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" File: tex.vim
" Type: compiler plugin for LaTeX
" Original Author: Artem Chuprina <>
" Customization: Srinath Avadhanula <>
" Description: {{{
" This file sets the 'makeprg' and 'errorformat' options for the LaTeX
" compiler. It is customizable to optionally ignore certain warnings and
" provides the ability to set a dynamic 'ignore-warning' level.
" By default it is set up in a 'non-verbose', 'ignore-common-warnings' mode,
" which means that irrelevant lines from the compilers output will be
" ignored and also some very common warnings are ignored.
" Depending on the 'ignore-level', the following kinds of messages are
" ignored. An ignore level of 3 for instance means that messages 1-3 will be
" ignored. By default, the ignore level is set to 4.
" 1. LaTeX Warning: Specifier 'h' changed to 't'.
" This errors occurs when TeX is not able to correctly place a floating
" object at a specified location, because of which it defaulted to the
" top of the page.
" 2. LaTeX Warning: Underfull box ...
" 3. LaTeX Warning: Overfull box ...
" both these warnings (very common) are due to \hbox settings not being
" satisfied nicely.
" 4. LaTeX Warning: You have requested ...,
" This warning occurs in slitex when using the xypic package.
" 5. Missing number error:
" Usually, when the name of an included eps file is spelled incorrectly,
" then the \bb-error message is accompanied by a bunch of "missing
" number, treated as zero" error messages. This level ignores these
" warnings.
" NOTE: number 5 is actually a latex error, not a warning!
" Use
" TCLevel <level>
" where level is a number to set the ignore level dynamically.
" When TCLevel is called with the unquoted string strict
" TClevel strict
" then the 'efm' switches to a 'verbose', 'no-lines-ignored' mode which is
" useful when you want to make final checks of your document and want to be
" careful not to let things slip by.
" TIP: MikTeX has a bug where it sometimes erroneously splits a line number
" into multiple lines. i.e, if the warning is on line 1234. the compiler
" output is:
" LaTeX Warning: ... on input line 123
" 4.
" In this case, vim will wrongly interpret the line-number as 123 instead
" of 1234. If you have cygwin, a simple remedy around this is to first
" copy the file vimlatex (provided) into your $PATH, make sure its
" executable and then set the variable g:tex_flavor to vimlatex in your
" ~/.vimrc (i.e putting let "g:tex_flavor = 'vimlatex'" in your .vimrc).
" This problem occurs rarely enough that its not a botheration for most
" people.
" 1. menu items for dynamically selecting a ignore warning level.
" }}}
if exists('b:suppress_latex_suite') && b:suppress_latex_suite == 1
" avoid reinclusion for the same buffer. keep it buffer local so it can be
" externally reset in case of emergency re-sourcing.
if exists('b:doneTexCompiler') && !exists('b:forceRedoTexCompiler')
let b:doneTexCompiler = 1
" ==============================================================================
" Customization of 'efm': {{{
" This section contains the customization variables which the user can set.
" g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings: This variable contains a ¡ seperated list of
" patterns which will be ignored in the TeX compiler's output. Use this
" carefully, otherwise you might end up losing valuable information.
if !exists('g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings')
let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings =
\'specifier changed to'."\n".
\'You have requested'."\n".
\'Missing number, treated as zero.'."\n".
\'There were undefined references'."\n".
\'Citation %.%# undefined'
" This is the number of warnings in the g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings string which
" will be ignored.
if !exists('g:Tex_IgnoreLevel')
let g:Tex_IgnoreLevel = 7
" There will be lots of stuff in a typical compiler output which will
" completely fall through the 'efm' parsing. This options sets whether or not
" you will be shown those lines.
if !exists('g:Tex_IgnoreUnmatched')
let g:Tex_IgnoreUnmatched = 1
" With all this customization, there is a slight risk that you might be
" ignoring valid warnings or errors. Therefore before getting the final copy
" of your work, you might want to reset the 'efm' with this variable set to 1.
" With that value, all the lines from the compiler are shown irrespective of
" whether they match the error or warning patterns.
" NOTE: An easier way of resetting the 'efm' to show everything is to do
" TCLevel strict
if !exists('g:Tex_ShowallLines')
let g:Tex_ShowallLines = 0
" }}}
" ==============================================================================
" Customization of 'makeprg': {{{
" There are several alternate ways in which 'makeprg' is set up.
" Case 1
" ------
" The first is when this file is a part of latex-suite. In this case, a
" variable called g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat exists, which gives the default
" format .tex files should be compiled into. In this case, we use the TTarget
" command provided by latex-suite.
