Albatrobot is a personal project born as a bot to dice rolling only, evolved with the addition of more functions, most of which is useless. Basically bloat.
Go to file
bursa-pastoris 47e205f26d Send legal information in PDF 2023-06-05 22:25:14 +02:00
doc Send legal information in PDF 2023-06-05 22:25:14 +02:00
icon New repo 2021-12-02 23:57:42 +01:00
locales Update version to v0.3.1 2023-03-24 15:51:04 +01:00
resources Citations archive from py to csv 2023-02-21 17:46:05 +01:00
.gitignore .gitignore update 2021-12-31 00:20:29 +01:00
LICENSE License correction 2021-12-09 19:03:08 +01:00 Note dependency on external TTS synthesizer 2023-03-24 18:28:23 +01:00 Send legal information in PDF 2023-06-05 22:25:14 +02:00 Update version to v0.3.1 2023-03-24 15:51:04 +01:00 Update copyright headers 2023-03-24 13:07:21 +01:00
requirements.txt Reorder stuff 2023-03-22 21:33:16 +01:00
settings.ini Reorder settings and constants 2023-03-20 20:37:52 +01:00

Table of Contents

Albatrobot is a personal project born as a simple bot to roll dice, but has since then evolved with the addition of more functions, most of which is useless. It thus evolved to the current bloat hodgepodge - but I like it the same.


To install Albatrobot, follow those steps.


  1. Download the source code
  2. Move it to the installation path of your choice and run
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. For /epiphony Albatrobot relies on pyttsx3, that requires an external text-to-speech synthesizer. Albatrobot is developed for and in Debian, where this dependence is satisfied by libespeak1, that can be installed with sudo apt install libespeak1.


All the required configuration is in settings.ini file, that must edited manually. Some keys already contain a value: those are suggested values, that can be tuned to user's needs.

  • Bot
    • Token: the token to connect the bot script to the bot user on Telegram server.1
  • Users
    • Users: a comma-separated list of the user IDs of the users allowed to use the bot
    • Admins: a comma-separated user IDs of the users with admin powers. Admins are always considered Users as well.
  • Settings
    • Language: the language of the bot interface
    • MsgCooldown: the minimum time, in seconds, between two following uses of commands /Easter and /Christmas by the same user. The time is the same but is considered separately for each command.
    • Proxy: proxy settings to connect to Telegram's bot API. The string must follow the syntax <protocol>://[<username[:<password>]@]<hostname>[:<port>] (e.g. socks5://
    • YellLang: language for /yell voice messages
    • YellSpeed: speed for /yell voice messages
  • Resources
    • CitePath: path of the document containing the citations for /Easter command.
    • ImgPath: path of the document containing the images for Christmas command.


Albatrobot can be automatically run at system boot by adding the following command in crontab's queue the following command:

@reboot sleep 10 && cd <installation path> && ./ > /tmp/albatrobot.txt 2>&1

To do so, run crontab -e and add the above line to the file that will be opened, then save and close.

If you run Albatrobot this way - the recommended one - consider the following:

  1. sleep 10 adds a delay of 10 seconds. It is necessary to allow the system to set the network up and prevents errors due to impossibility to connect to the Internet and to Telegram APIs. You can change the time to comply with your necessities.
  2. If Albatrobot can't be launched, some error information should be saved in /tmp/albatrobot.txt.

If the bot is stopped, it can be started again with the following commands:

cd <installation path>
source .venv/bin/activate
nohup ./ &

The bot can be stopped by killing its process on the machine it runs on or by any admin with the /stop command.

For testing purposes, Albatrobot can be run with the following command:

cd <installation path> && source .venv/bin/activate && ./

It can then be killed with Ctrl + C.


Commands available for all users:

  • /christmas: get an image
  • /easter (<author>): get a citation from given author, or a random one if no author is specified.
  • /end_of_year_dinner: send all citations in the archive to a random user.
  • /epiphony (<text>): get a voice message from Albatrobot reading given text
  • /help: get help about bot commands.
  • /legal: get legal info about privacy and copyright.
  • /roll <dice>(<modifiers>): roll dice, with or without modifiers. Launch without arguments to get help on the modifiers.
  • /version: get Albatrobot's version

Additional commands for bot admins:

  • /init: reinitialize the bot. This updates inline suggestions and purges /epiphony cached files.
  • /stop: stop Albatrobot. To be used only in case of emergency: restarting the bot after this command is used requires direct access to the server.

Common problems

When I try to start the bot Python exits with an error


  1. that the configuration file content is in the correct format and contains the correct information (see paragraph Configuration);
  2. that you have installed the required libraries (see paragraph Installation);
  3. that you are using the virtual environment (see paragraph Installation);
  4. that the virtual environment has not been changed after the installation.

In the first three cases, the solution is self-explaining. In the fourth, the simplest way is to just delete the virtual environment and recreate it. Just run the following commands in the installation path:

rm -rf .venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

This does not cause any data loss.

The bot seems correctly booted but it doesn't work or behaves oddly


  1. that you have used the correct token (see paragraph Configuration);
  2. that only one instance of the albatrobot is active for the same Telegram bot user

Albatrobot says that there are no avilable citations or images


  1. that there are available citations and images;
  2. that citations and images are in supported formats;
  3. that in the configuration the correct paths are set.

Proposed solutions don't work and anything else

You can open an issue with all the necesary details on the Disroot repository or send an email to bursapastoris at disroot dot org taking the precautions described here.

A note about the repository

This git repository does not contain all the project's development history because of two causes.

  1. At the beginning, the project was not tracked with git.
  2. I chose to redistribute the software after much time of development, so the original archive contained some data that I didn't want nor could publish. But at that time it was way easier to create a new archive than purging those data from the original one. Also, the original archive contained many completely unuseful files.

For all legal info see

  1. See also How do I create a bot? paragraph on Bots: An introduction for developers and Authorizing your bot paragraph of Telegram Bot API on Telegram's API portal ↩︎