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* Set the location of your certificate file. All other settings are optional.
* This is your certificate file. A self-signed certificate is acceptable here.
* You can generate one using:
* openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
* Then combine the key and certificate and copy them to the certs directory:
* cp cert.pem certs/yourdomain.com.pem
* cat key.pem >> certs/yourdomain.com.pem
* Enter the passphrase (if you used one) below.
define('SYS_MSG_NOT_FOUND', 'No se encontró el recurso');
define('SYS_META_MEDIA_TYPE', 'text/gemini; lang=en');
define("DB_SERVER", "localhost");
define("DB_PORT", "3306");
define("DB_NAME", "arielbecker_mastodon");
define("DB_USER", "user");
define("DB_PASSWORD", "xzaqh548");
define("DB_TABLE_QOTD", "QOTD");
$config['certificate_file'] = 'certs/cert.pem';
$config['certificate_passphrase'] = '';
// IP address to listen to (leave commented out to listen on all interfaces)
$config['ip'] = "";
// Port to listen on (1965 is the default)
$config['port'] = "1965";
// This is the location files are served from
// The path is constructed based on the hostname in the client request
// i.e. gemini://domain1.com/file1 is retrieved from hosts/domain1.com/file1
$config['data_dir'] = "hosts/";
$config['default_host_dir'] = "default/";
// Default index file. If a path isn't specified then the server will
// default to an index file (like index.html on a web server).
$config['default_index_file'] = "index.gemini";
// Logging, setting this to false will disable logging (default is on/true);
$config['logging'] = true;
$config['log_file'] = "logs/gemini-php.log";