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Emacs Config

User Info

user-full-name returns the full name of the logged-in user or the value of the environment variable NAME, if that is set. If the Emacs processs user-id does not correspond to any known user (and provided NAME is not set), the result is "unknown". If uid is non-nil, then it should be a number (a user-id) or a string (a login name). Then user-full-name returns the full name corresponding to that user-id or login name. If you specify a user-id or login name that isnt defined, it returns nil. user-mail-address holds the nominal email address of the user who is using Emacs. Emacs normally sets this variable to a default value after reading your init files, but not if you have already set it. So you can set the variable to some other value in your init file if you do not want to use the default value.

   (setq user-full-name "Abraham Raji"
         user-email "")

Set UTF-8 encoding

UTF-8 (UCS Transformation Format 8) is the World Wide Web's most common character encoding. Each character is represented by one to four bytes. UTF-8 is backward-compatible with ASCII and can represent any standard Unicode character. This is now a universal standard, so it makes sense for us to enable it by default in our text editor.

(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)

Package Management

This piece of code tells emacs where to find packages from or in more proper they are called 'repositories'. I personally use MELPA, ELPA and the official org-mode repo to get the latest version of orgmode. So keep what you want take out there rest. Oh and asuming you are new to emacs-lisp and emacs while editing these lines watch for the '()' and you should be fine.

(require 'package)
 (setq package-archives
  '(("melpa" . "")
    ("gnu" . "")
    ("org" . "")))

Occasionally emacs will tell you it can't find a package in any of your declared repos all you will have to do is refresh your repositories. Unless the package doesn't actually exist in the repos the problem should be fixed.

You can install the packages manually by:

  1. first hit [Meta] and x
  2. then type 'package-install' and hit enter
  3. then type in the name of the package you wish to install and hit enter again.

If the package exists in the repositories that you have asked emacs to look in, the packages will be installed or you will recieve an error message. If we directly use use package command in our config it will install the packages every time emacs starts up even if they're already installed so we cannot use it in our configs.You could also alternatively download packages as an archive file from the repos like the ones mentioned above and ask emacs to install them from the file. But unless you are developing packages for emacs and wish to test your package before publishing it, I do not recommend this method. As you may have noticed both process are a bit tedious and will only get worse as time goes by. A better approach in my opinion would be to use a package manager like use- package which is what I do. You just need i the name of the package you wish to install and it will do the rest including updating the package.

(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) ;;lisp equivalent of a while loop 
(package-install 'use-package);; We're using package install to install use-package
(setq load-prefer-newer t));; to install newer version when available
(setq use-package-verbose t);; This line is just a raincheck
(setq use-package-always-ensure t);;Always ensure that the package is installed
(require 'use-package)

Trace for obsolete packages

  (defun debug-on-load-obsolete (filename)
    (when (equal (car (last (split-string filename "[/\\]") 2))
  (add-to-list 'after-load-functions #'debug-on-load-obsolete)

And that's about it for package management.

Multiplexing emacs and emacsclient

Opening a anew file in the same emacs-session requires the use of emacsclient. Emacs command can be itself wrapped to do the smarter job to open the file if the session exists. To start session you need to start-server. This snippet will create server in first session of emacs. Add this to your emacs configuration file

(require 'server)
(unless (server-running-p)

To make this work you need to add this to you .bashrc [which can be found in your home folder if you're using a *nix based OS(Linux, Unix, FreeBSD, MacOS)]:

function emacs {
    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
        /usr/bin/emacs # "emacs" is function, will cause recursion
    for ((i=0; i <= ${#args}; i++)); do
        local a=${args[i]}
        # NOTE: -c for creating new frame
        if [[ ${a:0:1} == '-' && ${a} != '-c' && ${a} != '--' ]]; then
            /usr/bin/emacs ${args[*]}
    setsid emacsclient -n -a /usr/bin/emacs ${args[*]}


async.el is a module for doing asynchronous processing in Emacs

    (use-package async
    :ensure t
    :init (dired-async-mode 1)
    (autoload 'dired-async-mode "dired-async.el" nil t))

dired-async-mode will allow you to run asynchronously the dired commands for copying, renaming and symlinking. If you are a helm user, this will allow you to copy, rename etc… asynchronously from helm. Note that with helm you can disable this by running the copy, rename etc… commands with a prefix argument. If you don't want to make dired/helm asynchronous disable it with dired-async-mode. need to add support for auth-source library


This is one of the things people usually want to change right away. By default, Emacs saves backup files in the current directory. These are the files ending in ~ that are cluttering up your directory lists. The following code stashes them all in ~/.emacs.d/backups, where I can find them with C-x C-f (find-file) if I really need to.

(setq backup-directory-alist 
      '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/backups")))
;; autosave the undo-tree history
(setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist
      `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))

Disk space is cheap. Save lots.

(setq delete-old-versions -1)
(setq version-control t)
(setq vc-make-backup-files t)
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms '((".*" "~/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/" t)))


Windmove is a library built into GnuEmacs starting with version 21. It lets you move point from window to window using Shift and the arrow keys. This is easier to type than C-x o and, for some users, may be more intuitive.

