2008-10-16 14:23:22 -04:00

24 lines
1 KiB

# File Type
The language (or type) of a file is shown in the status bar between
parentheses. For example, the file type of this help document is "dhf".
Diakonos can usually guess a file's language correctly. To do so, it
considers the filename and, if present, the "bang" line at the top of the
file. The bang line takes precedence over the filename.
If Diakonos was wrong in its automatic determination of the file type, you can
force it to assume a certain file type by pressing <Alt-Shift-T> and typing in
the file type (e.g. java, ruby, html, xml, and so on).
The configuration settings (available by pressing <F12>) which affect
Diakonos' guessing are a language's filemask and bangmask settings. These
settings are regular expressions. For example:
lang.perl.filemask \.(?:pl|pm)$
lang.perl.bangmask perl
These configuration lines tell Diakonos to think a file is a Perl file if its
extension is .pl or .pm, or if the bang line has the word "perl" in it.
Tags: file files lang language languages programming type mode types modes