#!/usr/bin/env bash ################################################### # "THE DRINK-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): # # # # As long as you retain this notice you can # # do whatever you want with this stuff. # # If we meet some day, and you think this stuff # # is worth it, you can buy me a drink in return. # # # # -- Observer of Time # ################################################### set -euo pipefail trap 'exit 130' INT : "$KEYSTORE_PATH" "$KEYSTORE_ALIAS" "$VERCODE" "$COMMIT_HASH" _dab() (curl --progress-bar -Lf "https://gitdab.com/distok/$1/archive/$2.tar.gz") printf 'Downloading Discord...\n' _dab apkfuckery "$COMMIT_HASH" | tar xzf - --strip-components=1 printf 'Downloading CutTheCord...\n' _dab cutthecord master | tar xzf - printf 'Editing patches...\n' sed -i cutthecord/patches/squareavatars/"$VERCODE".patch -e 's/3dp/5dp/' sed -i cutthecord/patches/branding/"$VERCODE".patch \ -e 's/CTCNAME/Discord (CTC)/g;s/CTCBRANCH/chronobserver/g' \ -e "s/-CTCBUILD/-$(date --iso-8601)/g;s/CTCBUILD//g" sed -i cutthecord/patches/branding/customicon.sh -e 's/#rm/rm/' for p in necessary noblocked nocamerabutton squareavatars branding customversion; do printf 'Applying %s patch...\n' "$p" patch -d com.discord -p1 < "cutthecord/patches/$p/$VERCODE.patch" done printf 'Replacing files...\n' pushd com.discord >/dev/null bash ../cutthecord/patches/branding/customicon.sh bash ../cutthecord/patches/branding/customdynamicicon.sh bash ../cutthecord/patches/bettertm/bettertm.sh ../cutthecord/patches/bettertm popd >/dev/null curl -LSsfo com.discord/res/font/whitney_semibold.ttf \ https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/master/ofl/asap/Asap-Medium.ttf curl -LSsfo com.discord/res/font/whitney_bold.ttf \ https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/master/ofl/asap/Asap-SemiBold.ttf curl -LSsfo com.discord/res/font/whitney_medium.ttf \ https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/master/ofl/asap/Asap-Regular.ttf curl -LSsfo com.discord/res/font/sourcecodepro_semibold.ttf \ https://github.com/thiagolucio/code-editor-fonts/raw/master/Hasklig.ttf/Hasklig-Medium.ttf apktool b com.discord while ! jarsigner -keystore "$KEYSTORE_PATH" \ "com.discord/dist/com.discord-$VERCODE.apk" "$KEYSTORE_ALIAS" do :; done if [[ -z ${SKIP_INSTALL+x} ]]; then adb install -r "com.discord/dist/com.discord-$VERCODE.apk" rm -rf com.discord/ cutthecord/ fi