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" Vim indent file
" Options: {{{
" The options are mostly compatible with the indent/tex.vim distributed by
" vim.
" Here, we have one new option: g:tex_indent_ifelsefi
" To set the following options, add a line like
" let g:tex_indent_items = 1
" to your ~/ftplugin/tex.vim.
" * g:tex_indent_brace = 1
" If this variable is unset or non-zero, it will use smartindent-like style
" for "{}", "[]" and "()".
" * g:tex_indent_items = 1
" If this variable is set, item-environments are indented like Emacs does
" it, i.e., continuation lines are indented with a shiftwidth.
" set unset
" ----------------------------------------------------------------
" \begin{itemize} \begin{itemize}
" \item blablabla \item blablabla
" bla bla bla bla bla bla
" \item blablabla \item blablabla
" bla bla bla bla bla bla
" \end{itemize} \end{itemize}
" * g:tex_items = '\\bibitem\>\|\\item\>'
" A list of tokens to be considered as commands for the beginning of an item
" command. The tokens should be separated with '\|'. The initial '\' should
" be escaped.
" * g:tex_itemize_env = 'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'.
" A list of environment names, separated with '\|', where the items (item
" commands matching g:tex_items) may appear.
" * g:tex_noindent_env = 'document\|verbatim\|comment\|lstlisting'
" A list of environment names. separated with '\|', where no indentation is
" required.
" * g:tex_indent_ifelsefi = 1
" If this is set to one, we try to indent something like
" \ifnum...
" bar
" \else
" foo
" \fi
" correctly. This is quite tough, since there are commands like
" \ifthenelse{condition}{then}{else}, which uses braces instead of \else and
" \fi. Our heuristic: only add indentation, if \if... is not followed by a
" '{', (and only if \if,\else,\or,\fi occur at the beginning of the line).
" }}}
if exists('b:suppress_latex_suite') && b:suppress_latex_suite == 1
if exists("b:did_indent")
if v:version < 700
echohl WarningMsg
echo "Indentation of latex-suite requires vim version >= 700.\n"
\ . "Fallback to default indentation."
echohl None
let b:did_indent = 1
" Check whether the options exist and assign default values
if !exists("g:tex_indent_brace")
let g:tex_indent_brace = 1
if !exists("g:tex_indent_items")
let g:tex_indent_items = 1
if !exists('g:tex_items')
let g:tex_items = '\\bibitem\>\|\\item\>'
if !exists("g:tex_itemize_env")
let g:tex_itemize_env = 'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'
if !exists("g:tex_noindent_env")
let g:tex_noindent_env = 'document\|verbatim\|comment\|lstlisting'
if !exists("g:tex_indent_ifelsefi")
let g:tex_indent_ifelsefi = 1
setlocal autoindent
setlocal nosmartindent
setlocal indentexpr=Tex_CalcIdent()
setlocal indentkeys+=},],.,)
" Cache {{{
" Internally, the indentation uses a cache for precompiled patterns
" and the last indented line. However, the cache cannot be used, if the
" options have changed.
" CacheOptions: puts options into a list {{{
function! s:CacheOptions()
return [
\ g:tex_indent_brace,
\ g:tex_indent_items,
\ g:tex_items,
\ g:tex_itemize_env,
\ g:tex_noindent_env,
\ g:tex_indent_ifelsefi,
\ ]
" }}}
" SetCache: Remembers the options used to set up the cache. {{{
function! s:SetCache()
let s:cache_options = s:CacheOptions()
" }}}
" CanUseCache: Can we use the cache? {{{
function! s:CanUseCache()
return s:cache_options == s:CacheOptions()
" }}}
" Initialize the cache {{{
let s:cache_options = []
" }}}
" }}}
" Function DeepestNesting: compute indentation of a line {{{
" This function computes the deepest/smallest nesting on the current line. We
" start with 0, each match of openregexp increases nesting and each match of
" closeregexp decreases nesting.
" The return value is the deepest indentation of the current line and the
" additional indentation which should be used for the next line.
" Parameters:
" line This string should be indented
" All the regexps should be able to be combined via \|, preferably single
" atoms (enclose them in '\%(', '\)'!)
function! s:DeepestNesting(line)
let indent = 0
let pos = 0
let deepest = 0
" Now, we look through the line for matching patterns
while pos >= 0
" Look for the next match of one of the patterns.
" Do we have the function matchstrpos() (introduced in version 7.4.1684)?
if exists('*matchstrpos')
" Here, we explicitly use the 'count' option of 'matchstrpos' such that
" '^' matches only at the beginning of the string (and not at 'pos')
let strpos = matchstrpos( a:line, s:all, pos, 1 )
let pos = strpos[2]
let str = strpos[0]
" Here, we explicitly use the 'count' option of 'match'/'matchend' such that
" '^' matches only at the beginning of the string (and not at 'pos')
" Does not work with version < 7
let start = match( a:line, s:all, pos, 1 )
if start < 0
" No more matches were found.
let pos = matchend( a:line, s:all, start, 1 )
let str = a:line[ start : pos-1 ]
if pos <= 0
" No more matches were found.
" Check which pattern has matched
if str =~ '^' . s:openextraregexp . '$'
let indent += 2
elseif str =~ '^' . s:closeextraregexp . '$'
let indent -= 2
elseif str =~ '^' . s:openregexp . '$'
let indent += 1
elseif str =~ '^' . s:closeregexp . '$'
let indent -= 1
" For a hanging line, do not alter indent,
" but possibly update the deepest indentation
let deepest = min([deepest, indent - 1])
" Update deepest indentation
let deepest = min([deepest, indent])
return [deepest, indent - deepest]
" }}}
" Function AssemblePatterns: pre-compute patterns{{{
" This function uses the options to assemble various patterns. These patterns
" do not depend on the line which is indented and can be pre-computed.
