2022-10-07 14:02:45 -05:00

1,010 B


because the internet needs rewriting

security project to learn client and server encryption mail & advanced requests

create generic keys openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./certs/selfsigned.key -out ./certs/selfsigned.crt

run npm i & npm start

kanna was here

visit the main git or the github


  • add extra pages
    • home page (quick links, etc)
    • mail
    • forums
    • storage
      • viewer for images
      • viewer for docs
    • login
  • performance related
    • store all listeners in array and kill


  • learning how mail works
    • make mail prettier
    • add functionality
      • send
      • reply
      • draft
      • forward
      • sender info
    • allow for email account adding (soon)
    • docs
      • how everthing works (pseudocode)

FeMail (iron mail)