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2020-04-16 15:02:34 +02:00
module server.types;
import utils.debugging : debugPrint;
import std.conv : to;
import std.socket : Socket, AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType, parseAddress, SocketFlags, Address;
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
import core.thread : Thread;
2020-04-17 18:47:05 +02:00
import std.stdio : writeln, File;
2020-04-18 15:25:22 +02:00
import std.json : JSONValue, parseJSON, JSONException, JSONType, toJSON;
import std.string : cmp;
import server.handler;
import server.listeners;
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* All this will do is accept incoming connections
* but they will be pooled in the BesterServer.
public class BesterListener : Thread
/* The associated BesterServer */
private BesterServer server;
/* The server's socket */
private Socket serverSocket;
this(BesterServer besterServer)
2020-04-20 18:50:00 +02:00
/* Set the function address to be called as the worker function */
2020-04-20 18:55:48 +02:00
2020-04-20 18:50:00 +02:00
/* Set this listener's BesterServer */
this.server = besterServer;
public void setServerSocket(Socket serverSocket)
/* Set the server socket */
this.serverSocket = serverSocket;
/* Start listen loop */
public void run()
serverSocket.listen(1); /* TODO: This value */
debugPrint("Server listen loop started");
/* Wait for an incoming connection */
Socket clientConnection = serverSocket.accept();
/* Create a new client connection handler and start its thread */
BesterConnection besterConnection = new BesterConnection(clientConnection, server);
/* Add this client to the list of connected clients */
server.clients ~= besterConnection;
2020-04-16 15:02:34 +02:00
public class BesterServer
2020-04-17 13:46:54 +02:00
* Message handlers
* Associative array of `payloadType (string)`:`MessageHandler`
* TODO: Implement this
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
private MessageHandler[] handlers;
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
/* The server's socket */
private Socket serverSocket;
2020-04-20 18:55:48 +02:00
/* TODO: The above to be replaced */
2020-04-20 19:23:59 +02:00
/* Socket listeners for incoming connections */
2020-04-20 18:55:48 +02:00
private BesterListener[] listeners;
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* Connected clients */
public BesterConnection[] clients;
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
2020-04-20 20:08:55 +02:00
public void addListener(BesterListener listener)
2020-04-20 20:08:55 +02:00
this.listeners ~= listener;
2020-04-20 19:07:29 +02:00
2020-04-20 19:07:29 +02:00
this(JSONValue config)
2020-04-17 20:40:02 +02:00
/* TODO: Bounds check and JSON type check */
2020-04-20 20:30:17 +02:00
//debugPrint("Setting up socket...");
2020-04-17 20:40:02 +02:00
/* TODO: Bounds check and JSON type check */
2020-04-17 18:47:05 +02:00
debugPrint("Setting up message handlers...");
2020-04-17 20:40:02 +02:00
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
2020-04-17 20:40:02 +02:00
private void setupHandlers(JSONValue handlerBlock)
2020-04-17 13:46:54 +02:00
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-17 18:07:13 +02:00
debugPrint("Constructing message handlers...");
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
handlers = MessageHandler.constructHandlers(handlerBlock);
2020-04-17 13:46:54 +02:00
/* Setup the server socket */
private void setupServerSocket(JSONValue networkBlock)
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
string bindAddress;
ushort listenPort;
JSONValue jsonAddress, jsonPort;
/* TODO: Bounds check */
jsonAddress = networkBlock["address"];
jsonPort = networkBlock["port"];
bindAddress = jsonAddress.str;
listenPort = cast(ushort)jsonPort.integer;
debugPrint("Binding to address: " ~ bindAddress ~ " and port " ~ to!(string)(listenPort));
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
/* Create a socket */
2020-04-16 16:41:56 +02:00
serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
2020-04-16 16:43:00 +02:00
serverSocket.bind(parseAddress(bindAddress, listenPort));
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
/* Start listen loop */
public void run()
2020-04-20 20:30:17 +02:00
for(ulong i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
2020-04-20 20:30:17 +02:00
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
2020-04-20 22:02:12 +02:00
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
2020-04-16 23:25:22 +02:00
/* Authenticate the user */
public bool authenticate(string username, string password)
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-17 11:57:06 +02:00
debugPrint("Attempting to authenticate:\n\nUsername: " ~ username ~ "\nPassword: " ~ password);
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* If the authentication went through */
bool authed = true;
/* If the authentication succeeded */
/* Add the user to the list of authenticated clients */
2020-04-16 23:25:22 +02:00
return true;
2020-04-19 14:45:53 +02:00
/* Returns the MessageHandler object of the requested type */
public MessageHandler findHandler(string payloadType)
/* The found MessageHandler */
MessageHandler foundHandler;
for(uint i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++)
if(cmp(handlers[i].getPluginName(), payloadType) == 0)
foundHandler = handlers[i];
return foundHandler;
2020-04-19 14:31:24 +02:00
public static bool isBuiltInCommand(string command)
2020-04-19 13:44:57 +02:00
/* Whether or not `payloadType` is a built-in command */
bool isBuiltIn = true;
2020-04-19 14:31:24 +02:00
2020-04-19 13:44:57 +02:00
return isBuiltIn;
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
private class BesterConnection : Thread
/* The socket to the client */