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <left>")  'windmove-left)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <right>") 'windmove-right)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <up>")    'windmove-up)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c <down>")  'windmove-down)

Quickly visit certain files

As you keep using emacs or a specific desktop setup, you'll notice that you open certain files/folder more often than others, hence it's only sensible to set up key bindings that will open those specific files and save you the time of navigating through your file system.

  • Emacs configuration

       (defun 4br/visit-emacs-config ()
       (find-file "~/.emacs.d/"))
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") '4br/visit-emacs-config)
  • Resources

This is a habit of mine. Whenever a find some good material on a paricular topic I list it in this org file.A small description on what it is and a link to it.

   (defun 4br/visit-resources ()
    (find-file "~/Documents/Resources/"))
   (global-set-key (kbd "C-c r") '4br/visit-resources)
  • dotemacs I like to hoard good emacs configs. This org file lists them.

       (defun 4br/visit-dotemacs ()
       (find-file "~/Documents/dotemacs/"))
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") '4br/visit-dotemacs)
  • i3 Config file

       (defun 4br/visit-i3config ()
       (find-file "~/.config/i3/config"))
       (global-set-key (kbd "C-c i") '4br/visit-i3config)

Minor Conveniences

  • First, lets increase the cache before starting garbage collection:
  (setq gc-cons-threshold 50000000)
  • Set custom settings to load in own file

This stops emacs adding customised settings to init.el. I try to avoid using customize anyway, preferring programmatic control of variables. Creating it as a temporary file effectively disables it (i.e. any changes are session local).

(setq custom-file (make-temp-file "emacs-custom"))


  • Inhibit Startup Message
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
  • Found here how to remove the warnings from the GnuTLS library when using HTTPS

increase the minimum prime bits size:

(setq gnutls-min-prime-bits 4096)
  • Disables Toolbar
(tool-bar-mode -1)
  • Text wrapping
(setq visual-line-mode t)
  • Use y/n instead of yes/no
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
  • make home and end buttons do their job
(global-set-key (kbd "<home>") 'move-begining-of-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "<end>") 'move-end-of-line)
  • don't require two spaces for sentence end.
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)
  • The beeping can be annoyingturn it off
(setq visible-bell t
        ring-bell-function 'ignore)
  • Start in fullscreen
  • Kill current buffer
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x w") 'kill-current-buffer)
  • Setting keybinding for eshell
(global-set-key (kbd "<M-return>") 'eshell)

Relative Line numbers

(use-package linum-relative
  :ensure t
    (setq linum-relative-current-symbol "")
    (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'linum-relative-mode))
(linum-relative-global-mode 1)


  • Fancy symbols

    (global-prettify-symbols-mode t)
  • Highlight current line

    (global-hl-line-mode t)
    ;    (set-face-attribute 'hl-line nil :inherit nil :background "#1e2224")
  • Fancy Font

    ;; set a default font
    (when (member "Liberation Mono" (font-family-list))
    (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Liberation Mono"))


Sometimes if I'm not really sure about a package, I find it hard to convince myself to add them to my config just for the sake of trying it or to install them to find that I dont really like it and then uninstall it. This package let's me "try" stuff. It actually installs a package but only temporarely. Any package I install with try will be lost if and when I restart emacs.

(use-package try
	:ensure t)

Init File Support

Load up a collection of enhancements to Emacs Lisp, including dash, s for string manipulation, and f for file manipulation.

  (require 'cl)

  (use-package dash
    :ensure t
    :config (eval-after-load "dash" '(dash-enable-font-lock)))

  (use-package s
    :ensure t)

  (use-package f
    :ensure t)


  • System Scroll bars.

    (when (window-system)
      (tool-bar-mode 0)
      (when (fboundp 'horizontal-scroll-bar-mode)
        (horizontal-scroll-bar-mode -1))
      (scroll-bar-mode -1))
    • Mini-buffer Scroll bars.

      (set-window-scroll-bars (minibuffer-window) nil nil)
    • Scroll Smoothly and Conservatively

        (setq scroll-conservatively 10000
              scroll-preserve-screen-position t)

Menu bar

Toggles reveal and hide menubar with the f10 key

(menu-bar-mode -1)
(defun my-menu-bar-open-after ()
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'my-menu-bar-open-after)
(when (eq menu-bar-mode 42)
(menu-bar-mode -1)))
(defun my-menu-bar-open (&rest args)
(let ((open menu-bar-mode))
(unless open
(menu-bar-mode 1))
(funcall 'menu-bar-open args)
(unless open
(setq menu-bar-mode 42)
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'my-menu-bar-open-after))))
(global-set-key [f10] 'my-menu-bar-open)

Enabling the clock

This turns on the clock globally.

(display-time-mode 1)

custom src

(org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/customsrc/"))
(org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/customsrc/"))
(org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/customsrc/"))
(org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/customsrc/"))
(org-babel-load-file (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/customsrc/"))