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2022-11-01 19:12:15 +01:00
-- Vis Lua plugin API standard library
-- @module vis
-- @type Vis
--- Map a new operator.
-- Sets up a mapping in normal, visual and operator pending mode.
-- The operator function will receive the @{File}, @{Range} and position
-- to operate on and is expected to return the new cursor position.
-- @tparam string key the key to associate with the new operator
-- @tparam function operator the operator logic implemented as Lua function
-- @tparam[opt] string help the single line help text as displayed in `:help`
-- @treturn bool whether the new operator could be installed
-- @usage
-- vis:operator_new("gq", function(file, range, pos)
-- local status, out, err = vis:pipe(file, range, "fmt")
-- if not status then
-- vis:info(err)
-- else
-- file:delete(range)
-- file:insert(range.start, out)
-- end
-- return range.start -- new cursor location
-- end, "Formating operator, filter range through fmt(1)")
vis.operator_new = function(vis, key, operator, help)
local id = vis:operator_register(operator)
if id < 0 then
return false
local binding = function()
vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, key, binding, help)
vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, key, binding, help)
vis:map(vis.modes.OPERATOR_PENDING, key, binding, help)
return true
--- Map a new motion.
-- Sets up a mapping in normal, visual and operator pending mode.
-- The motion function will receive the @{Window} and an initial position
-- (in bytes from the start of the file) as argument and is expected to
-- return the resulting position.
-- @tparam string key the key to associate with the new mption
-- @tparam function motion the motion logic implemented as Lua function
-- @tparam[opt] string help the single line help text as displayed in `:help`
-- @treturn bool whether the new motion could be installed
-- @usage
-- vis:motion_new("<C-l>", function(win, pos)
-- return pos+1
-- end, "Advance to next byte")
vis.motion_new = function(vis, key, motion, help)
local id = vis:motion_register(motion)
if id < 0 then
return false
local binding = function()
vis:map(vis.modes.NORMAL, key, binding, help)
vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, key, binding, help)
vis:map(vis.modes.OPERATOR_PENDING, key, binding, help)
return true
--- Map a new text object.
-- Sets up a mapping in visual and operator pending mode.
-- The text object function will receive the @{Window} and an initial
-- position(in bytes from the start of the file) as argument and is
-- expected to return the resulting range or `nil`.
-- @tparam string key the key associated with the new text object
-- @tparam function textobject the text object logic implemented as Lua function
-- @tparam[opt] string help the single line help text as displayed in `:help`
-- @treturn bool whether the new text object could be installed
-- @usage
-- vis:textobject_new("<C-l>", function(win, pos)
-- return pos, pos+1
-- end, "Single byte text object")
vis.textobject_new = function(vis, key, textobject, help)
local id = vis:textobject_register(textobject)
if id < 0 then
return false
local binding = function()
vis:map(vis.modes.VISUAL, key, binding, help)
vis:map(vis.modes.OPERATOR_PENDING, key, binding, help)
return true
--- Check whether a Lua module exists
-- Checks whether a subsequent @{require} call will succeed.
-- @tparam string name the module name to check
-- @treturn bool whether the module was found
vis.module_exist = function(_, name)
for _, searcher in ipairs(package.searchers or package.loaders) do
local loader = searcher(name)
if type(loader) == 'function' then
return true
return false
vis.lexers = {}
if not vis:module_exist('lpeg') then
vis:info('WARNING: could not find lpeg module')
elseif not vis:module_exist('lexer') then
vis:info('WARNING: could not find lexer module')
vis.lexers = require('lexer')
vis.lpeg = require('lpeg')
--- Events.
-- User scripts can subscribe Lua functions to certain events. Multiple functions
-- can be associated with the same event. They will be called in the order they were
-- registered. The first function which returns a non `nil` value terminates event
-- propagation. The remaining event handler will not be called.
-- Keep in mind that the editor is blocked while the event handlers
-- are being executed, avoid long running tasks.
-- @section Events
--- Event names.
--- @table events
local events = {
FILE_CLOSE = "Event::FILE_CLOSE", -- see @{file_close}
FILE_OPEN = "Event::FILE_OPEN", -- see @{file_open}
FILE_SAVE_POST = "Event::FILE_SAVE_POST", -- see @{file_save_post}
FILE_SAVE_PRE = "Event::FILE_SAVE_PRE", -- see @{file_save_pre}
INIT = "Event::INIT", -- see @{init}
INPUT = "Event::INPUT", -- see @{input}
QUIT = "Event::QUIT", -- see @{quit}
START = "Event::START", -- see @{start}
WIN_CLOSE = "Event::WIN_CLOSE", -- see @{win_close}
WIN_HIGHLIGHT = "Event::WIN_HIGHLIGHT", -- see @{win_highlight}
WIN_OPEN = "Event::WIN_OPEN", -- see @{win_open}
WIN_STATUS = "Event::WIN_STATUS", -- see @{win_status}
TERM_CSI = "Event::TERM_CSI", -- see @{term_csi}
events.file_close = function(...) events.emit(events.FILE_CLOSE, ...) end
events.file_open = function(...) events.emit(events.FILE_OPEN, ...) end
events.file_save_post = function(...) events.emit(events.FILE_SAVE_POST, ...) end
events.file_save_pre = function(...) return events.emit(events.FILE_SAVE_PRE, ...) end
events.init = function(...) events.emit(events.INIT, ...) end
events.input = function(...) return events.emit(events.INPUT, ...) end
events.quit = function(...) events.emit(events.QUIT, ...) end
events.start = function(...) events.emit(events.START, ...) end
events.win_close = function(...) events.emit(events.WIN_CLOSE, ...) end
events.win_highlight = function(...) events.emit(events.WIN_HIGHLIGHT, ...) end
events.win_open = function(...) events.emit(events.WIN_OPEN, ...) end
events.win_status = function(...) events.emit(events.WIN_STATUS, ...) end
events.term_csi = function(...) events.emit(events.TERM_CSI, ...) end
local handlers = {}
--- Subscribe to an event.
