#! perl # Tabbed perl extension for rxvt-unicode terminal emulator. # Modified by Roman Dobosz # # 2008-08-22 18:01:55 # - Modified shortcuts for tab navigation - now it uses shift + left/right # arrow to navigate, also creating new shell is changed to CTRL+Shift+n. # - Added shortcuts to move tab between others witch CTRL left/right arrow # - Added some predefined actions - CTRL+Shift+r for "su -" command and # CTRL+Shift+m for "mc" and other like named ssh sessions. # - Added labels for custom shells (like "root", "mc" and so on) # # Please note, I don't know Perl! # # 2009-11-23 11:11:19 # - Added shortcuts for apps with Mod4 key (mutt as an example) # # 2009-11-23 13:25:13 # - Merged activity indicator from # http://mina86.com/2009/05/16/tabbed-urxvt-extension/#more but without # changes on tabs (like adding term title just behind all tabs). New # resources can be use to change defaults (as in original solution): # - tabbed-timeouts with format: # ( ":" ":")* ":" ":" # default '16:.:8:::4:+'. Asterisk is always present as a first indicator # character, just like in original tabbed extension. # - new-button, default to 'true'. Used to disable [NEW] button. # # 2009-11-24 23:34:51 # - Added possibility to quick switch between first ten tabs with predefined # combination of CTRL+1..0 keys, which will activate proper tab. # - Added possibility to remove numbers from tab names by setting resource # tab-numbers to false. # # 2009-11-25 21:40:30 # - Added colors for tabs, which have activity on them. First is to be set # when first activity (active-fg, defaults to red) appear on inactive tab. # Last one (actived-fg, blue by default) is set when there is no more # possible timeouts. Third one (actives-fg, purple) is set on all in between # of these two. # # 2010-07-25 13:49:01 # - Integrated renaming ability for tabs from stepb # (http://github.com/stepb/urxvt-tabbedex) # # 2010-08-12 20:54:46 # - Added functionality to create definitions of custom shells as a X # resource, under common tabcmds name. This functionality also deprecates # feature called here as a predefined actions. Without any configuration # only simple shell is available under CTRL+SHIFT+N shortcut. After creating # first custom shell this default is not available. # # Let's assume, that one want to mimic previous configuration, that means # three kind of custom shells: simple one (default shell in the system), # midnight commander and root (namely - su command). Three resources should # be created: # # URxvt.tabbedalt.tabcmds.1: N|shell # URxvt.tabbedalt.tabcmds.2: R|root|su - # URxvt.tabbedalt.tabcmds.3: M|mc|mc # # URxvt.tabbedalt.tabcmds.[number] is a ordinal number, started from 1. There # shouldn't be gaps between numbers, otherwise custom shells defined after a # gap will not work. # # Resource values are two or three pipe separated values, which are in order: # - shortcut key, which will be used for invoking custom shell together with # CTRL+SHIFT keys. Mod4 (aka Super or Windows key) are not supported, and # most probably will be removed from script soon, as lots of window # managers out there make a big use of those keys. # Note: There is limitation for characters used as a shortcut. Because some # of them are used for control terminal itself (i.e. CTRL+SHIFT+D may not # work), and also other characters (digits, some special characters etc.). # Letters are case insensitive. # - name of the tab, it could be anything but the pipe. # - optional command. If