2014-09-19 18:52:55 -04:00

296 lines
9.1 KiB

require_relative 'preparation'
def check_word_at( row, col, expected_word )
@b.cursor_to row, col
@b.word_under_cursor.should.equal expected_word
def check_paragraph_at( row, col, expected_paragraph )
@b.cursor_to row, col
@b.paragraph_under_cursor.should.equal expected_paragraph
describe 'A Diakonos::Buffer' do
before do
@b = Diakonos::Buffer.new( 'filepath' => SAMPLE_FILE )
it 'can provide selected text' do
@b.anchor_selection( 0, 0 )
@b.cursor_to( 3, 0 )
clip = @b.copy_selection
"#!/usr/bin/env ruby",
"# This is only a sample file used in the tests.",
it 'can replace text' do
@b.find( [ /only/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "\\2", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 2 ].should.equal "# This is a sample file used in the tests."
@b.find( [ /@x\b/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "\\0_", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 8 ].should.equal " @x_ = 1"
@b.find( [ /@(y)\b/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "@\\1_", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 9 ].should.equal " @y_ = 2"
@b.find( [ /(\w+)\.inspect/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "print \\1", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 13 ].should.equal " print x"
@b.find( [ /(\w+)\.inspect/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "puts \\1, \\1, \\1", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 14 ].should.equal " puts y, y, y"
@b.find( [ /Sample\.(\w+)/ ], :direction => :down, :replacement => "\\1\\\\\\1", :auto_choice => Diakonos::CHOICE_YES_AND_STOP )
@b[ 18 ].should.equal "s = new\\new"
it 'knows indentation level' do
@b.indentation_level( 0 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 1 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 2 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 3 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 4 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 5 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 6 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 7 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 8 ).should.equal 2
@b.indentation_level( 9 ).should.equal 2
@b.indentation_level( 10 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 11 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 12 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 13 ).should.equal 2
@b.indentation_level( 14 ).should.equal 2
@b.indentation_level( 15 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 16 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 17 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 18 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 19 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 20 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 21 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 22 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 23 ).should.equal 1
@b.indentation_level( 24 ).should.equal 0
@b.indentation_level( 25 ).should.equal 0
indentation_file = File.join( TEST_DIR, 'indentation.test1' )
b2 = Diakonos::Buffer.new( 'filepath' => indentation_file )
indentation_file = File.join( TEST_DIR, 'indentation.test2' )
b3 = Diakonos::Buffer.new( 'filepath' => indentation_file )
b2.indentation_level( 0 ).should.equal 0
b3.indentation_level( 0 ).should.equal 0
b2.indentation_level( 1 ).should.equal 0
b3.indentation_level( 1 ).should.equal 0
b2.indentation_level( 2 ).should.equal 1
b3.indentation_level( 2 ).should.equal 0
b2.indentation_level( 3 ).should.equal 1
b3.indentation_level( 3 ).should.equal 1
b2.indentation_level( 4 ).should.equal 2
b3.indentation_level( 4 ).should.equal 1
b2.indentation_level( 5 ).should.equal 2
b3.indentation_level( 5 ).should.equal 2
b2.indentation_level( 6 ).should.equal 2
b3.indentation_level( 6 ).should.equal 2
b2.indentation_level( 7 ).should.equal 4
b3.indentation_level( 7 ).should.equal 4
b2.indentation_level( 8 ).should.equal 3
b3.indentation_level( 8 ).should.equal 2
b2.indentation_level( 9 ).should.equal 3
b3.indentation_level( 9 ).should.equal 3
b2.indentation_level( 10 ).should.equal 4
b3.indentation_level( 10 ).should.equal 4
b2.indentation_level( 11 ).should.equal 5
b3.indentation_level( 11 ).should.equal 4
b2.indentation_level( 12 ).should.equal 5
