Go to file
4br a74ef8701b cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
auto-save-list cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
elpa cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
eshell cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
matlab-emacs-master cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
org-reveal@783f508432 cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
README.org cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
README.org~ cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
ac-comphist.dat cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30
config.el cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
config.org cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
ido.last cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
ido.last~ cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
init.el cutting corners 2018-09-06 23:20:18 +05:30
network-security.data cutting corners 2018-09-06 22:09:04 +05:30


#+STARTUP: showall
* Emacs Setup
Package sources are configued in the init.el file. All of the actual
configuration is done in the config.org file.  The main purpose of
this is repo is to setup emacs the way I want it on a fresh install.
That being said I hope you find something worthwhile here

* Packages I Use
  - org
  - try
  - which-key
  - ox-reveal
  - htmlize
  - auto-complete
  - org-mode bullets
  - liso-theme

* Personal Preferences
  - Name and Email
  - Default Start-up message has been disabled
  - Ido mode enabled by default
  - ibuffer enabled by default
  - Emacs toolbar disabled by default
  - windmove enabled by default
  - linum-mode enabled by default