Cloudflare workers pastebin serverless server example (with basic login)
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Cloudflare workers pastebin serverless server example (with basic login)

This project demonstrates the use of Cloudflare Workers with TypeScript. It provides a simple pastebin-like functionality with support for login, search, delete, and add-edit operations on key-value pairs stored in a KVNamespace.

Table of Contents


Cloudflare Workers allow you to run serverless functions at the edge, close to the users, providing low-latency responses to their requests. In this project, we use TypeScript to benefit from type safety and better development experience.


  • Node.js (LTS or newer)
  • NPM or Yarn
  • Cloudflare account with Workers KV enabled
  • Wrangler CLI installed and configured


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install


yarn install
  1. Configure the wrangler.toml file with your KV namespace id.

  2. Build the project:

npm run build


yarn build
  1. Deploy the Worker to your Cloudflare account:
wrangler publish


The following API endpoints are available:

  • POST /login: Authenticate with a username and password.
    • Request body: { "username": "your_username", "password": "your_password" }
    • Response: Login successful or an error message with the corresponding status code.
  • POST /search: Search for key-value pairs based on key or value.
    • Request body: { "key": "search_key", "value": "search_value" }
    • Response: A JSON array of matching key-value pairs.
  • POST /delete: Delete a specific key-value pair or multiple pairs based on certain conditions.
    • Request body: Various options are available, such as { "individual": "key_to_delete" }, { "search": "search_term" }, { "allBut": "key_to_keep" }, or { "emptyField": true, "confirmation": true }.
    • Response: A success message or an error message with the corresponding status code.
  • POST /delete-all: Delete all key-value pairs.
    • Request body: { "confirmation": true }
    • Response: All entries deleted or an error message with the corresponding status code if confirmation is missing.
  • POST /add-edit: Add or edit key-value pairs.
    • Request body: { "keyValuePairs": { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }, "replaceOption": "all" }. The replaceOption can be "all" or "choice". If "choice" is used, specify an additional field "replaceKeys": ["key1"] to list the keys to replace.
    • Response: A success message or an error message with the corresponding status code.

Refer to the code for more details on the expected request format and response structure for each endpoint.


  • The project uses Cloudflare Workers KV for storage, which has certain limitations on the number of read and write operations per day, as well as the maximum size of each value.
  • The login functionality is basic and does not include advanced features like token-based authentication or password hashing.
  • The search functionality is limited to exact matches for key and value.