omitted, simple shell will be launched. # # 2010-08-28 10:17:02 # - Removed tab_property_notify hook, because in certain circumstances it # provides memory consumption. It is especially well seen by running # mocp[1] and play internet radio station (i.e digitalgunfire.com, but # there can be others). Observe memory taken by urxvt with top or ps. Also, # original tabbed extension is affected. # # This change will affect i.e. dynamic font change - it will not expand # window to reflect size of a font. Switching to next tab and back will # rearrange content of a tab to current window size. # # If anyone have a better idea how to fix memory consumption which is taking # place in copy_properties(), please step forward :) # # [1] http://moc.daper.net # # 2011-07-12 21:05:26 # - Fixed defaults for not defined tabcommands - now it is possible to use # tabbed just as described. # - Added some sort of primitive session ability, defined via resource # session, which should contain pipe separated shortcuts defined in tabcmds # resource. If there is no shortcuts (or wrong was defined), plain shell tab # will appear. # # 2013-11-12 09:23:49 # - Restored tab_property_notify hook. Whatever was the cause of the memory # consumption is gone or doesn't have anything to do with that function. # # 2013-11-26 19:31:55 # - Added parentheses for hook, should work on Debian now. # # 2019-06-05 10:55:37 # - fixed couple of bugs regarding session # - changed default colors to more sane values # # 2019-09-13 15:15:18 # - Added shortcut for creating new shell like in original tabbed # (SHIFT+Down). It can be disabled by an option "disable-shift-down". More # information in README. # - Cleaned up a bit the code and comments. sub tab_activity_mark ($$) { my ($self, $tab) = @_; return ' ' unless defined $tab->{lastActivity}; return ' ' if $tab == $self->{cur}; if (defined $self->{timeouts}) { my $diff = int urxvt::NOW - $tab->{lastActivity}; for my $spec (@{ $self->{timeouts} }) { return $spec->[1] if $diff > $spec->[0]; } } '*'; } sub refresh { my ($self) = @_; my $ncol = $self->ncol; my $text = " " x $ncol; my $rend = [($self->{rs_tabbar}) x $ncol]; my ($ofs, $idx, @ofs) = (0, 0); if ($self->{new_button}) { substr $text, 0, 7, "[NEW] |"; @$rend[0 .. 5] = ($self->{rs_tab}) x 6; push @ofs, [0, 6, sub { $_[0]->new_tab("shell") }]; $ofs = 7; } for my $tab (@{ $self->{tabs} }) { $idx++; my $act = $self->tab_activity_mark($tab); my $txt; if ($self->{tab_numbers}){ $txt = sprintf "%d-%s", $idx, $tab->{name}; }else{ $txt = sprintf "%s", $tab->{name}; } $txt = sprintf "%s%s%s", $act, $txt, $act; my $len = length $txt; # fill offset in $text with $txt + "|" substr $text, $ofs, $len + 1, "$txt|"; # find and fill with proper colors if ($tab == $self->{cur}) { @$rend[$ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1] = ($self->{rs_tab}) x $len; } else { if ($act eq "*") { @$rend[$ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1] = ($self->{rs_tab_act}) x $len; } elsif ($act eq $self->{timeouts}[0][1]) { @$rend[$ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1] = ($self->{rs_tab_acd}) x $len; } elsif ($act ne " ") { @$rend[$ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1] = ($self->{rs_tab_acs}) x $len; } } # sub with make current will activate events with mouse buttons push @ofs, [ $ofs, $ofs + $len, sub { $_[0]->make_current ($tab) } ]; $ofs += $len + 1; } $self->{tabofs} = \@ofs; $self->ROW_t (0, $text, 0, 0, $ncol); $self->ROW_r (0, $rend, 0, 