
268 lines
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module server.server;
import utils.debugging : debugPrint;
import std.conv : to;
import std.socket : Socket, AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType, parseAddress;
import core.thread : Thread;
import std.stdio : writeln, File;
import std.json : JSONValue, parseJSON, JSONException, JSONType, toJSON;
import std.string : cmp, strip;
import handlers.handler : MessageHandler;
import listeners.listener : BesterListener;
import connection.connection : BesterConnection;
import server.informer.informer : BesterInformer;
* Represents an instance of a Bester server.
public final class BesterServer
* Array of message handlers attached to
* this server.
public MessageHandler[] handlers;
* The server's socket.
private Socket serverSocket;
/* TODO: The above to be replaced */
* Socket listeners for incoming connections.
private BesterListener[] listeners;
* Connected clients.
public BesterConnection[] clients;
* The informer server.
private BesterInformer informer;
* Returns a list of BesterConnection objects that
* match the usernames provided.
* @param usernames Array of strings of usernames to match to
public BesterConnection[] getClients(string[] usernames)
/* List of authenticated users matching `usernames` */
BesterConnection[] matchedUsers;
//debugPrint("All clients (ever connected): " ~ to!(string)(clients));
/* Search through the provided usernames */
for(ulong i = 0; i < usernames.length; i++)
for(ulong k = 0; k < clients.length; k++)
/* The potentially-matched user */
BesterConnection potentialMatch = clients[k];
/* Check if the user is authenticated */
if(potentialMatch.getType() == BesterConnection.Scope.CLIENT && cmp(potentialMatch.getCredentials()[0], usernames[i]) == 0)
matchedUsers ~= potentialMatch;
return matchedUsers;
* Adds a listener, `listener`, to this server's
* listener set.
public void addListener(BesterListener listener)
this.listeners ~= listener;
* Constructs a new BesterServer with the given
* JSON configuration.
this(JSONValue config)
/* TODO: Bounds check and JSON type check */
//debugPrint("Setting up socket...");
/* TODO: Bounds check and JSON type check */
debugPrint("Setting up message handlers...");
* Given JSON, `handlerBlock`, this will setup the
* relevant message handlers.
private void setupHandlers(JSONValue handlerBlock)
/* TODO: Implement me */
debugPrint("Constructing message handlers...");
handlers = MessageHandler.constructHandlers(this, handlerBlock);
* Setup the server socket.
private void setupServerSocket(JSONValue networkBlock)
string bindAddress;
ushort listenPort;
JSONValue jsonAddress, jsonPort;
/* TODO: Bounds check */
jsonAddress = networkBlock["address"];
jsonPort = networkBlock["port"];
bindAddress = jsonAddress.str;
listenPort = cast(ushort)jsonPort.integer;
debugPrint("Binding to address: " ~ bindAddress ~ " and port " ~ to!(string)(listenPort));
/* Create a socket */
serverSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
serverSocket.bind(parseAddress(bindAddress, listenPort));
* Starts all the listeners.
private void startListeners()
for(ulong i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
debugPrint("Starting listener \"" ~ listeners[i].toString() ~ "\"...");
* Starts the BesterInformer.
private void startInformer()
informer = new BesterInformer(this);
* Start listen loop.
public void run()
/* Start the listeners */
/* Start the informer */
* Authenticate the user.
public bool authenticate(string username, string password)
/* TODO: Implement me */
debugPrint("Attempting to authenticate:\n\nUsername: " ~ username ~ "\nPassword: " ~ password);
/* If the authentication went through */
bool authed = true;
/* Strip the username of whitespace (TODO: Should we?) */
username = strip(username);
/* Make sure username and password are not empty */
if(cmp(username, "") != 0 && cmp(password, "") != 0)
authed = false;
return authed;
* Returns the MessageHandler object of the requested type.
public MessageHandler findHandler(string payloadType)
/* The found MessageHandler */
MessageHandler foundHandler;
for(uint i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++)
if(cmp(handlers[i].getPluginName(), payloadType) == 0)
foundHandler = handlers[i];
return foundHandler;
public static bool isBuiltInCommand(string command)
/* Whether or not `payloadType` is a built-in command */
bool isBuiltIn = true;
return isBuiltIn;
* Stops the server.
private void shutdown()
/* Stop the informer service */
/* Shutdown all the listeners */
/* Shutdown all the clients */
* Loops through the list of `BesterListener`s and
* shuts each of them down.
private void shutdownListeners()
/* Shutdown all the listeners */
for(ulong i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
* Loops through the list of `BesterConnection`s and
* shuts each of them down.
private void shutdownClients()
/* Shutdown all the clients */
for(ulong i = 0; i < clients.length; i++)