private Socket clientConnection;
2020-04-16 23:25:22 +02:00
/* The server backend */
private BesterServer server;
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* The client's credentials */
private string authUsername;
private string authPassword;
2020-04-16 23:25:22 +02:00
this(Socket clientConnection, BesterServer server)
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
/* Save socket and set thread worker function pointer */
this.clientConnection = clientConnection;
2020-04-16 23:25:22 +02:00
this.server = server;
debugPrint("New client handler spawned for " ~ clientConnection.remoteAddress().toAddrString());
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
/* Read/send loop */
private void run()
/* Receive buffer */
byte[] buffer;
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Byte counter for loop-consumer */
uint currentByte = 0;
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Bytes received counter */
long bytesReceived;
/* TODO: Add fix here to loop for bytes */
while(currentByte < 4)
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Size buffer */
byte[4] tempBuffer;
/* Read at most 4 bytes */
bytesReceived = clientConnection.receive(tempBuffer);
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Handle error here */
debugPrint("Error with receiving");
* Read the bytes from the temp buffer (as many as was received)
* and append them to the *real* buffer.
buffer ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* Increment the byte counter */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Get the message length */
int messageLength = *(cast(int*)buffer.ptr);
writeln("Message length: ", cast(uint)messageLength);
/* TODO: Testing locally ain't good as stuff arrives way too fast, although not as fast as I can type */
/* What must happen is a loop to loop and wait for data */
2020-04-16 18:26:53 +02:00
/* Full message buffer */
byte[] messageBuffer;
2020-04-16 18:30:47 +02:00
/* TODO: Add timeout if we haven't received a message in a certain amount of time */
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Reset the current byte counter */
currentByte = 0;
2020-04-16 18:30:47 +02:00
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
while(currentByte < messageLength)
2020-04-16 18:26:53 +02:00
* Receive 20 bytes (at most) at a time and don't dequeue from
* the kernel's TCP stack's buffer.
2020-04-16 18:26:53 +02:00
byte[20] messageBufferPartial;
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
bytesReceived = clientConnection.receive(messageBufferPartial, SocketFlags.PEEK);
/* Check for receive error */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
debugPrint("Error receiving");
/* TODO: Make sure we only take [0, messageLength) bytes */
if(cast(uint)bytesReceived+currentByte > messageLength)
byte[] remainingBytes;
remainingBytes.length = messageLength-currentByte;
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += remainingBytes.length;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
messageBuffer ~= remainingBytes;
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
messageBuffer ~= messageBufferPartial[0..bytesReceived];
/* TODO: Bug when over send, we must not allow this */
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
2020-04-16 18:26:53 +02:00
2020-04-16 18:46:26 +02:00
/* Process the message */
2020-04-17 00:07:41 +02:00
/* TODO: Pass in type and just payload or what */
2020-04-17 12:12:07 +02:00
private bool dispatch(string payloadType, JSONValue payload)
2020-04-17 00:07:41 +02:00
2020-04-17 12:12:07 +02:00
/* TODO: Implement me */
debugPrint("Dispatching payload [" ~ payloadType ~ "]");
debugPrint("Payload: " ~ payload.toPrettyString());
2020-04-17 13:46:54 +02:00
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
/* Status of dispatch */
bool dispatchStatus = true;
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
/* Lookup the payloadType handler */
MessageHandler chosenHandler;
for(uint i = 0; i < server.handlers.length; i++)
if(cmp(server.handlers[i].getPluginName(), payloadType) == 0)
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
chosenHandler = server.handlers[i];
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
/* TODO: Send and receive data here */
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
/* Handler's UNIX domain socket */
Socket handlerSocket = chosenHandler.getSocket();
2020-04-18 15:25:22 +02:00
/* Get the payload as a string */
string payloadString = toJSON(payload);
/* Construct the data to send */
byte[] sendBuffer;
/* TODO: Add 4 bytes of payload length encded in little endian */
int payloadLength = cast(int)payloadString.length;
byte* lengthBytes = cast(byte*)&payloadLength;
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+0);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+1);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+2);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+3);
/* Add the string bytes */
sendBuffer ~= cast(byte[])payloadString;
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
/* TODO: Send payload */
2020-04-18 15:25:22 +02:00
writeln("Send buffer: ", sendBuffer);
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
debugPrint("Sending payload over to handler for \"" ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName() ~ "\".");
2020-04-18 15:04:00 +02:00
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
/* TODO: Get response */
debugPrint("Waiting for response from handler for \"" ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName() ~ "\".");
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
/* Construct a buffer to receive into */
byte[] receiveBuffer;
/* The current byte */
uint currentByte = 0;
/* The amount of bytes received */