b3.indentation_level( 12 ).should.equal 4
b2.indentation_level( 13 ).should.equal 5
b3.indentation_level( 13 ).should.equal 5
def indent_rows( from_row = 0, to_row = 20 )
(from_row..to_row).each do |row|
@b.parsed_indent row: row, do_display: false
it 'can indent smartly' do
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE
File.read( TEMP_FILE ).should.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 5, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 7, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 8, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 14, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 20, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE
File.read( TEMP_FILE ).should.not.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE )
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE
File.read( TEMP_FILE ).should.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE )
# -------
@b = Diakonos::Buffer.new( 'filepath' => SAMPLE_FILE_C )
indent_rows 0, @b.length-1
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE_C
File.read( TEMP_FILE_C ).should.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE_C )
@b.cursor_to( 3, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 10, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.cursor_to( 12, 0 )
@b.insert_string " "
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE_C
File.read( TEMP_FILE_C ).should.not.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE_C )
indent_rows 0, 14
@b.save_copy TEMP_FILE_C
File.read( TEMP_FILE_C ).should.equal File.read( SAMPLE_FILE_C )
it 'can paste an Array of Strings' do
lines = @b.to_a
new_lines = [ 'line 1', 'line 2' ]
@b.paste( new_lines + [ '' ] )
lines2 = @b.to_a
lines2.should.equal( new_lines + lines )
it 'can delete a line' do
original_lines = @b.to_a
@b.delete_line.should.equal '#!/usr/bin/env ruby'
@b.to_a.should.equal original_lines[ 1..-1 ]
it 'knows the word under the cursor' do
check_word_at 0, 16, 'ruby'
check_word_at 2, 0, nil
check_word_at 2, 2, 'This'
check_word_at 2, 3, 'This'
check_word_at 2, 4, 'This'
check_word_at 2, 5, 'This'
check_word_at 2, 6, nil
check_word_at 2, 45, 'tests'
check_word_at 2, 46, nil
check_word_at 2, 47, nil
check_word_at 3, 0, nil
check_word_at 5, 14, nil
check_word_at 5, 15, 'x'
check_word_at 5, 16, nil
check_word_at 14, 4, 'y'
check_word_at 14, 5, nil
check_word_at 14, 6, 'inspect'
check_word_at 21, 0, nil
check_word_at 22, 8, nil
check_word_at 22, 9, nil
check_word_at 26, 39, 'EOF'
check_word_at 26, 40, nil
it 'knows the paragraph under the cursor' do
check_paragraph_at 0, 0, [
'#!/usr/bin/env ruby',
check_paragraph_at 2, 0, [
'# This is only a sample file used in the tests.',
check_paragraph_at 4, 0, [
'class Sample',
' attr_reader :x, :y',
check_paragraph_at 7, 0, [
' def initialize',
' @x = 1',
' @y = 2',
' end',
check_paragraph_at 14, 7, [
' def inspection',
' x.inspect',
' y.inspect',
' end',
check_paragraph_at 22, 7, [
' :just => :a,',
' :test => :hash,',
check_paragraph_at 26, 12, [
'# Comment at end, with no newline at EOF',
describe 'A Diakonos user' do
before do
@b = Diakonos::Buffer.new( 'filepath' => SAMPLE_FILE )
it 'can close XML tags' do
@b.set_type 'html'
@b.cursor_to 0,0
@b.paste "<div>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal '<div></div>'
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 5
@b.paste "<div><span>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal '<div><span></span>'
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 11
@b.set_type 'xml'
@b.paste "<xsl:call-template>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal '<xsl:call-template></xsl:call-template>'
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 19
@b.paste "<xsl:call-template><xsl:choose>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal '<xsl:call-template><xsl:choose></xsl:choose>'
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 31
@b.paste "<xsl:call-template name='foo'>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal "<xsl:call-template name='foo'></xsl:call-template>"
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 30
@b.paste "<xsl:call-template name='foo'><xsl:if test='foo'>"
@b[ @b.last_row ].should.equal "<xsl:call-template name='foo'><xsl:if test='foo'></xsl:if>"
cursor_should_be_at @b.last_row, 49