Spec v2 ======= ## What does it entail? 1. The *client* * The client connects to the server and sends commands to it. 2. The *server* * The server receives commands from the client and dispatches them to the respective message handler, waits for a reply and then either sends the reply to a client (originator or otherwise) or another server. 3. The *message handler* * Receives commands from the client indirectly (via the server), processes them and then sends a response back to the server (as implied above, who the reply is sent to is decided by the message handler and the server will act accordingly) ## Flow ### Client Describes client-to-server and server-to-client communications.
#### `Client -> Server` If a client wants to send a command through to the server then the following bytes must be sent: ```` [ 4 bytes (size - little endian)][JSON message] ```` The `[JSON message]` contains information that the server will use to gain the following information: * *Authentication*: Is the user allowed to use this server? * *Type*: Which _message handler_ should be responsible for processing this message. * *Payload*: The data to be processed by the _message handler_. The structure of the `[JSON message]` is as follows: ```` { "header" : { "authentication" : { "username" : "username", "password" : "password" } }, "payload" : { "type" : "type", "data" : ... } } ```` * The `[JSON message]` *MUST* contain two fields, `header` and `payload` which *MUST* be JSON objects. * The `header` field *MUST* contain a field named `authentication` which *MUST* be a JSON object and must contain two fields, `username` and `password`, which *MUST* be JSON strings. * The `[JSON message]` *MUST* contain a field named `payload` which *MUST* be a JSON object and *MUST* contain two fields, `type` and `data`, where `type` *MUST* be a JSON string and `data` can be any JSON type. *TODO*
#### `Client <- Server` If a server wants to reply to a client (that just sent a message to it) then the following bytes must be sent to the client: ```` [ 4 bytes (size - little endian)][JSON message] ```` The `[JSON message]` contains information that the client will use to gain the following information: * *Status*: Did the command sent prior to this response run successfully? * *Payload*: The data to be processed by the _client_. The structure of the `[JSON message]` is as follows: ```` { "header" : { "status" : "status" }, "payload" : { "data" : ... } } ````