" This function also sets option-dependent indentkeys
" Description Of Patterns:
" openregexp Causes 1 indentation more
" closeregexp Causes 1 indentation less
" openextraregexp Causes 2 indentations more
" closeextraregexp Causes 2 indentations less
" hangingregexp Only this line has 1 indentation less
function! s:AssemblePatterns()
" Add a 'shiftwidth' after beginning
" and subtract a 'shiftwidth' after the end of environments.
" Don't add it for \begin{document} and \begin{verbatim}, see
" g:tex_noindent_env
let open = '\\begin\s*{\%('.g:tex_noindent_env.'\)\@!.\{-\}}'
let close = '\\end\s*{\%('.g:tex_noindent_env.'\)\@!.\{-\}}'
if g:tex_indent_brace
let open = open . '\|[[{(]\|\\left\.'
let close = close . '\|[]})]\|\\right\.'
if g:tex_indent_items
" For itemize-like environments: add or subtract two 'shiftwidth'
let s:openextraregexp = '\\begin\s*{\%('.g:tex_itemize_env.'\)\*\?}'
let s:closeextraregexp = '\\end\s*{\%('.g:tex_itemize_env.'\)\*\?}'
" Special treatment for items, they will hang
let hanging = g:tex_items
" Extra environment indentation
let s:openextraregexp = ''
let s:closeextraregexp = ''
" No hanging expression
let hanging = ''
if g:tex_indent_ifelsefi
" Do match '\if..' only if it is not followed by '{'
" Require \fi, and \if... only at beginning of line,
" otherwise,
" \newif\ifbarfoo
" would be indented.
" Expection: If a line starts with '\if...' and
" contains an '\fi', it is not indented, e.g.:
" \ifbarfoo\foobaz\fi
" Exception: '\expandafter\ifx\csname barfoo \endcsname'
" is quite common and indented.
let open .= '\|^\s*\%(\\expandafter\)\?\\if\a*\>{\@!\%(.*\\fi\)\@!'
let close .= '\|^\s*\\fi\>'
let elseor = '\\else\>\|\\or\>'
if hanging != ''
let hanging = elseor . '\|' . hanging
let hanging = elseor
" Wrap open and close in parentheses
let s:openregexp = '\%(' . open . '\)'
let s:closeregexp = '\%(' . close . '\)'
" Wrap hanging in parentheses, match only at beginning of line
let s:hangingregexp = '^\s*\%(' . hanging . '\)'
" Accumulate all patterns.
let s:all = ''
if s:openregexp != ''
let s:all .= '\|' . s:openregexp
if s:closeregexp != ''
let s:all .= '\|' . s:closeregexp
if s:openextraregexp != ''
let s:all .= '\|' . s:openextraregexp
if s:closeextraregexp != ''
let s:all .= '\|' . s:closeextraregexp
if s:hangingregexp != ''
let s:all .= '\|' . s:hangingregexp
if s:all == ''
" No expressions given. Replace by a regexp which matches nowhere
let s:all = '\_$.'
" Strip the first '\|'
let s:all = s:all[2:]
" Add indentkeys depending on options
let items_keys = substitute(g:tex_items, '^\|\\|', ',0=', 'g')
let items_keys = substitute(items_keys, '\\>', '', 'g')
if g:tex_indent_items
exec 'setlocal indentkeys+=' . items_keys
exec 'setlocal indentkeys-=' . items_keys
let ifelsefi_keys = '0=\\else,0=\\or,0=\\fi'
if g:tex_indent_ifelsefi
exec 'setlocal indentkeys+=' . ifelsefi_keys
exec 'setlocal indentkeys-=' . ifelsefi_keys
" }}}
" Function Tex_CalcIndent: to be used as indentexpr {{{
" This function can be used as indentexpr.
function! Tex_CalcIdent()
" Check whether we can use the cache
let can_use_cache = s:CanUseCache()
call s:SetCache()
if !can_use_cache
call s:AssemblePatterns()
" Current line number
let clnum = v:lnum
" Code for comment: If current line is a comment, do not alter the
" indentation
let cline = getline(clnum) " Content of current line
if cline =~ '^\s*%'
return indent(clnum)
" Strip comments
let cline = substitute(cline, '\\\@<!\(\\\\\)*\zs%.*', '', '')
" Strip leading whitespace
let cline = substitute(cline, '^\s*', '', '')
" Find a non-blank line above the current line, which is more than a comment.
let plnum = prevnonblank(clnum - 1)
while plnum != 0
if getline(plnum) !~ '^\s*%'
let plnum = prevnonblank(plnum - 1)
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if plnum == 0
return 0
" Current indentation of previous line
let pind = indent(plnum)
" Content of previous line
let pline = getline(plnum)
" Strip comments
let pline = substitute(pline, '\\\@<!\(\\\\\)*\zs%.*', '', '')
" Strip leading whitespace
let pline = substitute(pline, '^\s*', '', '')
" Compute the deepest indentation on the current line
let cindent = s:DeepestNesting( cline )
" Compute the offset to the deepest indentation from the previous line
if can_use_cache && s:cache_lnum == plnum && s:cache_line ==# pline
let pindent = s:cache_indent
let pindent = s:DeepestNesting( pline )
" Cache the result of the current line
let s:cache_lnum = clnum
let s:cache_indent = cindent
let s:cache_line = cline
" Add one shiftwidth per indentation level
let ind = pind + &shiftwidth * ( cindent[0] + pindent[1] )
return ind
" }}}