import os import requests import json import yaml import asyncio import nextcord from nextcord.ext import commands import re import threading import logging import traceback from datetime import timedelta import tempfile import filetype import aiohttp import random import unicodedata import string from html import escape from difflib import SequenceMatcher # self from llama_tokenizer_lite import LlamaTokenizerLite from run import failed_discord_bot from get_messages import MessageProcessor def similar(a, b): return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') Mancer_Key = os.getenv("MANCER_KEY") Mancer_Model = "mytholite" Mancer_URL = ""+Mancer_Model+"/api" run = failed_discord_bot() intents = run.get_intents() bot = run.get_bot() tokenizer = LlamaTokenizerLite() oldest_message_timestamp = None last_bot_message_id = None image_cache = {} current_task = None # Create a lock lock = asyncio.Lock() def get_mancer_body(prompt, stop_string): data = read_yaml_file(os.path.join(config_directory, 'config.yaml')) mancer_settings_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'mancer_settings') ensure_directory_exists(mancer_settings_directory) mancer_settings = get_first_filename(data, 'mancer_settings') mancer_settings = read_file_contents(mancer_settings_directory, mancer_settings) data = json.loads(mancer_settings) data['prompt'] = prompt data['stopping_strings'] = stop_string return data def read_yaml_file(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as file: data = yaml.safe_load(file) return data def get_first_filename(data, field): return data[field][0] def read_file_contents(directory, filename): with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'r') as file: contents = return contents def ensure_directory_exists(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) config_directory = 'config' class MessageQueue(): def __init__(self): self.queue = asyncio.Queue() async def add_message(self, message): await self.queue.put(message) async def process_messages(self): while True: message = await self.queue.get() try: await process_images_and_generate_responses(message) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Failed to process message", exc_info=e) finally: self.queue.task_done() message_queue = MessageQueue() @bot.event async def on_ready(): for guild in bot.guilds: for channel in guild.text_channels: if channel.permissions_for( data = read_yaml_file(os.path.join(config_directory, 'config.yaml')) boot_prompt_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'boot_prompt') initial_prompt_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'initial_prompt') ensure_directory_exists(boot_prompt_directory) ensure_directory_exists(initial_prompt_directory) boot_prompt = get_first_filename(data, 'boot_prompt') initial_prompt = get_first_filename(data, 'initial_prompt') boot_prompt = read_file_contents(boot_prompt_directory, boot_prompt) initial_prompt = read_file_contents(initial_prompt_directory, initial_prompt) await channel.send(boot_prompt) sent_message = await channel.send(initial_prompt) global oldest_message_timestamp, last_bot_message_id oldest_message_timestamp = sent_message.created_at - timedelta(microseconds=1) last_bot_message_id = await message_queue.add_message(sent_message) break'Bot is ready') @bot.event async def on_message(message): await message_queue.add_message(message)'New message received') @bot.event async def process_images_and_generate_responses(message):"process function initialised") global oldest_message_timestamp global last_bot_message_id global image_cache reply_punctuation = False try: for _ in range(7): # Limit to 7 attempts"Number of _: {_}") if not reply_punctuation: channel = messages = [] if oldest_message_timestamp is None: oldest_message_timestamp = message.created_at messages.append(message) else: async for m in channel.history(limit=200, after=oldest_message_timestamp): messages.append(m)"Number of messages it's reading: {len(messages)}") try: latest_message = messages[-1]"latest message: {latest_message}") latest_author_id = except: return if latest_author_id =="latest author is bot") return while True: # Process the messages global discord_msgs, formatted_users, user_names discord_msgs = [] if 'prompt' not in globals(): message_processor = MessageProcessor(bot=bot) else: message_processor = MessageProcessor( bot=bot, formatted_users=formatted_users, image_cache=image_cache, discord_msgs=discord_msgs, user_names=user_names )"0 image stuff") await message_processor.process_messages(messages) # Access the processed messages and image cache discord_msgs = message_processor.get_discord_msgs() image_cache = message_processor.get_image_cache() formatted_users = message_processor.get_formatted_users() user_names = message_processor.get_user_names() global system_prompt global input_segment global output_segment global end_loop_prompt global prompt config_directory = 'config' ensure_directory_exists(config_directory) data = read_yaml_file(os.path.join(config_directory, 