + 7 history_result=47 history_expression=25 + 11 + 7 history_parse=25 + 11 + 7 history_result=43 history_expression=21 + 11 + 7 history_parse=21 + 11 + 7 history_result=39 history_expression=21 + 11 +7 history_parse=21 + 11 + 7 history_result=39 history_expression=21 + 7 +7 history_parse=21 + 7 + 7 history_result=35 history_expression=0.01 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.01 × 24 × 31 history_result=7.44 history_expression=2×0.01 × 24 ×31 history_parse=2 × 0.01 × 24 × 31 history_result=14.88 history_expression=2×0.019 × 24 ×31 history_parse=2 × 0.019 × 24 × 31 history_result=28.272 history_expression=1×0.019 × 24 ×31 history_parse=1 × 0.019 × 24 × 31 history_result=14.136 history_expression=0.019 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.019 × 24 × 31 history_result=14.136 history_expression=24.552 × 2 history_parse=24.552 × 2 history_result=49.104 history_expression=364 + (0.033 × 24 ×31 × 36) history_parse=364 + (0.033 × 24 × 31 × 36) history_result=1247.872 history_expression=0.080 × 24 ×31 × 36 history_parse=0.08 × 24 × 31 × 36 history_result=2142.72 history_expression=0.080 × 24 ×31 × 3 history_parse=0.08 × 24 × 31 × 3 history_result=178.56 history_expression=0.080 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.08 × 24 × 31 history_result=59.52 history_expression=0.033 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.033 × 24 × 31 history_result=24.552 history_expression=0.080 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.08 × 24 × 31 history_result=59.52 history_expression=0.010 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.01 × 24 × 31 history_result=7.44 history_expression=0.024 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.024 × 24 × 31 history_result=17.856 history_expression=0.009 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.009 × 24 × 31 history_result=6.696 history_expression=0.021 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.021 × 24 × 31 history_result=15.624 history_expression=0.048 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.048 × 24 × 31 history_result=35.712 history_expression=0.009 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.009 × 24 × 31 history_result=6.696 history_expression=0.0216 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.0216 × 24 × 31 history_result=16.0704 history_expression=0.019 × 24 × 31 history_parse=0.019 × 24 × 31 history_result=14.136 history_expression=0.0432 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.0432 × 24 × 31 history_result=32.1408 history_expression=40 + (0.076 × 24 × 31) + (0.080 × 24 × 31) + 5 history_parse=40 + (0.076 × 24 × 31) + (0.08 × 24 × 31) + 5 history_result=161.064 history_expression=(13.91 ×2 )+7.74 history_parse=(13.91 × 2) + 7.74 history_result=35.56 history_expression=13.91 ×2 history_parse=13.91 × 2 history_result=27.82 history_expression=0.0187 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.0187 × 24 × 31 history_result=13.9128 history_expression=(4.46 + 32.14)+((5.52/3)×2) history_parse=(4.46 + 32.14) + ((5.52 ∕ 3) × 2) history_result=40.28 history_expression=4.46 + 32.14 history_parse=4.46 + 32.14 history_result=36.6 history_expression=39.57 + 8.43 + 23.7 history_parse=39.57 + 8.43 + 23.7 history_result=71.7 history_expression=39.57 + 8.43 history_parse=39.57 + 8.43 history_result=48 history_expression=4.03 + 29.03 history_parse=4.03 + 29.03 history_result=33.06 history_expression=69.84 − 21.34 history_parse=69.84 − 21.34 history_result=48.5 history_expression=39.71 − 8.56 history_parse=39.71 − 8.56 history_result=31.15 history_expression=195.94 − 156.23 history_parse=195.94 − 156.23 history_result=39.71 history_expression=36.02 + 7.59 history_parse=36.02 + 7.59 history_result=43.61 history_expression=20+47 history_parse=20 + 47 history_result=67 history_expression=(0.019 × 24)×31 history_parse=(0.019 × 24) × 31 history_result=14.136 history_expression=0.019 × 24 history_parse=0.019 × 24 history_result=0.456 history_expression=12 × 10 history_parse=12 × 10 history_result=120 history_expression=12 × 15 history_parse=12 × 15 history_result=180 history_expression=12 × 24 history_parse=12 × 24 history_result=288 history_expression=12 × 4 history_parse=12 × 4 history_result=48 history_expression=10 × 4 history_parse=10 × 4 history_result=40 history_expression=true history_parse=true history_result=1 history_expression=true history_parse=true history_result=1 history_expression=precision history_parse=precision history_result=10 history_expression=precision history_parse=precision history_result=10 history_expression=precision history_parse=precision history_result=10 history_expression=precision history_parse=precision history_result=10 history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 33.94 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 33.78 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 33.6 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 33.43 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 33.2 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 32.98 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 32.69 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 32.22 s history_expression=uptime