long bytesReceived;
/* Loop consume the next 4 bytes */
while(currentByte < 4)
/* Temporary buffer */
byte[4] tempBuffer;
/* Read at-most 4 bytes */
bytesReceived = handlerSocket.receive(tempBuffer);
/* If there was an error reading from the socket */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error receiving from UNIX domain socket");
/* If there is no error reading from the socket */
/* Add the read bytes to the *real* buffer */
receiveBuffer ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* Increment the byte counter */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Response message length */
int messageLength = *cast(int*)receiveBuffer.ptr;
writeln("Message length is: ", cast(uint)messageLength);
/* Response message buffer */
byte[] fullMessage;
/* Reset the byte counter */
currentByte = 0;
while(currentByte < messageLength)
* Receive 20 bytes (at most) at a time and don't dequeue from
* the kernel's TCP stack's buffer.
byte[20] tempBuffer;
bytesReceived = handlerSocket.receive(tempBuffer, SocketFlags.PEEK);
/* Check for an error whilst receiving */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error whilst receiving from unix domain socket");
/* TODO: Make sure we only take [0, messageLength) bytes */
if(cast(uint)bytesReceived+currentByte > messageLength)
byte[] remainingBytes;
remainingBytes.length = messageLength-currentByte;
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += remainingBytes.length;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= remainingBytes;
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* TODO: Bug when over send, we must not allow this */
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
writeln("MEssage ", fullMessage);
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
//int messageLength = 0;
/* TODO: Loop for collect message */
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
2020-04-18 20:10:16 +02:00
/* TODO: So now we have to think about what the hell it means
* for a response to be received, like cool and all, but we need
* the server to now do something.
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
/* TODO: Set dispatchStatus */
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("No message handler for payload type \"" ~ payloadType ~ "\" found.");
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
dispatchStatus = false;
2020-04-17 22:24:08 +02:00
2020-04-17 12:12:07 +02:00
2020-04-17 00:07:41 +02:00
/* TODO: Set return value */
2020-04-18 19:30:43 +02:00
debugPrint("Dispatch status: " ~ to!(string)(dispatchStatus));
return dispatchStatus;
2020-04-17 00:07:41 +02:00
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
private JSONValue handlerRun(MessageHandler chosenHandler, JSONValue payload)
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
/* TODO: Send and receive data here */
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Handler's UNIX domain socket */
Socket handlerSocket = chosenHandler.getSocket();
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Get the payload as a string */
string payloadString = toJSON(payload);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Construct the data to send */
byte[] sendBuffer;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* TODO: Add 4 bytes of payload length encded in little endian */
int payloadLength = cast(int)payloadString.length;
byte* lengthBytes = cast(byte*)&payloadLength;
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+0);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+1);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+2);
sendBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+3);
/* Add the string bytes */
sendBuffer ~= cast(byte[])payloadString;
/* TODO: Send payload */
writeln("Send buffer: ", sendBuffer);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
debugPrint("Sending payload over to handler for \"" ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName() ~ "\".");
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* TODO: Get response */
debugPrint("Waiting for response from handler for \"" ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName() ~ "\".");
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Construct a buffer to receive into */
byte[] receiveBuffer;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* The current byte */
uint currentByte = 0;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* The amount of bytes received */
long bytesReceived;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Loop consume the next 4 bytes */
while(currentByte < 4)
/* Temporary buffer */
byte[4] tempBuffer;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Read at-most 4 bytes */
bytesReceived = handlerSocket.receive(tempBuffer);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* If there was an error reading from the socket */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error receiving from UNIX domain socket");
/* If there is no error reading from the socket */
/* Add the read bytes to the *real* buffer */
receiveBuffer ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Increment the byte counter */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Response message length */
int messageLength = *cast(int*)receiveBuffer.ptr;
writeln("Message length is: ", cast(uint)messageLength);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Response message buffer */
byte[] fullMessage;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Reset the byte counter */
currentByte = 0;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
while(currentByte < messageLength)
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
* Receive 20 bytes (at most) at a time and don't dequeue from
* the kernel's TCP stack's buffer.
