
315 lines
11 KiB

import {
} from "../../graphql-codegen/generated/graphql.ts"
import { Fields, Fn, OperationParser } from "../types/Anilist.ts"
import { FuzzyDate } from "../anilist.ts"
import { PageInfo } from "./Page.ts"
import { User } from "./User.ts"
import { CharacterConnection } from "./Character.ts"
import { MediaConnection } from "./Media.ts"
import { AtLeastOne } from "../types/AtLeastOne.ts"
export const StaffRoleType = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
/** The voice actors of the character */
voiceActor(op: { alias?: string; fn: Fn<typeof Staff> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op.alias, subField: "voiceActor", level, hasSubField: true })
op.fn(Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
return this
/** Notes regarding the VA's role for the character */
roleNotes(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "roleNotes", level })
return this
/** Used for grouping roles where multiple dubs exist for the same language. Either dubbing company name or language variant. */
dubGroup(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "dubGroup", level })
return this
const StaffEdge = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
node(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof Staff> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "node", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }).id()
return this
/** The id of the connection */
id(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "id", level })
return this
/** The role of the staff member in the production of the media */
role(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "role", level })
return this
/** The order the staff should be displayed from the users favourites */
favouriteOrder(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "favouriteOrder", level })
return this
export const StaffConnection = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
edges(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof StaffEdge> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "edges", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(StaffEdge({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else StaffEdge({ operation, level: level + 1 }).node()
return this
nodes(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof Staff> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "nodes", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }).id()
return this
/** The pagination information */
pageInfo(op: { alias?: string; fn: Fn<typeof PageInfo> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op.alias, subField: "pageInfo", level, hasSubField: true })
op.fn(PageInfo({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
return this
const StaffName = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
/** The person's given name */
first(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "first", level })
return this
/** The person's middle name */
middle(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "middle", level })
return this
/** The person's surname */
last(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "last", level })
return this
/** The person's first and last name */
full(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "full", level })
return this
/** The person's full name in their native language */
native(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "native", level })
return this
/** Other names the staff member might be referred to as (pen names) */
alternative(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "alternative", level })
return this
/** The currently authenticated users preferred name language. Default romaji for non-authenticated */
userPreferred(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "userPreferred", level })
return this
const StaffImage = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
/** The person's image of media at its largest size */
large(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "large", level })
return this
/** The person's image of media at medium size */
medium(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "medium", level })
return this
export const Staff = ({ operation, level }: Fields<OperationParser>) => ({
/** The id of the staff member */
id(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "id", level })
return this
/** The names of the staff member */
name(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof StaffName> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "name", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(StaffName({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else StaffName({ operation, level: level + 1 }).userPreferred()
return this
/** The primary language of the staff member. Current values: Japanese, English, Korean, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Chinese, Arabic, Filipino, Catalan, Finnish, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish, Thai, Tagalog, Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Nepali, Hindi, Urdu */
languageV2(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "languageV2", level })
return this
/** The staff images */
image(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof StaffImage> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "image", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(StaffImage({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else StaffImage({ operation, level: level + 1 }).medium()
return this
/** A general description of the staff member */
description(op?: { alias?: string; args?: { asHtml: boolean } }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "description", level, variables: op?.args })
return this
/** The person's primary occupations */
primaryOccupations(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "primaryOccupations", level })
return this
/** The staff's gender. Usually Male, Female, or Non-binary but can be any string. */
gender(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "gender", level })
return this
dateOfBirth(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof FuzzyDate> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "dateOfBirth", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(FuzzyDate({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else {
FuzzyDate({ operation, level: level + 1 })
return this
dateOfDeath(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof FuzzyDate> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "dateOfDeath", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(FuzzyDate({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else {
FuzzyDate({ operation, level: level + 1 })
return this
/** The person's age in years */
age(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "age", level })
return this
/** [startYear, endYear] (If the 2nd value is not present staff is still active) */
yearsActive(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "yearsActive", level })
return this
/** The persons birthplace or hometown */
homeTown(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "homeTown", level })
return this
/** The persons blood type */
bloodType(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "bloodType", level })
return this
/** If the staff member is marked as favourite by the currently authenticated user */
isFavourite(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "isFavourite", level })
return this
/** If the staff member is blocked from being added to favourites */
isFavouriteBlocked(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "isFavouriteBlocked", level })
return this
/** The url for the staff page on the AniList website */
siteUrl(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "siteUrl", level })
return this
/** Media where the staff member has a production role */
op: {
alias?: string
args?: AtLeastOne<StaffStaffMediaArgs> | undefined
fn: Fn<typeof MediaConnection>
) {
alias: op.alias,
subField: "staffMedia",
variables: op?.args,
hasSubField: true,
op.fn(MediaConnection({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
return this
/** Characters voiced by the actor */
op: {
alias?: string
args?: AtLeastOne<StaffCharactersArgs> | undefined
fn: Fn<typeof CharacterConnection>
) {
alias: op.alias,
subField: "characters",
variables: op?.args,
hasSubField: true,
op.fn(CharacterConnection({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
return this
/** Media the actor voiced characters in. (Same data as characters with media as node instead of characters) */
op: {
alias?: string
args?: AtLeastOne<StaffCharacterMediaArgs>
fn: Fn<typeof MediaConnection>
) {
alias: op.alias,
subField: "characterMedia",
variables: op?.args,
hasSubField: true,
op.fn(MediaConnection({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
return this
/** Staff member that the submission is referencing */
staff(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof Staff> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "staff", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else Staff({ operation, level: level + 1 }).id()
return this
/** Submitter for the submission */
submitter(op?: { alias?: string; fn?: Fn<typeof User> }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "submitter", level, hasSubField: true })
if (op?.fn) op.fn(User({ operation, level: level + 1 }))
else User({ operation, level: level + 1 }).id()
return this
/** Status of the submission */
submissionStatus(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "submissionStatus", level })
return this
/** Inner details of submission status */
submissionNotes(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "submissionNotes", level })
return this
/** The amount of user's who have favourited the staff member */
favourites(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "favourites", level })
return this
/** Notes for site moderators */
modNotes(op?: { alias?: string }) {
operation.set({ alias: op?.alias, subField: "modNotes", level })
return this