'config.yaml')) system_prompt_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'system_prompt') input_segment_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'input_segment') output_segment_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'output_segment') input_sequence_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'input_sequence') output_sequence_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'output_sequence') end_loop_prompt_directory = os.path.join(config_directory, 'end_loop_prompt') ensure_directory_exists(system_prompt_directory) ensure_directory_exists(input_segment_directory) ensure_directory_exists(output_segment_directory) ensure_directory_exists(input_sequence_directory) ensure_directory_exists(output_sequence_directory) ensure_directory_exists(end_loop_prompt_directory) system_prompt = get_first_filename(data, 'system_prompt') input_segment = get_first_filename(data, 'input_segment') output_segment = get_first_filename(data, 'output_segment') input_sequence = get_first_filename(data, 'input_sequence') output_sequence = get_first_filename(data, 'output_sequence') end_loop_prompt = get_first_filename(data, 'end_loop_prompt') system_prompt = read_file_contents(system_prompt_directory, system_prompt) input_segment = read_file_contents(input_segment_directory, input_segment) output_segment = read_file_contents(output_segment_directory, output_segment) input_sequence = read_file_contents(input_sequence_directory, input_sequence) output_sequence = read_file_contents(output_sequence_directory, output_sequence) end_loop_prompt = read_file_contents(end_loop_prompt_directory, end_loop_prompt) end_loop_list = end_loop_prompt.split("\n") end_loop_list = [item for item in end_loop_list if item != ''] end_loop_prompt = random.choice(end_loop_list)"2 prompt stuff") prev_author = None i = 0 while i < len(discord_msgs): m = discord_msgs[i]"discord_msgs: {discord_msgs}") try: last_char = m['content'][-1] except: last_char = '.' if m['author'] == prev_author: if unicodedata.category(m['content'][-1])[0] not in ('L', 'N'): discord_msgs[i-1]['content'] += f" {m['content']}" else: # Lowercase first letter before concatenating lowercase_content = m['content'][0].lower() + m['content'][1:] discord_msgs[i-1]['content'] += f", {lowercase_content}" del discord_msgs[i] else: prev_author = m['author'] i += 1 message_prompt = "" append_input_seq = True for m in discord_msgs: if m['author'] == if not append_input_seq: append_input_seq = True message_prompt += output_sequence else: if append_input_seq: message_prompt += input_sequence append_input_seq = False message_prompt += f"{m['author']}: {m['content']}\n" last_bot_index = None for i, line in enumerate(message_prompt.split('\n')): if line.startswith( + ":"): last_bot_index = i"last bot index: {last_bot_index}") prompt = (f"{system_prompt}{input_segment}{message_prompt}{output_segment}") prompt = prompt.replace('{{users}}', formatted_users) prompt = prompt.replace('{{bot}}', prompt = prompt.replace('{{endloop}}', end_loop_prompt) # Removing the newline character prompt = prompt.rstrip("\n")"3 more prompt stuff") stop_string = [f"\n{name}" for name in set(user_names)] stop_string += [f"{}:"] stop_string += ["", "<|", "\n#", "\n*", "\n\n\n", "", ",", "?", "!", ";", "."] headers = { "X-API-KEY": Mancer_Key, "Content-Type": "application/json", } new_body = get_mancer_body(prompt, stop_string) token_count = await asyncio.to_thread(len, tokenizer.encode(prompt))"token count (local): {token_count}") if token_count <= 2410: break else:"The too many messages: {messages}") if len(messages) != 0: messages.pop(0) oldest_message_timestamp = messages[0].created_at - timedelta(microseconds=1) old_messages_object = [msg async for msg in channel.history(after=nextcord.Object(id=last_bot_message_id)) if last_bot_message_id] old_messages = "\n".join([f"{}: \n{m.content}" for m in old_messages_object]) + "\n" if len(old_messages) == 0: return"4 before generating stuff") if _ != 0: await asyncio.sleep(0.5) async with channel.typing(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with + "/v1/generate", json=new_body, headers=headers) as response:"Request Body: {json.dumps(new_body, indent=2)}") api_response = await response.json() x_input_tokens = api_response.get('x-input-tokens') x_output_tokens = api_response.get('x-output-tokens')"Response: {json.dumps(api_response, indent=2)}") reply_content = api_response.get('results')[0].get('text') reply_content = str(reply_content) # Remove stop_string if it's at the end of reply_content stop_string_python_sucks = [s if s.endswith('\n') else s+'\n' for s in stop_string] stop_string_python_sucks.extend(stop_string) if reply_content: if reply_content.endswith((",", "!", "?", ";")): reply_punctuation = True else: reply_punctuation = False for stop_string in stop_string_python_sucks: if reply_content.endswith(stop_string): reply_content = reply_content[:-len(stop_string)] break if not reply_punctuation: # Check for new messages after the bot's last message new_messages_object = [msg async for msg in channel.history(after=nextcord.Object(id=last_bot_message_id)) if last_bot_message_id] new_messages = "\n".join([f"{}: \n{m.content}" for m in new_messages_object]) + "\n" try: latest_message = new_messages_object[-1] latest_author_id = except: return else: new_messages = old_messages # If new messages are found, regenerate the response if old_messages == new_messages or not reply_punctuation and not re.fullmatch(r'[!?]