Amazon forces ultematim on drivers to consent to snooping

This commit is contained in:
cyberMonk 2021-03-23 21:30:07 -04:00
parent 2fa0d56658
commit 0636b700ff
2 changed files with 23 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Amazon is the root of abuses of privacy, freedom, human rights, civil liberties,
1. Amazon is notorious for **fighting unions** and **mistreating employees** despite its wealth and growth.
1. Amazon runs an extreme sweatshop that diminishes quality of life. The consequential mental health crisis is [evidenced][callsTo911] by 189 calls from Amazon warehouses to 911 in five years.
1. Amazon has [chickenized reverse-centaurs][chickenization].
1. Amazon has put its drivers under AI surveillance and [given an ultematim][surveillanceConsent]: sign the agreement or be sacked.
1. Amazon uses automation that [increases injury rates][roboinjury].
1. Amazon [enabled covid19-infected workers][covid] to work, which caused several outbreaks in warehouses, then Amazon retaliated against whistle blowers.
1. Amazon coerced a city to [alter traffic light timing][trafficManipulation] so union organizers couldn't use a red traffic light to reach workers.
@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ See also Richard Stallman's [Amazon RAP sheet][RMS], which we will one day merge
@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ See also Richard Stallman's [Amazon RAP sheet][RMS], which we will one day merge
[trafficManipulation-cache]: <> "antifeature: cookie nag popup"
[oppression]: <>
[oppression-cache]: <>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
[RAP-pp]: <rap_sheets/>
[//]: # (
[//]: # (interesting flip-flopping loop when trying to visit via from curl)
@ -115,26 +116,23 @@ CloudFlare is a vigilante extremist organization that takes the decentralized we
1. Voter suppression: CF impedes voter registration, disenfranchising voters in 8 US states (16% of voter registration sites).
1. CloudFlare's **censorship** and reduced access to educational material
1. CloudFlare restricts access to scientific papers.
1. Universities outsource ebooks to
[Proquest][21], a Tor-hostile CloudFlare
site. [RUC][22] is an example of a university that
closed their library during the pandemic, while online access to
books is subject to CloudFlare's terms and privacy abuses.
Proquest's blockade violates several clauses in the
[ALA Library Bill of Rights][23],
undermines the
[ALA Freedom to Read Statement][24],
and undermines paragraphs 1-3 and 6 of the
[ALA Code of Ethics][25]. More
specifically, the ALA states in their
[encryption guidelines][26]
that *"library vendors should work towards ensuring that all
their websites and online services communicate securely over the
web by using encryption."* and that libraries should *"enable
users to remain anonymous and avoid both **commercial** and
government surveillance."*(emphasis added) Proquest's use of CF
also undermines several parts of the
[Library Privacy Guidelines for Vendors][27].
1. Universities outsource ebooks to [Proquest][21], a
Tor-hostile CloudFlare site. [RUC][22] is an example of a
university that closed their library during the pandemic,
while online access to books is subject to CloudFlare's
terms and privacy abuses. Proquest's blockade violates
several clauses in the [ALA Library Bill of Rights][23],
undermines the [ALA Freedom to Read Statement][24], and
undermines paragraphs 1-3 and 6 of the
[ALA Code of Ethics][25]. More specifically, the ALA
states in their [encryption guidelines][26] that *"library
vendors should work towards ensuring that all their
websites and online services communicate securely over the
web by using encryption."* and that libraries should
*"enable users to remain anonymous and avoid both
**commercial** and government surveillance."*(emphasis
added) Proquest's use of CF also undermines several parts
of the [Library Privacy Guidelines for Vendors][27].
1. ACM's Digital Library is jailed in CloudFlare's exclusive walled-garden despite ACM's intent to be ["open" during a pandemic][28]. The perverse affect is that privacy-seekers are subject to CF's privacy abuses when attempting to access [a paper about privacy abuse][29].
1. CloudFlare [attacks freedom of expression][30].
1. When a review exposed CloudFlare's doxxing of whistle blowers, CF [censored][31] the review.