Update layout

This commit is contained in:
杨万青 2016-04-05 23:13:59 +08:00
parent b6856ed269
commit 5675614a1d
5 changed files with 292 additions and 190 deletions

View file

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import SddmComponents 2.0
Rectangle {
property int m_sessionIndex: sessionModel.lastIndex
property string m_userName: userModel.lastUser
Item {
property int sessionIndex: sessionModel.lastIndex
property string userName: userModel.lastUser
readonly property int m_powerButtonSize: 40
function getIconByName(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < userModel.count; i ++) {
@ -16,12 +15,6 @@ Rectangle {
return ""
Image {
id: powerBackground
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.jpg"
Item {
id: centerArea
anchors.centerIn: parent
@ -64,7 +57,7 @@ Rectangle {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
text: m_userName
text: userName
color: textColor
font.pointSize: 15
@ -98,7 +91,7 @@ Rectangle {
KeyNavigation.backtab: userButton; KeyNavigation.tab: shutdownButton
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Return || event.key === Qt.Key_Enter) {
sddm.login(userNameText.text, passwdInput.text, m_sessionIndex)
sddm.login(userNameText.text, passwdInput.text, sessionIndex)
event.accepted = true
@ -113,124 +106,125 @@ Rectangle {
// Fixme, This is vary strange
source: "icons/login_normal.png"
onClicked: {
sddm.login(userNameText.text, passwdInput.text, m_sessionIndex)
sddm.login(userNameText.text, passwdInput.text, sessionIndex)
Item {
id: timeArea
// Item {
// id: timeArea
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
left: parent.left
width: parent.width / 3
height: parent.height / 5
// anchors {
// bottom: parent.bottom
// left: parent.left
// }
// width: parent.width / 3
// height: parent.height / 5
Text {
id: timeText
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: hMargin
bottom: dateText.top
bottomMargin: 5
// Text {
// id: timeText
// anchors {
// left: parent.left
// leftMargin: hMargin
// bottom: dateText.top
// bottomMargin: 5
// }
font.pointSize: 50
color: textColor
// font.pointSize: 50
// color: textColor
function updateTime() {
text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "hh:mm")
// function updateTime() {
// text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "hh:mm")
// }
// }
Text {
id: dateText
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: hMargin
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: vMargin
// Text {
// id: dateText
// anchors {
// left: parent.left
// leftMargin: hMargin
// bottom: parent.bottom
// bottomMargin: vMargin
// }
font.pointSize: 18
color: textColor
// font.pointSize: 18
// color: textColor
function updateDate() {
text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "yyyy-MM-dd dddd")
// function updateDate() {
// text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "yyyy-MM-dd dddd")
// }
// }
Timer {
interval: 1000
repeat: true
running: true
onTriggered: {
// Timer {
// interval: 1000
// repeat: true
// running: true
// onTriggered: {
// timeText.updateTime()
// dateText.updateDate()
// }
// }
Component.onCompleted: {
// Component.onCompleted: {
// timeText.updateTime()
// dateText.updateDate()
// }
// }
Item {
id: powerArea
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
right: parent.right
width: parent.width / 3
height: parent.height / 5
// Item {
// id: powerArea
// anchors {
// bottom: parent.bottom
// right: parent.right
// }
// width: parent.width / 3
// height: parent.height / 5
readonly property int itemSpacing: 20;
// readonly property int itemSpacing: 20;
Row {
spacing: 20
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: hMargin
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Row {
// spacing: 20
// anchors.right: parent.right
// anchors.rightMargin: hMargin
// anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
ImageButton {
id: sessionButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: sessionFrame.isMultipleSessions()
source: sessionFrame.getCurrentSessionIconPath()
onClicked: root.state = "stateSession"
// ImageButton {
// id: sessionButton
// width: m_powerButtonSize
// height: m_powerButtonSize
// visible: sessionFrame.isMultipleSessions()
// source: sessionFrame.getCurrentSessionIconPath()
// onClicked: root.state = "stateSession"
// }
ImageButton {
id: userButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: userFrame.isMultipleUsers()
// ImageButton {
// id: userButton
// width: m_powerButtonSize
// height: m_powerButtonSize
// visible: userFrame.isMultipleUsers()
source: "icons/switchframe/userswitch_normal.png"
onClicked: {
console.log("Switch User...")
root.state = "stateUser"
// source: "icons/switchframe/userswitch_normal.png"
// onClicked: {
// console.log("Switch User...")
// root.state = "stateUser"
// }
// }
ImageButton {
id: shutdownButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: true//sddm.canPowerOff
// ImageButton {
// id: shutdownButton
// width: m_powerButtonSize
// height: m_powerButtonSize
// visible: true//sddm.canPowerOff
// source: "icons/switchframe/powermenu.png"
// onClicked: {
// console.log("Show shutdown menu")
// root.state = "statePower"
// }
// }
// }
// }
source: "icons/switchframe/powermenu.png"
onClicked: {
console.log("Show shutdown menu")
root.state = "statePower"