+', reply_content):'old_messages == new_messages') # Check if the response consists of max amount of max_new_tokens if x_output_tokens == 150:"Generated message contained too many tokens, regenerating...") else: bot_messages = [msg['content'] for msg in discord_msgs if msg['is_bot']] try: last_punctuation = reply_content[-1] if reply_punctuation and last_punctuation == ',': reply_content = reply_content[:-1] sent_message = await channel.send(reply_content) # Store the sent message if old_messages != new_messages and not reply_punctuation: break if not reply_punctuation: last_bot_message_id = # Update the ID of the last message sent by the bot else: reply_content = reply_content + last_punctuation prompt = prompt + reply_content while True: new_body = get_mancer_body(prompt, stop_string) token_count = await asyncio.to_thread(len, tokenizer.encode(prompt))"token count (local): {token_count}") if token_count <= 2410: break else: discord_msgs = [] if len(messages) != 0: messages.pop(0)"messages variable: {messages}") prev_author = None i = 0 # messages initialise for m in messages: if m.attachments: msg_content = m.content"please tell me there is any image cache in here {image_cache}") if in image_cache: for image in image_cache[]: if msg_content: msg_content += f' *sends an image of {image["output"]}*' else: msg_content += f'*sends an image of {image["output"]}*' else:"no image for {m.content}") msg_content = m.content discord_msgs.append({ "content": msg_content, "author":, "is_bot": }) # discord_msgs initialise while i < len(discord_msgs): m = discord_msgs[i] try: last_char = m['content'][-1] except: last_char = '.' if m['author'] == prev_author: if unicodedata.category(m['content'][-1])[0] not in ('L', 'N'): discord_msgs[i-1]['content'] += f" {m['content']}" else: # Lowercase first letter before concatenating lowercase_content = m['content'][0].lower() + m['content'][1:] discord_msgs[i-1]['content'] += f", {lowercase_content}" del discord_msgs[i] else: prev_author = m['author'] i += 1 message_prompt = "\n".join([f"{m['author']}: {m['content']}" for m in discord_msgs]) + '\n' last_bot_index = None for i, line in enumerate(message_prompt.split('\n')): if line.startswith( + ":"): last_bot_index = i"message_prompt: {message_prompt}")" {}")"last bot index: {last_bot_index}") prompt = (f"{system_prompt}{input_segment}{message_prompt}{output_segment}") prompt = prompt.replace('{{users}}', formatted_users) prompt = prompt.replace('{{bot}}', prompt = prompt.replace('{{endloop}}', end_loop_prompt) # Removing the newline character prompt = prompt.rstrip("\n") prompt = prompt + reply_content new_body["prompt"] = prompt if reply_content.endswith(("!", "?")) and _ >= 2: return except nextcord.errors.HTTPException: pass else:'old_messages != new_messages') try: last_bot_message_id = except: pass if not reply_punctuation: old_messages_object = [msg async for msg in channel.history(after=nextcord.Object(id=last_bot_message_id)) if last_bot_message_id] old_messages = "\n".join([f"{}: \n{m.content}" for m in old_messages_object]) + "\n" except Exception as error: @bot.slash_command(name="ping", description="Check if I'm alive!") async def ping(interaction:nextcord.Interaction): try: latency = round(bot.latency * 1000) except Exception as e: latency = "Error getting bot latency: " + str(e) try: r = requests.get(Mancer_URL) mancer_ping = round(r.elapsed.total_seconds() * 1000) except Exception as e: mancer_ping = "Error pinging LLM API: " + str(e) response = f"Bot Latency: {latency}ms\nLLM Latency: {mancer_ping}ms" await interaction.response.send_message(response, ephemeral=True) @bot.slash_command(name="showprompt", description="Check my current prompt in full!") async def showprompt(interaction:nextcord.Interaction): global prompt if 'prompt' not in globals(): await interaction.response.send_message("Send a message to me first to see the prompt!", ephemeral=True) return html = f"" # Add prompt with line number spans for i, line in enumerate(prompt.split("\n")): if not line.strip(): # If line is empty line = " " else: line = escape(line) html += f"


" html += "" # Generate a random filename filename = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(10)) + '.html' with open(filename, 'w+') as f: f.write(html) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with"", data={"file": open(filename, 'rb'), "expires": "1", "secret": "" }) as resp: url = await resp.text() os.remove(filename) # Delete the file after uploading # Wrap url in markdown with text "View Prompt Here!" markdown_url = f"[View Prompt Here!]({url.strip()})" # Add line about link expiration message = f"{markdown_url}\n\n`Link expires after an hour`" await interaction.response.send_message(message, ephemeral=True) @bot.event async def on_resume(): # Re-register intents intents = nextcord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True bot.intents = intents'Bot is resumed') def main(): bot.loop.create_task(message_queue.process_messages()) # Run bot token = os.environ['DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN'] if __name__ == "__main__": main()