wanted to learn about 3d rendering and how rendering engines work at the lower levels (mostly) optimized build : `clang ./src/*.c -lm -lglfw -lGL -lGLEW -fno-trapping-math -ffast-math -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include` debug/other build flags : -Dmemory_trace -Dstfu -D__debug -Dmemory_count windows? you're on your own (though it should work) once these todo tasks are done, i will most likely drop this project, drawing everything with triangles was a fun challenge but, it will simply make other things (ie, color, collisions, z-buffering) impossible or more difficult and resource demanding. # todo - sort stuff into files better:3 - z-buffer - (not likely) moving parts - (maybe) auto separate colliding polygons - fix transparency # known issues - ordering is now only barely fucked (WITH MEMORY LEAKS, for now) - [limitation] no colliding polygons (todo)