0, $ncol); $self->want_refresh; } sub new_tab { my ($self, @argv) = @_; my $tab_name = shift @argv; # save a backlink to us, make sure tabbed is inactive push @urxvt::TERM_INIT, sub { my ($term) = @_; $term->{parent} = $self; for (0 .. urxvt::NUM_RESOURCES - 1) { my $value = $self->{resource}[$_]; $term->resource ("+$_" => $value) if defined $value; } $term->resource (perl_ext_2 => $term->resource ("perl_ext_2") . ",-tabbedalt"); }; push @urxvt::TERM_EXT, urxvt::ext::tabbedalt::tab::; my $term = new urxvt::term $self->env, $urxvt::RXVTNAME, -embed => $self->parent, @argv, ; # add name to new created tab. $self->{tabs}[-1]->{name} = $tab_name; } sub configure { my ($self) = @_; my $tab = $self->{cur}; # this is an extremely dirty way to force a configurenotify, but who cares $tab->XMoveResizeWindow ( $tab->parent, 0, $self->{tabheight} + 1, $self->width, $self->height - $self->{tabheight} ); $tab->XMoveResizeWindow ( $tab->parent, 0, $self->{tabheight}, $self->width, $self->height - $self->{tabheight} ); } # this is needed just to properly resize terminal to fill available space # without it Window Maker will make window smaller then required, therefore # we'll get ugly border. sub on_resize_all_windows { my ($self, $width, $height) = @_; 1 } sub copy_properties { my ($self) = @_; my $tab = $self->{cur}; my $wm_normal_hints = $self->XInternAtom ("WM_NORMAL_HINTS"); my $current = delete $self->{current_properties}; # pass 1: copy over properties different or nonexisting for my $atom ($tab->XListProperties ($tab->parent)) { my ($type, $format, $items) = $self->XGetWindowProperty ($tab->parent, $atom); # fix up size hints if ($atom == $wm_normal_hints) { my (@hints) = unpack "l!*", $items; $hints[$_] += $self->{tabheight} for (0, 1, 4, 6, 16); $items = pack "l!*", @hints; } my $cur = delete $current->{$atom}; # update if changed, we assume empty items and zero type and format will not happen $self->XChangeProperty ($self->parent, $atom, $type, $format, $items) if $cur->[0] != $type or $cur->[1] != $format or $cur->[2] ne $items; $self->{current_properties}{$atom} = [$type, $format, $items]; } # pass 2, delete all extraneous properties $self->XDeleteProperty ($self->parent, $_) for keys %$current; } sub make_current { my ($self, $tab) = @_; if (my $cur = $self->{cur}) { delete $cur->{lastActivity}; $cur->XUnmapWindow ($cur->parent) if $cur->mapped; $cur->focus_out; } $self->{cur} = $tab; $self->configure; $self->copy_properties; $tab->focus_out; # just in case, should be a nop $tab->focus_in if $self->focus; $tab->XMapWindow ($tab->parent); delete $tab->{lastActivity}; $self->refresh; () } sub on_focus_in { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->{cur}->focus_in; () } sub on_focus_out { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->{cur}->focus_out; () } sub on_tt_write { my ($self, $octets) = @_; $self->{cur}->tt_write ($octets); 1 } sub on_key_press { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->{cur}->key_press ($event->{state}, $event->{keycode}, $event->{time}); 1 } sub on_key_release { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->{cur}->key_release ($event->{state}, $event->{keycode}, $event->{time}); 1 } sub on_button_press { 1 } sub on_button_release { my ($self, $event) = @_; if ($event->{row} == 0) { for my $button (@{ $self->{tabofs} }) { $button->[2]->($self, $event) if $event->{col} >= $button->[0] && $event->{col} < $button->[1]; } } 1 } sub on_motion_notify { 1 } sub on_init { my ($self) = @_; $self->{resource} = [map $self->resource ("+$_"), 0 .. urxvt::NUM_RESOURCES - 1]; $self->resource (int_bwidth => 0); $self->resource (name => "URxvt.tabbedalt"); $self->resource (pty_fd => -1); $self->option ($urxvt::OPTION{scrollBar}, 0); my $fg = $self->x_resource ("tabbar-fg"); my $bg = $self->x_resource ("tabbar-bg"); my $tabfg = $self->x_resource ("tab-fg"); my $tabbg = $self->x_resource ("tab-bg"); my $active = $self->x_resource ("active-fg"); my $actives = $self->x_resource ("actives-fg"); my $actived = $self->x_resource ("actived-fg"); defined $fg or $fg = 8; defined $bg or $bg = 0; defined $tabfg or $tabfg = 15; defined $tabbg or $tabbg = 8; defined $active or $active = 1; defined $actives or $actives = 5; defined $actived or $actived = 4; $self->{rs_tabbar} = urxvt::SET_COLOR (urxvt::DEFAULT_RSTYLE, $fg + 2, $bg + 2); $self->{rs_tab} = urxvt::SET_COLOR (urxvt::DEFAULT_RSTYLE, $tabfg + 2, $tabbg + 2); $self->{rs_tab_act} = urxvt::SET_COLOR (urxvt::DEFAULT_RSTYLE, $active + 2, $bg + 2); $self->{rs_tab_acs} = urxvt::SET_COLOR (urxvt::DEFAULT_RSTYLE, $actives + 2, $bg + 2); $self->{rs_tab_acd} = urxvt::SET_COLOR (urxvt::DEFAULT_RSTYLE, $actived + 2, $bg + 2); my $timeouts = $self->x_resource ("tabbar-timeouts"); $timeouts = '16:.:8:::4:+' unless defined $timeouts; if ($timeouts ne '') { my @timeouts; while ($timeouts =~ /^(\d+):(.)(?::(.*))?$/) { push @timeouts, [ int $1, $2 ]; $timeouts = defined $3 ? $3 : ''; } if (@timeouts) { $self->{timeouts} = [ sort { $b->[0] <=> $a-> [0] } @timeouts ]; } } $self->{new_button} = ($self->x_resource ('new-button') or 'true') !~ /^(?:false|0|no)/i; $self->{tab_numbers} = ($self->x_resource ('tab-numbers') or 'true') !~ /^(?:false|0|no)/i; $self->{disable_shift_down} = ($self->x_resource ('disable-shift-down') or 'false') =~ /^(?:true|1|yes)/i; %{$self->{tabcmds}} = (); for (my $idx = 1; defined (my $res = $self->x_resource("tabcmds.$idx")); $idx++) { chomp($res); (my @args) = split('\|', $res); my $key = uc(shift(@args)); if ($#args == 0) { $self->{tabcmds}{$key} = [ $args[0] ]; } else { # split command, insert '-e' before it, re-add tab name at the # beginning (my @new_args) = ('-e'); push @new_args, split / /, $args[1]; unshift @new_args, $args[0]; $self->{tabcmds}{$key} = [ @new_args ]; } } @{$self->{session}} = split('\|', $self->x_resource("session")) or (); (); } sub on_start { my ($self) = @_; $self->{tabheight} = $self->int_bwidth + $self->fheight + $self->lineSpace; $self->cmd_parse ("\033[?25l"); my @argv = $self->argv; do { shift @argv; } while @argv && $argv[0] ne "-e"; # Ugly as hell ``session'' implementation if (!(@argv) && (qx(ps x|grep "[ ]urxvt\$"|wc -l) < 2) && scalar(@{$self->{session}})){ my $count = 0; my @command; for my $item (@{$self->{session}}){ if (exists($self->{tabcmds}{uc($item)})) { $self->new_tab(@{$self->{tabcmds}{uc($item)}}); $count++; } } if ($count == 0) { # no keys was valid, failsafe shell. $self->new_tab ("shell", @argv); } } else { $self->new_tab ("shell", @argv); } if (defined $self->{timeouts}) { my $interval = ($self->{timeouts}[@{ $self->{timeouts} } - 1]->[0]); $interval = int($interval / 4); $self->{timer} = urxvt::timer->new ->interval($interval < 1 ? 