byte[20] tempBuffer;
bytesReceived = handlerSocket.receive(tempBuffer, SocketFlags.PEEK);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Check for an error whilst receiving */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error whilst receiving from unix domain socket");
/* TODO: Make sure we only take [0, messageLength) bytes */
if(cast(uint)bytesReceived+currentByte > messageLength)
byte[] remainingBytes;
remainingBytes.length = messageLength-currentByte;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += remainingBytes.length;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= remainingBytes;
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* TODO: Bug when over send, we must not allow this */
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
writeln("MEssage ", fullMessage);
//int messageLength = 0;
/* TODO: Loop for collect message */
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 22:00:53 +02:00
/* TODO: So now we have to think about what the hell it means
* for a response to be received, like cool and all, but we need
* the server to now do something.
/* TODO: Set dispatchStatus */
return parseJSON(cast(string)fullMessage);
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
* Handles the response sent back to the server from the
* message handler.
2020-04-19 15:36:23 +02:00
private bool handleResponse(JSONValue handlerResponse)
2020-04-19 16:51:04 +02:00
/* TODO: Bounds checking, type checking */
/* Get the header block */
JSONValue headerBlock = handlerResponse["header"];
/* Get the status */
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
ulong statusCode = to!(ulong)(headerBlock["status"].str);
2020-04-19 16:51:04 +02:00
debugPrint("Status code: " ~ to!(string)(statusCode));
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
2020-04-19 19:36:59 +02:00
/* The command block */
JSONValue commandBlock = headerBlock["command"];
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
* Get the command that the message handler wants the
* server to run.
2020-04-19 19:36:59 +02:00
string serverCommand = commandBlock["type"].str;
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
debugPrint("Handler->Server command: \"" ~ serverCommand ~ "\"");
/* Check the command to be run */
if(cmp(serverCommand, "sendClients") == 0)
/* Get the list of clients to send to */
string[] clients;
2020-04-19 19:36:59 +02:00
JSONValue[] clientList = commandBlock["data"].array();
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
for(ulong i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++)
clients ~= clientList[i].str();
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-19 19:36:59 +02:00
writeln("Users wanting to send to ", clients);
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
else if(cmp(serverCommand, "sendServers") == 0)
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
/* Get the list of clients to send to */
string[] clients;
JSONValue[] clientList = commandBlock["data"].array();
for(ulong i = 0; i < clientList.length; i++)
clients ~= clientList[i].str();
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
writeln("Users wanting to send to ", clients);
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("The message handler is using an invalid command");
2020-04-19 16:51:04 +02:00
catch(JSONException exception)
debugPrint("<<< There was an error handling the response message >>>\n\n" ~ exception.toString());
return false;
2020-04-19 15:36:23 +02:00
return true;
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
public enum Scope
2020-04-19 21:03:55 +02:00
private bool isAuthenticated()
return authUsername != null && authPassword != null;
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
/* TODO: Version 2 of message dispatcher */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
private bool dispatchMessage(Scope scopeField, JSONValue payloadBlock)
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
/* Status of dispatch */
bool dispatchStatus = true;
/* TODO: Bounds checking, type checking */
/* Get the payload type */
string payloadType = payloadBlock["type"].str;
debugPrint("Payload type is \"" ~ payloadType ~ "\"");
/* Get the payload data */
JSONValue payloadData = payloadBlock["data"];
/* Lookup the payloadType handler */
2020-04-19 14:45:53 +02:00
MessageHandler chosenHandler = server.findHandler(payloadType);
2020-04-18 22:50:47 +02:00
/* Check if the payload is a built-in command */
2020-04-19 14:31:24 +02:00
if(cmp(payloadType, "builtin") == 0)
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-19 14:33:44 +02:00
debugPrint("Built-in payload type");
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
* Built-in commands follow the structure of
* "command" : {"type" : "cmdType", "command" : ...}
JSONValue commandBlock = payloadData["command"];
string commandType = commandBlock["type"].str;
2020-04-19 21:55:08 +02:00
JSONValue command = commandBlock["args"];
