## [CutTheCord][] patcher ### Requires - `bash` - `sed` - `patch` - `curl` - `tar` - `apktool` - `keytool` - `jarsigner` - `adb` (optional if `SKIP_INSTALL` is set) ### Patches - `bettertm` - `branding` - `customfont` ([text][Asap], [code][Hasklig]) - `customversion` - `necessary` - `nocamerabutton` - `noblocked` - `squareavatars` ### Usage The script needs a keystore to sign the patched app. ```sh # the path to a .keystore or .jks file export KEYSTORE_PATH="ctc-key.jks" # the alias of the keystore export KEYSTORE_ALIAS="ctc-key" ``` If the file doesn't exist, generate it with `keytool`. ```sh keytool -genkeypair -keystore "$KEYSTORE_PATH" -alias "$KEYSTORE_ALIAS" ``` You also need to set the following variable: ```sh # the version code of the Discord APK export VERCODE="1340" ``` The variables below are optional: ```sh # if you don't want to be prompted before patching export NO_PROMPT=1 # if you want to manually install the patched app # you will find the APK in com.discord/dist/ export SKIP_INSTALL=1 ``` Now, you can run the script like so: ```sh bash < <(curl -LSs https://discord.coffee/5V4AnGq) ``` You will be prompted to enter the keystore password. [CutTheCord]: https://gitdab.com/distok/cutthecord [Asap]: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Asap [Hasklig]: https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig