Script that applies CutTheCord patches to Discord
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CutTheCord patcher


  • bash
  • sed
  • patch
  • curl
  • tar
  • apktool
  • keytool
  • jarsigner
  • adb (optional if SKIP_INSTALL is set)


  • bettertm
  • branding
  • customfont (text, code)
  • customversion
  • necessary
  • nocamerabutton
  • noblocked
  • squareavatars


The script needs a keystore to sign the patched app.

# the path to a .keystore or .jks file
export KEYSTORE_PATH="ctc-key.jks"
# the alias of the keystore
export KEYSTORE_ALIAS="ctc-key"

If the file doesn't exist, generate it with keytool.

keytool -genkeypair -keystore "$KEYSTORE_PATH" -alias "$KEYSTORE_ALIAS"

You also need to set the following variable:

# the version code of the Discord APK
export VERCODE="1340"

The variables below are optional:

# if you don't want to be prompted before patching
export NO_PROMPT=1
# if you want to manually install the patched app
# you will find the APK in com.discord/dist/

Now, you can run the script like so:

bash < <(curl -LSs

You will be prompted to enter the keystore password.