" Case 2
" ------
" The user is using this file without latex-suite AND he wants to directly
" specify the complete 'makeprg'. Then he should set the g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi
" variable. This is a string which should be directly be able to be cast into
" &makeprg. An example of one such string is:
" g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'pdflatex \\nonstopmode \\input\{$*\}'
" NOTE: You will need to escape back-slashes, {'s etc yourself if you are
" using this file independently of latex-suite.
" TODO: Should we also have a check for backslash escaping here based on
" platform?
" Case 3
" ------
" The use is using this file without latex-suite and he doesnt want any
" customization. In this case, this file makes some intelligent guesses based
" on the platform. If he doesn't want to specify the complete 'makeprg' but
" only the name of the compiler program (for example 'pdflatex' or 'latex'),
" then he sets b:tex_flavor or g:tex_flavor.
if exists('g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat')
exec 'TTarget '.g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat
elseif exists('g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi')
let &l:makeprg = g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi
" If buffer-local variable 'tex_flavor' exists, it defines TeX flavor,
" otherwize the same for global variable with same name, else it will be LaTeX
if exists("b:tex_flavor")
let current_compiler = b:tex_flavor
elseif exists("g:tex_flavor")
let current_compiler = g:tex_flavor
let current_compiler = "latex"
if has('win32')
let escChars = ''
let escChars = '{}\'
" Furthermore, if 'win32' is detected, then we want to set the arguments up so
" that miktex can handle it.
if has('win32')
let options = '--src-specials'
let options = ''
let &l:makeprg = current_compiler . ' ' . options .
\ escape(' \nonstopmode \input{$*}', escChars)
" }}}
" ==============================================================================
" Functions for setting up a customized 'efm' {{{
" IgnoreWarnings: parses g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings for message customization {{{
" Description:
function! <SID>IgnoreWarnings()
let s:Ignored_Overfull = 0
let i = 1
while s:Strntok(g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings, "\n", i) != '' &&
\ i <= g:Tex_IgnoreLevel
let warningPat = s:Strntok(g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings, "\n", i)
let warningPat = escape(substitute(warningPat, '[\,]', '%\\\\&', 'g'), ' ')
if warningPat =~? 'overfull'
let s:Ignored_Overfull = 1
if ( v:version > 800 || v:version == 800 && has("patch26") )
" Overfull warnings are ignored as 'warnings'. Therefore, we can gobble
" some of the following lines with %-C (see below)
exe 'setlocal efm+=%-W%.%#'.warningPat.'%.%#'
exe 'setlocal efm+=%-G%.%#'.warningPat.'%.%#'
exe 'setlocal efm+=%-G%.%#'.warningPat.'%.%#'
let i = i + 1
" }}}
" SetLatexEfm: sets the 'efm' for the latex compiler {{{
" Description:
function! <SID>SetLatexEfm()
let pm = ( g:Tex_ShowallLines == 1 ? '+' : '-' )
" Add a dummy entry to overwrite the global setting.
setlocal efm=dummy_value
if !g:Tex_ShowallLines
call s:IgnoreWarnings()
setlocal efm+=%E!\ LaTeX\ %trror:\ %m
setlocal efm+=%E!\ %m
setlocal efm+=%E%f:%l:\ %m
" If we do not ignore 'overfull \hbox' messages, we care for them to get the
" line number.
if s:Ignored_Overfull == 0
setlocal efm+=%+WOverfull\ %mat\ lines\ %l--%*\\d
setlocal efm+=%+WOverfull\ %mat\ line\ %l
" Add some generic warnings
setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %.%#line\ %l%.%#
setlocal efm+=%+W%.%#\ at\ lines\ %l--%*\\d
setlocal efm+=%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %m
setlocal efm+=%+WPackage\ %.%#Warning:\ %m
" 'Overfull \hbox' messages are ended by:
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Z\ []'
" Empty line ends multi-line messages
setlocal efm+=%-Z
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C(%.%#)\ %#%m\ on\ input\ line\ %l.'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C(%.%#)\ %#%m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Cl.%l\ %m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Cl.%l\ '
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C\ \ %m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C%.%#-%.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C%.%#[]%.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C[]%.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C%.%#%[{}\\]%.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C<%.%#>%m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C\ \ %m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'GSee\ the\ LaTeX%m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'GType\ \ H\ <return>%m'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'G\ ...%.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'G%.%#\ (C)\ %.%#'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'G(see\ the\ transcript%.%#)'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'G\\s%#'
" After a 'overfull \hbox' message, there is some garbage from the input.