history_parse=uptime history_result=2 d + 13 h + 48 min + 29.84 s history_expression=2850.000 000 − 110.028 800 0 history_parse=2850 − 110.0288 history_result=2739.9712 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − ((7USD to EGP)) history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − (7USD to EGP) history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_parse=2850 − (EGP × 110.0288) history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − €6.170 662 906 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − (7USD to EGP) history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 − 7USD to EGP history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 − (7 × USD) to EGP history_error=Failed to download exchange rates from nbrb.by: Failed to connect to www.nbrb.by port 443 after 3540 ms: Connection timed out. history_result_approximate=2850.000 000 − EGP 110.028 800 0 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000)−150 history_parse=((7000 − 1000) − 3000) − 150 history_result=2850 history_expression=((7000−1000)−3000) history_parse=(7000 − 1000) − 3000 history_result=3000 history_expression=(7000−1000)−3000 history_parse=(7000 − 1000) − 3000 history_result=3000 history_expression=7000−1000 history_parse=7000 − 1000 history_result=6000 history_expression=0.0104 × 24 × 31 history_parse=0.0104 × 24 × 31 history_result=7.7376 history_expression=28 + 8 + 61.14 + 56 + 5 history_parse=28 + 8 + 61.14 + 56 + 5 history_result=158.14 history_expression=0.0104 × 24 ×31 history_parse=0.0104 × 24 × 31 history_result=7.7376 history_expression=(0.024 × 24 )×31 history_parse=(0.024 × 24) × 31 history_result=17.856 history_expression=0.024 × 24 history_parse=0.024 × 24 history_result=0.576 history_expression=28+18+61.14+56+5 history_parse=28 + 18 + 61.14 + 56 + 5 history_result=168.14 history_expression=(0.103×20)+(0.06×20) history_parse=(0.103 × 20) + (0.06 × 20) history_result=3.26 history_expression=(0.103×20) history_parse=0.103 × 20 history_result=2.06 history_expression=(0.103×20)×31 history_parse=(0.103 × 20) × 31 history_result=63.86 history_expression=0.103×20 history_parse=0.103 × 20 history_result=2.06 history_expression=0.103×20 history_parse=0.103 × 20 history_result=2.06 history_expression=1 history_parse=1 history_result=1 history_expression=1 history_parse=1 history_result=1 history_expression=1 history_parse=1 history_result=1 history_expression=1 history_parse=1 history_result=1 history_expression=1 history_parse=1 to horsepower history_result_approximate=0.001 341 021 882 hp history_expression=1 history_parse=1 to horsepower history_result_approximate=0.001 341 021 882 hp history_expression=25 history_parse=25 to horsepower history_result_approximate=0.033 525 547 04 hp history_result=25 W history_result_approximate=43.979 400 09 dBm history_result=25 W history_result=25 W history_result_approximate=0.033 525 547 04 hp history_result_approximate=0.033 525 547 04 hp history_expression= history_parse=0 to horsepower history_result=0 hp history_result=0 hp history_expression=2 history_parse=2 to watt history_result=2 W history_result_approximate=3.010 299 957 dBW history_result_approximate=0.002 682 043 764 hp history_result_approximate=33.010 299 96 dBm history_result_approximate=3.010 299 957 dBW history_result_approximate=0.002 682 043 764 hp history_result_approximate=0.002 719 243 235 PS history_result=2 W history_expression=163.14 history_parse=(28 + 18 + 61.14 + 56) × watt history_result_approximate=22.125 604 58 dBW history_result=163.14 history_result=163.14 history_result=163.14 history_result=163.14 history_result=163.14 history_result=163.14 history_expression=28 + 18 + 61.14 + 56 history_parse=28 + 18 + 61.14 + 56 history_result=163.14 recent_functions= recent_variables=uptime,true,precision recent_units= latest_button_currency=EUR [Mode] min_deci=0 use_min_deci=0 max_deci=2 use_max_deci=0 precision=10 interval_arithmetic=1 interval_display=0 min_exp=-1 negative_exponents=0 sort_minus_last=1 number_fraction_format=0 complex_number_form=0 use_prefixes=1 use_prefixes_for_all_units=0 use_prefixes_for_currencies=0 abbreviate_names=1 all_prefixes_enabled=0 denominator_prefix_enabled=1 place_units_separately=1 auto_post_conversion=3 mixed_units_conversion=3 number_base=10 number_base_expression=10 read_precision=0 assume_denominators_nonzero=1 warn_about_denominators_assumed_nonzero=1 structuring=1 angle_unit=1 functions_enabled=1 variables_enabled=1 calculate_functions=1 calculate_variables=1 variable_units_enabled=1 sync_units=1 unknownvariables_enabled=0 units_enabled=1 allow_complex=1 allow_infinite=1 indicate_infinite_series=0 show_ending_zeroes=1 rounding_mode=0 approximation=1 interval_calculation=1 calculate_as_you_type=0 in_rpn_mode=0 chain_mode=0 limit_implicit_multiplication=0 parsing_mode=0 simplified_percentage=1 spacious=1 excessive_parenthesis=0 visible_keypad=0 short_multiplication=1 default_assumption_type=4 default_assumption_sign=0 [Plotting] plot_legend_placement=2 plot_style=0 plot_smoothing=0 plot_display_grid=1 plot_full_border=0 plot_min=0 plot_max=10 plot_step=1 plot_sampling_rate=1001 plot_use_sampling_rate=1 plot_variable=x plot_rows=0 plot_type=0 plot_color=1 plot_linewidth=2