1. Paypal is a **privacy** abuser: 1. PayPal shares customers' data with [600 companies](https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2018/03/the_600_compani.html) 1. PayPal goes overboard on the KYC, blocking accounts on KYC grounds when enough info is known to legally service an account. This is an needless assault on privacy. 1. Paypal is detrimental to civil liberties: 1. PayPal has a history [littered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal#Criticism) with power-abusing payment blockades that are often politically motivated to benefit right-wing agendas. E.g.: 1. PayPal [blocked Iraq War resisters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PayPal#Criticism). 1. PayPal [blocked Wikileaks](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2010/12/07/visa-mastercard-move-to-choke-wikileaks). 1. PayPal [blocked](https://www.economist.com/europe/2015/05/13/boris-nemtsovs-parting-shot) an account intended to raise money for the distribution of Boris Nemtsov's report "Putin. War", which details Russia's intervention in Ukraine. 1. Paypal's greed cheats people out of money they're entitled to: 1. PayPal [declined](https://www.pcworld.com/article/2039940/paypal-denies-teenager-reward-for-finding-website-bug.html) to pay a reward offered in its [Bug Bounty Program](https://hackerone.com/paypal) to a 17-year-old German student who had reported a cross-site scripting flaw on its site. 1. PayPal is often reported to simply take customers' money or deny them access as they [arbitrarily freeze](https://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1000998078) the accounts of [many people](https://mywifequitherjob.com/why-paypal-freezes-or-limits-accounts-and-how-to-prevent-this-from-happening-to-you). 1. Paypal is detrimental to consumer rights: 1. Hundreds of consumers complain about PayPal annually on the [Consumer Affairs website](https://www.consumeraffairs.com/online/paypal_02.html). By 2016, there were over 1200 complaints. 1. Staff becomes unreachable and website becomes inoperable when trying to [unfreeze](https://mirasee.com/blog/paypal) accounts. 1. PayPal algorithmically uses money laundering triggers that are so arbitrary that PayPal's customer service [don't know themselves](https://www.computerweekly.com/blog/Cliff-Sarans-Enterprise-blog/PayPal-money-laundering-nonsense) why accounts get frozen. 1. PayPal neglects to adhere to banking regulations by [claiming](https://www.cnet.com/news/feds-paypal-not-a-bank) PayPal is not a bank.