" We try to match it, such that parenthesis in this garbage does not
" confuse the OPQ-patterns below.
" Every line continues a multiline pattern (hopefully a 'overfull \hbox'
" message).
" Due to a bug in old versions of vim, this cannot be used if we ignore the
" 'overfull \hbox' messages, see vim/vim#1126.
if s:Ignored_Overfull == 0 || ( v:version > 800 || v:version == 800 && has("patch26") )
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'C%.%#'
" Now, we try to trace the used files.
" In principle, the following combinations could arise in the LaTeX logs:
" )* \((%f)\)* (%f
" [Close files, skip some files, open a file]
" (%f))*
" [Skip some files, close some files]
" And you will find many more awkward combinations...
" Even something like this is possible:
" [18] [19] [20] (./bla.bbl [21])
" After a %[OPQ] is matched, the %r part is passed to the same and
" following patterns. Hence, we have to add many $[OPQ]-patterns.
" If you use vim to compile your documents, you might want to use
" :let $max_print_line=1024
" such that latex will not wrap the filenames. Otherwise, you could use it
" as an environment variable or simply use
" max_print_line=1024 pdflatex ...
" in your terminal. If you are using latexmk, you should set
" $ENV{'max_print_line'} = '1024';
" $log_wrap = $ENV{'max_print_line'};
" in your ~/.latexmkrc
" The first pattern is needed to match lines like
" '[10] [11] (some_file.txt)',
" where the first number correspond to an output page in the document
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'O[%*\\d]%r'
" Some close patters
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Q\ %#)%r'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Q\ %#[%\\d%*[^()])%r'
" The next pattern is needed to match lines like
" ' ])',
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'Q\ %#])%r'
" Skip pattern
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'O(%f)%r'
" Some openings
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'P(%f%r'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'P%*[^()](%f%r'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'P(%f%*[^()]'
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'P[%\\d%[^()]%#(%f%r'
" Now, the sledgehammer to cope with awkward endless combinations (did you
" ever tried tikz/pgf?)
" We have to build up the string first, otherwise we cannot append it with
" '+='.
let PQO = '%'.pm.'P(%f%r,%'.pm.'Q)%r,%'.pm.'O(%f)%r,%'.pm.'O[%*\\d]%r'
let PQOs = PQO
for xxx in range(3)
let PQOs .= ',' . PQO
exec 'setlocal efm+=' . PQOs
" Finally, there are some lonely page numbers after all the patterns.
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'O[%*\\d'
" This gobbles some entries consisting only of whitespace, in fact, it
" matches the empty line.
" See
exec 'setlocal efm+=%'.pm.'O'
if g:Tex_IgnoreUnmatched && !g:Tex_ShowallLines
" Ignore all lines which are unmatched so far.
setlocal efm+=%-G%.%#
" Sometimes, there is some garbage after a ')'
setlocal efm+=%-O%.%#
" Finally, remove the dummy entry.
setlocal efm-=dummy_value
" }}}
" Strntok: extract the n^th token from a list {{{
" example: Strntok('1,23,3', ',', 2) = 23
fun! <SID>Strntok(s, tok, n)
return matchstr( a:s.a:tok[0], '\v(\zs([^'.a:tok.']*)\ze['.a:tok.']){'.a:n.'}')
" }}}
" SetTexCompilerLevel: sets the "level" for the latex compiler {{{
function! <SID>SetTexCompilerLevel(...)
if a:0 > 0
let level = a:1
call Tex_ResetIncrementNumber(0)
echo substitute(g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings,
\ '^\|\n\zs\S', '\=Tex_IncrementNumber(1)." ".submatch(0)', 'g')
let level = input("\nChoose an ignore level: ")
if level == ''
if level == 'strict'
let g:Tex_ShowallLines = 1
elseif level =~ '^\d\+$'
let g:Tex_ShowallLines = 0
let g:Tex_IgnoreLevel = level
echoerr "SetTexCompilerLevel: Unkwown option [".level."]"
call s:SetLatexEfm()
com! -nargs=? TCLevel :call <SID>SetTexCompilerLevel(<f-args>)
" }}}
" }}}
" ==============================================================================
call s:SetLatexEfm()
" Set the errorfile if not already set by somebody else
if &errorfile ==# '' || &errorfile ==# 'errors.err'
execute 'set errorfile=' . fnameescape(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:r') . '.log')
if !exists('*Tex_Debug')
function! Tex_Debug(...)
call Tex_Debug("compiler/tex.vim: sourcing this file", "comp")
" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4