
100 lines
2.6 KiB

% General commands
% String manipulation
\newcommand{\nte}{\emph{Not the End}}
% For "technical" terms
% Tokens
\usepackage{fdsymbol} % Token symbols
\usepackage{etoolbox} % Declare robust commands
% Lessons
% Required for "citations" into the effect
% Card
% Define vertexes
\coordinate (nw) at (0,0);
\coordinate (se) at (6,-8);
\coordinate (ne) at (nw -| se);
\coordinate (sw) at (nw |- se);
\coordinate (title) at ($ (nw)!.5!(ne) + (0,-0.25) $);
\coordinate (effect) at ($ (title) + (0,-1.5) $);
\coordinate (separator) at ($ (title)!.75!(effect) $);
% Uncomment the next line to show the help grid
% (for debug purposes)
% \draw [help lines] (nw) grid (se);
% Card borders
\draw [rounded corners] (nw) rectangle (se);
\draw [loosely dotted]
($ (separator -| nw) + (.5,0) $)
-- ($ (separator -| ne) + (-.5,0) $);
% Title
\node [anchor=north,% draw,
text width=5.5cm, align=center,
at (title)
% Description
\node [anchor=north,% draw
text width=5cm, align=justify,
at (effect)
% Card notes
% Draw the card
% Add the notes