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import SddmComponents 2.0
@ -11,7 +12,8 @@ Rectangle {
state: "stateLogin"
readonly property int hMargin: 40
readonly property int vMargin: 40
readonly property int vMargin: 30
readonly property int m_powerButtonSize: 40
readonly property color textColor: "#ffffff"
TextConstants { id: textConstants }
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ Rectangle {
PropertyChanges { target: powerFrame; opacity: 1}
PropertyChanges { target: sessionFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: userFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: bgBlur; radius: 20}
State {
name: "stateSession"
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ Rectangle {
PropertyChanges { target: powerFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: sessionFrame; opacity: 1}
PropertyChanges { target: userFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: bgBlur; radius: 20}
State {
name: "stateUser"
@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ Rectangle {
PropertyChanges { target: powerFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: sessionFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: userFrame; opacity: 1}
PropertyChanges { target: bgBlur; radius: 20}
State {
name: "stateLogin"
@ -44,11 +49,13 @@ Rectangle {
PropertyChanges { target: powerFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: sessionFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: userFrame; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges { target: bgBlur; radius: 0}
transitions: Transition {
PropertyAnimation { duration: 500; properties: "opacity"; }
PropertyAnimation { duration: 300; properties: "opacity"; }
PropertyAnimation { duration: 300; properties: "radius"; }
Repeater {
@ -65,12 +72,34 @@ Rectangle {
PowerFrame {
id: powerFrame
enabled: root.state == "statePower"
Item {
id: mainFrame
property variant geometry: screenModel.geometry(screenModel.primary)
x: geometry.x; y: geometry.y; width: geometry.width; height: geometry.height
opacity: 1
Image {
id: mainFrameBackground
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.jpg"
FastBlur {
id: bgBlur
anchors.fill: mainFrameBackground
source: mainFrameBackground
radius: 0
Item {
id: centerArea
width: parent.width
height: parent.height / 3
anchors.centerIn: parent
PowerFrame {
id: powerFrame
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: root.state == "statePower"
onNeedClose: root.state = "stateLogin"
onNeedShutdown: sddm.powerOff()
onNeedRestart: sddm.reboot()
@ -79,38 +108,153 @@ Rectangle {
SessionFrame {
id: sessionFrame
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: root.state == "stateSession"
property variant geometry: screenModel.geometry(screenModel.primary)
x: geometry.x; y: geometry.y; width: geometry.width; height: geometry.height
onSelected: {
console.log("Selected session:", index)
root.state = "stateLogin"
loginFrame.m_sessionIndex = index
loginFrame.sessionIndex = index
onNeedClose: root.state = "stateLogin"
UserFrame {
id: userFrame
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: root.state == "stateUser"
property variant geometry: screenModel.geometry(screenModel.primary)
x: geometry.x; y: geometry.y; width: geometry.width; height: geometry.height
onSelected: {
console.log("Select user:", userName)
root.state = "stateLogin"
loginFrame.m_userName = userName
loginFrame.userName = userName
onNeedClose: root.state = "stateLogin"
LoginFrame {
id: loginFrame
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: root.state == "stateLogin"
property variant geometry: screenModel.geometry(screenModel.primary)
x: geometry.x; y: geometry.y; width: geometry.width; height: geometry.height
color: "transparent"
opacity: 0
transformOrigin: Item.Top
Item {
id: timeArea
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
left: parent.left
width: parent.width / 3
height: parent.height / 5
Text {
id: timeText
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: hMargin
bottom: dateText.top
bottomMargin: 5
font.pointSize: 50
color: textColor
function updateTime() {
text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "hh:mm")
Text {
id: dateText
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: hMargin
bottom: parent.bottom
bottomMargin: vMargin
font.pointSize: 18
color: textColor
function updateDate() {
text = new Date().toLocaleString(Qt.locale("en_US"), "yyyy-MM-dd dddd")
Timer {
interval: 1000
repeat: true
running: true
onTriggered: {
Component.onCompleted: {
Item {
id: powerArea
anchors {
bottom: parent.bottom
right: parent.right
width: parent.width / 3
height: parent.height / 5
Row {
spacing: 20
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: hMargin
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
ImageButton {
id: sessionButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: sessionFrame.isMultipleSessions()
source: sessionFrame.getCurrentSessionIconPath()
onClicked: root.state = "stateSession"
ImageButton {
id: userButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: userFrame.isMultipleUsers()
source: "icons/switchframe/userswitch_normal.png"
onClicked: {
console.log("Switch User...")
root.state = "stateUser"
ImageButton {
id: shutdownButton
width: m_powerButtonSize
height: m_powerButtonSize
visible: true//sddm.canPowerOff
source: "icons/switchframe/powermenu.png"
onClicked: {
console.log("Show shutdown menu")
root.state = "statePower"
MouseArea {
z: -1
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: root.state = "stateLogin"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,12 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
Rectangle {
Item {
signal needClose()
signal needShutdown()
signal needRestart()
signal needSuspend()
Image {
id: powerBackground
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.jpg"
FastBlur {
anchors.fill: powerBackground
source: powerBackground
radius: 20
Row {
spacing: 70

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
Rectangle {
Item {
id: frame
signal selected(var index)
signal needClose()
@ -27,18 +27,6 @@ Rectangle {
return sessionList.count > 1
Image {
id: sessionBackground
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.jpg"
FastBlur {
anchors.fill: sessionBackground
source: sessionBackground
radius: 20
ListView {
id: sessionList
anchors.centerIn: parent

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
Rectangle {
Item {
id: frame
signal selected(var userName)
signal needClose()
@ -18,18 +18,6 @@ Rectangle {
return usersList.count > 1
Image {
id: usersBackground
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.jpg"
FastBlur {
anchors.fill: usersBackground
source: usersBackground
radius: 20
ListView {
id: usersList
anchors.centerIn: parent