<3 #1

opened 2024-12-09 09:27:50 +01:00 by Ghost · 1 comment

hi! i found this while browsing the explorer tab on disroot and it resonated with me because i'm also crazy and am also kind of an lrs appreciator :v

anyways i watched a youtube video where you showcased the game for a minute or two and it looked cool; i spent forever trying to figure out how to select things in the title screen until i randomly read GAMEBUILDS/WTH_020_GNU.zip:/readme.txt on a whim; you should really put in the current readme that you need to use Z. i should've known because games like undertale use Z and maybe others do too, but it doesn't hurt to write it down anyways.

and questions:
who is mr. wendigo? i saw him in the commit history.
who is sparklecare? how is sparklecare? i went sparklecarehospital.com becauses its on ludicrital neocities but depending on when i visit it either server some iframe captcha thing or obfuscated javascript in a script tag, somethings definitely wrong
is git.coom.tech the canonical place for this repository and this is just a mirror? or are they all equal treatment considering git is distributed vcs
do you know drummy fish???
why is it called ludicrital?

also: about the ludicrital booklist: i could help you generate /read/1.html, /read/2.html... etc, with a shell script (i'm pretty good at posix shell, check out https://git.disroot.org/rovo/etc), that way you wouldn't need unecessary javascript, i'm fine opening the png things tho

to see some cool scripts in rovo/etc that i'm talking about you could do this at least in gnu/linux:
find . -path ./.git -prune -o -print0 | xargs -0 file -N --mime-type | grep ': text/x-shellscript$' | sed 's,: text/x-shellscript$,,g' | xargs "${EDITOR}"

sadly i couldn't read ludicrital right now because it's late a night rn (2:30 am...) and my eyes hurt a lot and i have to go to the education facility tmrw (i usually call it school) but i opened a few pages. i like the art! keep up the great work! you are loved and appreciated! at least by me!!!

hi! i found this while browsing the explorer tab on disroot and it resonated with me because i'm also crazy and am also kind of an lrs appreciator :v anyways i watched a youtube video where you showcased the game for a minute or two and it looked cool; i spent forever trying to figure out how to select things in the title screen until i randomly read GAMEBUILDS/WTH_020_GNU.zip:/readme.txt on a whim; you should really put in the current readme that you need to use Z. i should've known because games like undertale use Z and maybe others do too, but it doesn't hurt to write it down anyways. and questions: who is mr. wendigo? i saw him in the commit history. who is sparklecare? how is sparklecare? i went sparklecarehospital.com becauses its on ludicrital neocities but depending on when i visit it either server some iframe captcha thing or obfuscated javascript in a script tag, somethings definitely wrong is git.coom.tech the canonical place for this repository and this is just a mirror? or are they all equal treatment considering git is distributed vcs do you know drummy fish??? why is it called ludicrital? also: about the ludicrital booklist: i could help you generate /read/1.html, /read/2.html... etc, with a shell script (i'm pretty good at posix shell, check out https://git.disroot.org/rovo/etc), that way you wouldn't need unecessary javascript, i'm fine opening the png things tho to see some cool scripts in rovo/etc that i'm talking about you could do this at least in gnu/linux: find . -path ./.git -prune -o -print0 | xargs -0 file -N --mime-type | grep ': text/x-shellscript$' | sed 's,: text/x-shellscript$,,g' | xargs "${EDITOR}" sadly i couldn't read ludicrital right now because it's late a night rn (2:30 am...) and my eyes hurt a lot and i have to go to the education facility tmrw (i usually call it school) but i opened a few pages. i like the art! keep up the great work! you are loved and appreciated! at least by me!!!

Sorry for not responding timely, I used a Google (ew) email for this account and didn't change it like a dumbass. I forgot to add that little bit about the controls D:

To clear up some confusion:

  • Mr. Wendigo is my alt I used when I was in school.
  • Sparklecare Hospital is a webcomic I got inspiration for LUDICRITAL from, being about a malicious corporate hospital and all.
  • drummyfish is a main inspiration for my programming philosophy, he makes cool stuff.
  • git.coom.tech isn't my main necessarily. I push Wake to Hell to various repos, like that and Codeberg.
  • I picked LUDICRITAL because it's a portmanteau of ludicrous and hospital, something I felt fit the plot.

Anyway, thank you for the feedback and support, and also for calling school an "educational facility". Also if you wanna contact me later, be sure to use doughnutsblitz@disroot.org.

Sorry for not responding timely, I used a Google (ew) email for this account and didn't change it like a dumbass. I forgot to add that little bit about the controls D: To clear up some confusion: - Mr. Wendigo is my alt I used when I was in school. - Sparklecare Hospital is a webcomic I got inspiration for LUDICRITAL from, being about a malicious corporate hospital and all. - drummyfish is a main inspiration for my programming philosophy, he makes cool stuff. - git.coom.tech isn't my main necessarily. I push Wake to Hell to various repos, like that and Codeberg. - I picked LUDICRITAL because it's a portmanteau of _ludicrous_ and _hospital_, something I felt fit the plot. Anyway, thank you for the feedback and support, and also for calling school an "educational facility". Also if you wanna contact me later, be sure to use doughnutsblitz@disroot.org.
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Reference: blitzdoughnuts/WakeToHell#1
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