Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/besterprotocol/besterd synced 2023-12-13 21:00:32 +01:00

160 lines
4 KiB

module connection.message;
import std.socket : Socket, SocketFlags;
import std.json : JSONValue, parseJSON, toJSON;
import utils.debugging : debugPrint;
import std.stdio : writeln;
/* TODO: Use exception handling here */
* Generalized socket receive function which will read into the
* variable pointed to by `receiveMessage` by reading from the
* socket `originator`.
public static bool receiveMessage(Socket originator, ref JSONValue receiveMessage)
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Construct a buffer to receive into */
byte[] receiveBuffer;
/* The current byte */
uint currentByte = 0;
/* The amount of bytes received */
long bytesReceived;
/* Loop consume the next 4 bytes */
while(currentByte < 4)
/* Temporary buffer */
byte[4] tempBuffer;
/* Read at-most 4 bytes */
bytesReceived = originator.receive(tempBuffer);
/* If there was an error reading from the socket */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error receiving from socket");
return false;
/* If there is no error reading from the socket */
/* Add the read bytes to the *real* buffer */
receiveBuffer ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* Increment the byte counter */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Response message length */
int messageLength = *cast(int*)receiveBuffer.ptr;
writeln("Message length is: ", cast(uint)messageLength);
/* Response message buffer */
byte[] fullMessage;
/* Reset the byte counter */
currentByte = 0;
while(currentByte < messageLength)
* Receive 20 bytes (at most) at a time and don't dequeue from
* the kernel's TCP stack's buffer.
byte[20] tempBuffer;
bytesReceived = originator.receive(tempBuffer, SocketFlags.PEEK);
/* Check for an error whilst receiving */
if(!(bytesReceived > 0))
/* TODO: Error handling */
debugPrint("Error whilst receiving from socket");
return false;
/* TODO: Make sure we only take [0, messageLength) bytes */
if(cast(uint)bytesReceived+currentByte > messageLength)
byte[] remainingBytes;
remainingBytes.length = messageLength-currentByte;
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += remainingBytes.length;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= remainingBytes;
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
/* Increment counter of received bytes */
currentByte += bytesReceived;
/* Append the received bytes to the FULL message buffer */
fullMessage ~= tempBuffer[0..bytesReceived];
/* TODO: Bug when over send, we must not allow this */
writeln("Received ", currentByte, "/", cast(uint)messageLength, " bytes");
writeln("Message ", fullMessage);
/* Set the message in `receiveMessage */
receiveMessage = parseJSON(cast(string)fullMessage);
return true;
* Generalized socket send function which will send the JSON
* encoded message, `jsonMessage`, over to the client at the
* other end of the socket, `recipient`.
* It gets the length of `jsonMessage` and encodes a 4 byte
* message header in little-endian containing the message's
* length.
public static void sendMessage(Socket recipient, JSONValue jsonMessage)
/* The message buffer */
byte[] messageBuffer;
/* Get the JSON as a string */
string message = toJSON(jsonMessage);
/* Encode the 4 byte message length header (little endian) */
int payloadLength = cast(int)message.length;
byte* lengthBytes = cast(byte*)&payloadLength;
messageBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+0);
messageBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+1);
messageBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+2);
messageBuffer ~= *(lengthBytes+3);
/* Add the message to the buffer */
messageBuffer ~= cast(byte[])message;
/* Send the message */
/* TODO: Error handlign for return */