
40 lines
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FROM jupyter/base-notebook
USER root
RUN apt-get update -y -q && \
apt-get install -y -q \
curl \
patch \
tigervnc-standalone-server \
RUN apt-get install -y -q \
# Novnc: just want web files, we'll install our own newer websockify
RUN apt-get download -q novnc && \
dpkg --force-all -i novnc*.deb && \
rm novnc*.deb
# Patch novnc to automatically connect
# Download missing fonts
ADD websocket-path-ui-js.patch /usr/share/novnc/include
RUN cd /usr/share/novnc/include/ && \
patch -p0 < websocket-path-ui-js.patch && \
curl -sSfLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/novnc/noVNC/v1.1.0/app/styles/Orbitron700.ttf && \
curl -sSfLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/novnc/noVNC/v1.1.0/app/styles/Orbitron700.woff
USER jovyan
# Custom jupyter-server-proxy to load vnc.html instead of /
RUN /opt/conda/bin/pip install https://github.com/manics/jupyter-server-proxy/archive/indexpage.zip
RUN conda install -y -q -c manics/label/testing websockify
ADD jupyter_notebook_config.py /home/jovyan/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py
# There may be a discrepency between the interface vncserver listens on
# ( and the interface jupyter-server-proxy connects to (localhost)
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=895582
RUN sed -i.bak s/localhost/ /opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jupyter_server_proxy/handlers.py
# Both these should work:
# http://localhost:5901/vnc.html