1 : $interval) ->cb ( sub { $self->refresh; } ); } () } sub on_configure_notify { my ($self, $event) = @_; $self->configure; $self->refresh; () } sub on_wm_delete_window { my ($self) = @_; $_->destroy for @{ $self->{tabs} }; 1 } sub tab_start { my ($self, $tab) = @_; $tab->XChangeInput ($tab->parent, urxvt::PropertyChangeMask); push @{ $self->{tabs} }, $tab; # $tab->{name} ||= scalar @{ $self->{tabs} }; $self->make_current ($tab); () } sub tab_destroy { my ($self, $tab) = @_; $self->{tabs} = [ grep $_ != $tab, @{ $self->{tabs} } ]; if (@{ $self->{tabs} }) { if ($self->{cur} == $tab) { delete $self->{cur}; $self->make_current ($self->{tabs}[-1]); } else { $self->refresh; } } else { # delay destruction a tiny bit $self->{destroy} = urxvt::iw->new->start->cb (sub { $self->destroy }); } () } sub tab_key_press { my ($self, $tab, $event, $keysym, $str) = @_; # defaults if ($tab->{is_inputting_name}) { if ($keysym == 0xff0d || $keysym == 0xff8d) { # enter $tab->{name} = $tab->{new_name}; $tab->{is_inputting_name} = 0; } elsif ($keysym == 0xff1b) { # escape $tab->{name} = $tab->{old_name}; $tab->{is_inputting_name} = 0; } elsif ($keysym == 0xff08) { # backspace substr $tab->{new_name}, -1, 1, ""; $tab->{name} = "$tab->{new_name}█"; } elsif ($str !~ /[\x00-\x1f\x80-\xaf]/) { $tab->{new_name} .= $str; $tab->{name} = "$tab->{new_name}█"; } $self->refresh; return 1; } if ($event->{state} & urxvt::ShiftMask) { if ($event->{state} & urxvt::ControlMask) { if (exists($self->{tabcmds}{chr($keysym)})) { # Execute user defined classes of shell programs. $self->new_tab(@{$self->{tabcmds}{chr($keysym)}}); return 1; } elsif ($self->{disable_shift_down} and $keysym == 0x4e) { # As a failsafe watch under CTRL+SHIFT+N for shell class (if # SHIFT+DOWN is disabled). $self->new_tab("shell"); return 1; } } elsif ($keysym == 0xff51 || $keysym == 0xff53) { my ($idx) = grep $self->{tabs}[$_] == $tab, 0 .. $#{ $self->{tabs} }; --$idx if $keysym == 0xff51; ++$idx if $keysym == 0xff53; $self->make_current ($self->{tabs}[$idx % @{ $self->{tabs}}]); return 1; } elsif ($keysym == 0xff52) { $tab->{is_inputting_name} = 1; $tab->{old_name} = $tab->{name} ? $tab->{name} : ""; $tab->{new_name} = ""; $tab->{name} = "█"; $self->refresh; return 1; } elsif (not $self->{disable_shift_down} and $keysym == 0xff54) { # Run shell on SHIFT+DOWN, if enabled. $self->new_tab("shell"); return 1; } } elsif ($event->{state} & urxvt::ControlMask) { if ($keysym == 0xff51 || $keysym == 0xff53) { # tab movement my ($idx1) = grep $self->{tabs}[$_] == $tab, 0 .. $#{ $self->{tabs} }; my $idx2 = ($idx1 + ($keysym == 0xff51 ? -1 : +1)) % @{ $self->{tabs} }; ($self->{tabs}[$idx1], $self->{tabs}[$idx2]) = ($self->{tabs}[$idx2], $self->{tabs}[$idx1]); $self->make_current ($self->{tabs}[$idx2]); return 1; } elsif ($keysym > 0x2f and $keysym < 0x40) { # make ctrl+1...0 switch to proper tab my $num = $keysym - 0x30; if ($num == 0) { $num = 10; } $num--; if ($#{$self->{tabs}} >= $num){ $self->make_current ($self->{tabs}[$num]); } return 1; } } () } sub tab_add_lines { my ($self, $tab) = @_; my $mark = $self->tab_activity_mark($tab); $tab->{lastActivity} = int urxvt::NOW; $self->refresh if $mark ne $self->tab_activity_mark($tab); (); } sub tab_property_notify { my ($self, $tab, $event) = @_; $self->copy_properties if $event->{window} == $tab->parent; () } package urxvt::ext::tabbedalt::tab; # helper extension implementing the subwindows of a tabbed terminal. # simply proxies all interesting calls back to the tabbed class. { for my $hook (qw(start destroy key_press add_lines property_notify)) { eval qq{ sub on_$hook { my \$parent = \$_[0]{term}{parent} or return; \$parent->tab_$hook (\@_) } }; die if $@; } } # vim: tabstop=3 softtabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 expandtab