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
/* Check if the command is the `login` */
if(cmp(commandType, "login") == 0)
debugPrint("User wants to login");
2020-04-19 21:03:55 +02:00
/* Get the username and password fields */
string username = command["username"].str(), password = command["password"].str();
debugPrint("Username: \"" ~ username ~ "\" Password: \"" ~ password ~ "\"");
/* Authenticate the user and get the status */
bool authenticationStatus = server.authenticate(username, password);
debugPrint("Authentication status: " ~ to!(string)(authenticationStatus));
/* If the authentication succeeded */
/* Update this client's authentication status */
authUsername = username, authPassword = password;
debugPrint("User authenticated!");
/* TODO: Implement response */
debugPrint("User authentication FAILED!");
/* TODO: Implement response */
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* If the command is `close` */
else if(cmp(commandType, "close") == 0)
debugPrint("Closing socket...");
2020-04-19 21:55:08 +02:00
2020-04-19 21:03:55 +02:00
debugPrint("Invalid built-in command type");
/* TODO: Generate error response */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
/* If an external handler is found (i.e. not a built-in command) */
else if(chosenHandler)
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-19 14:33:44 +02:00
debugPrint("Chosen handler for payload type \"" ~ payloadType ~ "\" is " ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName());
2020-04-19 14:36:55 +02:00
/* TODO: Collect return value */
JSONValue response = handlerRun(chosenHandler, payloadData);
debugPrint("<<< Message Handler [" ~ chosenHandler.getPluginName() ~ "] response >>>\n\n" ~ response.toPrettyString());
/* TODO: Handle response */
2020-04-19 15:36:23 +02:00
/* TODO: Implement error handling */
2020-04-19 14:33:44 +02:00
debugPrint("No handler available for payload type \"" ~ payloadType ~ "\"");
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
return dispatchStatus;
2020-04-19 16:59:09 +02:00
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
2020-04-16 18:46:26 +02:00
/* Process the received message */
private void processMessage(byte[] messageBuffer)
/* The message as a JSONValue struct */
JSONValue jsonMessage;
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
/* Attempt to convert the message to JSON */
/* Convert message to JSON */
jsonMessage = parseJSON(cast(string)messageBuffer);
debugPrint("<<< Received JSON >>>\n\n" ~ jsonMessage.toPrettyString());
/* TODO: Bounds checking, type checking */
/* Get the header */
JSONValue headerBlock = jsonMessage["header"];
2020-04-19 13:21:14 +02:00
/* Get the scope of the message */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
Scope scopeField;
if(cmp(headerBlock["scope"].str, "client") == 0)
scopeField = Scope.CLIENT;
else if(cmp(headerBlock["scope"].str, "server") == 0)
scopeField = Scope.CLIENT;
scopeField = Scope.UNKNOWN;
2020-04-19 13:25:32 +02:00
/* Get the payload block */
JSONValue payloadBlock = jsonMessage["payload"];
debugPrint("<<< Payload is >>>\n\n" ~ payloadBlock.toPrettyString());
2020-04-19 13:21:14 +02:00
/* If the communication is client->server */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
if(scopeField == Scope.CLIENT)
2020-04-19 13:21:14 +02:00
debugPrint("Client to server selected");
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
2020-04-19 13:22:26 +02:00
/* If the communication is server->server */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
else if(scopeField == Scope.SERVER)
2020-04-19 13:22:26 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
debugPrint("Server to server selected");
/* TODO: Implement me */
2020-04-19 13:22:26 +02:00
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
/* TODO: Error handling */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
debugPrint("Unknown scope selected \"" ~ to!(string)(cast(uint)scopeField) ~ "\"");
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
2020-04-18 22:34:26 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* Dispatch the message */
2020-04-19 20:32:52 +02:00
bool dispatchStatus = dispatchMessage(scopeField, payloadBlock);
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
2020-04-16 19:16:38 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
debugPrint("Dispatch succeeded");
2020-04-16 19:16:38 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Dispatching failed...");
2020-04-16 18:46:26 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* If thr attempt to convert the message to JSON fails */
2020-04-16 18:46:26 +02:00
catch(JSONException exception)
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
debugPrint("<<< There was an error whilst parsing the JSON message >>>\n\n"~exception.toString());
2020-04-16 16:39:31 +02:00
2020-04-19 18:53:16 +02:00
/* TODO: Return value */
2020-04-16 17:05:56 +02:00
2020-04-16 15:02:34 +02:00