-- Register an event handler.
-- @tparam string event the event name
-- @tparam function handler the event handler
-- @tparam[opt] int index the index at which to insert the handler (1 is the highest priority)
-- @usage
--, function(file, path)
-- -- do something useful
-- return true
-- end)
events.subscribe = function(event, handler, index)
if not event then error("Invalid event name") end
if type(handler) ~= 'function' then error("Invalid event handler") end
if not handlers[event] then handlers[event] = {} end
events.unsubscribe(event, handler)
table.insert(handlers[event], index or #handlers[event]+1, handler)
--- Unsubscribe from an event.
-- Remove a registered event handler.
-- @tparam string event the event name
-- @tparam function handler the event handler to unsubscribe
-- @treturn bool whether the handler was successfully removed
events.unsubscribe = function(event, handler)
local h = handlers[event]
if not h then return end
for i = 1, #h do
if h[i] == handler then
table.remove(h, i)
return true
return false
--- Generate event.
-- Invokes all event handlers in the order they were registered.
-- Passes all arguments to the handler. The first handler which returns a non `nil`
-- value terminates the event propagation. The other handlers will not be called.
-- @tparam string event the event name
-- @tparam ... ... the remaining paramters are passed on to the handler
events.emit = function(event, ...)
local h = handlers[event]
if not h then return end
for i = 1, #h do
local ret = h[i](...)
if type(ret) ~= 'nil' then return ret end
end = events
-- @type Window
--- The file type associated with this window.
-- @tfield string syntax the syntax lexer name or `nil` if unset
--- Change syntax lexer to use for this window
-- @function set_syntax
-- @tparam string syntax the syntax lexer name or `nil` to disable syntax highlighting
-- @treturn bool whether the lexer could be changed
vis.types.window.set_syntax = function(win, syntax)
local lexers = vis.lexers
win:style_define(win.STYLE_DEFAULT, lexers.STYLE_DEFAULT or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_CURSOR, lexers.STYLE_CURSOR or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_CURSOR_PRIMARY, lexers.STYLE_CURSOR_PRIMARY or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_CURSOR_LINE, lexers.STYLE_CURSOR_LINE or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_SELECTION, lexers.STYLE_SELECTION or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_LINENUMBER, lexers.STYLE_LINENUMBER or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_COLOR_COLUMN, lexers.STYLE_COLOR_COLUMN or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_STATUS, lexers.STYLE_STATUS or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_STATUS_FOCUSED, lexers.STYLE_STATUS_FOCUSED or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_SEPARATOR, lexers.STYLE_SEPARATOR or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_INFO, lexers.STYLE_INFO or '')
win:style_define(win.STYLE_EOF, lexers.STYLE_EOF or '')
if syntax == nil or syntax == 'off' then
win.syntax = nil
return true
if not lexers.load then return false end
local lexer = lexers.load(syntax)
if not lexer then return false end
for token_name, id in pairs(lexer._TOKENSTYLES) do
local style = lexers['STYLE_'..string.upper(token_name)] or lexer._EXTRASTYLES[token_name]
win:style_define(id, style)
win.syntax = syntax
return true
-- @type File
--- Check whether LPeg pattern matches at a given file position.
-- @function match_at
-- @param pattern the LPeg pattern
-- @tparam int pos the absolute file position which should be tested for a match
-- @tparam[opt] int horizon the number of bytes around `pos` to consider (defaults to 1K)
-- @treturn int start,end the range of the matched region or `nil`
vis.types.file.match_at = function(file, pattern, pos, horizon)
horizon = horizon or 1024
local lpeg = vis.lpeg
if not lpeg then return nil end
local before, after = pos - horizon, pos + horizon
if before < 0 then before = 0 end
local data = file:content(before, after - before)
local string_pos = pos - before + 1
local I = lpeg.Cp()
local p = lpeg.P{ I * pattern * I + 1 * lpeg.V(1) }
local s, e = 1
while true do
s, e = p:match(data, s)
if not s then return nil end
if s <= string_pos and string_pos < e then
return before + s - 1, before + e - 1
s = e